Quote Originally Posted by Aleksei View Post
Get a room you two.
I can pick up on collections of traits which correspond to given types. I do not have to logically connect that to those types being naturally-occurring phenomena, as for that to occur it must be established that there are specific brain reactions that cause people to behave that way. Hence, I demand a fucking MRI.
No, you know how to think up a truck-load of bullshit conceptions about type and slap them on a giant list with 10% accuracy. You've done it a million times. If you decided to focus on quality > quantity of typings, you might actually get somewhere with this theory.
Quote Originally Posted by Aleksei View Post
By the way, more ad hom. You really should learn to debate properly.
"Real Debate Etiquette" is overrated and boring. You won't see me crying over ad hominem cause I don't bitch over nothing.