I'm an iee in a relationship with an sli.

I was reading a book about creative problem solving and realised I have all the attributes to be a brilliant problem solver. In the book it said that even the most creative problem solvers can be discouraged by people who judge too quickly. Now my point is this.

Has my sli partner been sucking the very life out of me all this time with his negative judgements?

Is it wrong for me to expect support in getting my ideas off the ground?

Am i doing damage to myself having this person in my life?

It seems to me that sli's have absolutely no interest in helping an iee to achieve their dreams. He will either completely ignore me when i talk about something i am passionate about or sneer at how foolish he thinks my ideas are. How can he know one way or the other without even hearing the idea out?

My questions to all of you are:

Does an sli ever learn how to give positive feedback?

Will his mind forever be glued shut?

Can an sli ever see the worth of looking at the bigger picture? Will they ever be capable of seeing the value of working towards the goal of bringing harmony to the world? Are they only capable of seeing the inside of their own goldfish bowl?

Is it in fact up to me to show him that the seemingly unachieveable can be achieved? Is that all just part of the dualisation process?

Will he one day understand the reasons why i am useless at housework and that it is ok to be useless at something so mundane?

Or will I end up with my self esteem being completely and utterly eroded from breathing in his toxic fumes?