Lately I've been working on removing my expectations of people/situations, which is something that until now I hadn't seriously considered doing. I've noticed how being disappointed and upset at things is a sign of me expecting things that weren't realistic and that I really didn't have control over... All this is actually quite enlightening and liberating for me, because I've always expected things that I thought were for the "better" of someone or myself, when it might have just been done out of wanting to have control. Accepting that I really don't have control over the outcome of any situation now or in the future is almost against my nature, yet like I said, it's actually liberating now that I've been gradually letting the expectations go. I wonder if this is something that other Delta NFs or just plain anybody has problems with. I think my issue with this type of life philosophy is that I thought that it automatically means that I expect less from someone/something, when the latter really isn't removing an expectation, but replacing it with a negative one. Expecting nothing from somebody might be one of the most productive things you can do to have a healthy relationship.

My intention of posting it here is that NFs in Delta quadra might be more focused to determine all of the possibilities of why something isn't going their way, for example, without really considering if it actually MATTERS for whatever reason something happened or didn't happen. Also, disregarding an emotional bond with anybody in order to consider other perceptions of a situation almost seems like a taboo thing for me to be doing... All of this is almost foreign to me and "scary," like I'm somehow truly understanding a concept that until now I didn't realize existed... Something not changing to the way I wanted and it being OK. Also being OK with things not developing the way I had envisioned/wanted them and not getting disappointed, because I didn't EXPECT anything and yet I can still have goals that will or will not happen due to reasons out of my control... Good stuff.