Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
What about Aladdin? I don't think Aladdin is ENFp...
Yeah I'm not sure if he is either. I haven't seen Aladdin in the longest time though so I can't say. Ne-ENXp at the least from what I remember, probably sp and E7.

Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
I'm kinda pissed that all the villains are ENFj. But it's hard to argue. Basically all of the villains are ENFj. Except I really don't think Frollo is. I mean, I might be getting him confused with the Frollo from the book (who is as introverted as they come), but I suspect that even in the movie he's an introvert, not an extrovert. Still beta, imo. Possibly alpha in the book though.
I never read the book, but in the film he has the same sort of air that other (male) Disney ENFj villians have. There's that sort of well-spoken smoothness to the way he speaks that Scar and Maleficent share (assuming I remember Maleficent correctly).

Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
Damn I wanna watch 101 Dalmations now. Thanks.
It's a pretty delta movie as far as I'm concerned. Roger and Anita could be some sort of ESTj/INFj pairing too.