Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
Socially liberal leanings:
* socialist "big government" approach to problems that most people in society share
lol @ big governments trying to solve most people problems. they'll likely solve their own little lobbies' problems.

* secular -- strong seperation between church and state.
churches should be abolished and burned, mostly. Parliaments too, of course. They're just attempts at taking away your free will with mass brainwashing.

* tightly regulated markets
As if it worked, lol. For every new rule you have an army of people paid to find a way out of it.

* market based solutions to most social problems
Why would social problems have to be solved through markets? It's kind of MEH to think that society's mostly composed of a marketplace. So american.

* strong role for religion, possibly at the cost of civil rights
I'm not even going to comment on this lol. I can't even understand how someone might support this kind of policy. They are probably a different species of mammals.