Quote Originally Posted by Ashton2 View Post
Of course they don't respond to it the same way head types do (since they're not head types), but that doesn't mean it isn't there. Usually the sensation of fear gets circumvented by the type's standard defense mechanism, before awareness of the active fear can register upon the psyche—i.e., in my case, say if someone I'm close to hurts me, I'll typically get angry and yell and tell them to fuck off and die or something like this. It's a way to avoid the sense of vulnerability and feeling of weakness towards that person, because that isn't some shit I want to acknowledge.

Same story with other types. The 'fear' gets redirected into some other kind of mental state or action, to avoid coming to terms with it. Most head types don't feel actively afraid per say—some form of anxiety kicks in instead to cope in its place. E5s minimize and analytically cut off from the world. E6s get hyper-vigilant and what not. E7s re-frame and re-drect their thoughts towards more enticing possibilities. So on, so forth.
If you want to call it anxiety, that's fine. I can agree with that.. but, I'll just point out that if you're wanting to get technical, all the types feel some form of anxiety from their central fear as well. It doesn't really matter what you call it. I don't think there's any disagreement between what we're saying or any misunderstanding of the theory anyway.