here is a matter of interpretation: absolute knowledge has sorely been associated with supernatural forces like god and inversely humanity has been superceded hence a self-refuting ideology that perfect knowledge is unattainable because humanity is imperfect. The same line of argument applies to knowledge of the infinite is impossible because humanity is finite (presumably! - keep an open mind). Perhaps there are a few of us here who carry unexpressed views and unspoken opinions when absolute knowledge impresses upon their minds and so they quickly and perhaps prejudicelly associate absolute knowledge with divine knowledge even though that defies the very intention.

I am not arguing absolute knowledge is the same as omniscience but consider if there is definitely something you do not know implies there is definitely something you do know. A simple truth and false statement makes that so. I recall Descartes arguing 2+2=5 remains true regardless of his state of mind or temperal flux or if he exists. A side note Descartes argued the existence of a rational God which differs from a religious God. A subtle but pertinent point in grasping Cartesianism.

I find I'm at a loss to express my own thoughts. My mind re-creates ancient athens as if it were alive and existing equal to the modern world without my real intent. I suppose apart of my original interpretation rests upon another which is the philosophy can not be separated from the philosopher which is why I explain absolute knowledge is separate from existence.

If I were to extrapolate my interpreation of absolute knowledge it is inclusive of basic knowledge or what you may call esoteric like humans can fly on airplanes and even travel to the moon in space crafts. That may not be deep but it is nonetheless true. I suppose apart of absolute knowledge is experience which leads to wisdom. please continue to debate and discuss.

Another flash is existence is experience.