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Thread: "Mud Baths": Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Quadra

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    Default "Mud Baths": Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Quadra



    Languid snob. Slowtard. Soulful masochist. Nitpicks and moralizes where one should simply enjoy life. General forgiveness and moralism combine within this type in the most surprising manner.

    Known drags who will conveniently rape anyone by their kindness, and on top of that will do everything so that the victim of their kindness feels guilty afterwards. As soon as an INFj woman considers a man to be hers, this is it for him. He will be put doggystyle before her - slightest deviation from her plan will cause an immediate offense and reaction. And certainly, to be sick, and sick, and even more sick - their complaints and mentions of their health are exhausting and will certainly drive any healthy fellow into a grave.

    For the flushing of male INFjs (although the concepts of "male" and INFj rarely intersect) no drainpipes should be spared: all of them try to pose as if they are "someone", all wear "masks", all stress and strain for some reason. With this they only impede other people from living their lives normally. So acutely he feels, so sharply he worries ... so much he re-lives various nonsense - all the while losing his grasp on reality. Must be why the male INFj delivers such painful blows and kicks with his feet during fights.

    Full of doubt until the very last moment.

    EII's hands grow not from where they grow in normal people. For some of them their hands grow from their shoulders, but for many others they grow from their asses, and yet for some Dostoyevskies they grow completely separately from their bodies. He will ruin any house maintenance work and wreck everything that is possible to wreck. Even the criticism of his dear dual Shtirlya doesn't help - Dosia will tell him to go somewhere far, far away, and then depart for the couch himself. Lazy, fly into a rage with ANY amount of work. Try to avoid it if they can, especially any work that cannot be done within 5 seconds (not a joke).

    Terrible self-esteem in combination with the need to be praised and admired.

    Terrible self-confidence combined with the need to be admired. Horrible at giving instructions. Classical version of husband on a sofa. Demanding towards his family. His internal cruelty will come disguised as kindness and sympathy.

    Very "slippery" types. Distance whenever someone attempts to get close to them.

    Nazi-nationalists are probably obtained primarily from this type. Their ethics don't yield to logic: general pardon, personal masochism, tied together tightly to nazism and nationalism. This is the reason that they kick and strike so hard.


    Aristocrat with the psychology of a hired worker, a slave. Though there is more benefit from him than harm.

    Sorts human emotions on shelves. Cold, painted smile of gladness, as that of the women working in the Civil Registry Office.

    Works for 6 days, drinks for one day in order not to feel the emptiness inside, which no amount of work can fill.

    Either doesn't speak or is a horrible bore. Considers himself to be always correct.

    Terribly intrusive and clingy in terms of care. Inundates others with advice. Doesn't hear that nobody needs all this advice and his opinions. To the contrary, with the bullheadedness of a tank makes others listen. Moreover, in presence of mutual friends will start criticizing his relatives. Never praises and takes much for granted. Implements the principle "Beat your own so that others will fear" into life. Loudly shouts how he's very busy, talks of order and organization, when there is a horrible mess in his own papers and a lot of time he wastes needlessly. Stingy. To persuade him to purchase something is impossible. Buys everything for his guests, but all presents are for future benefits. Limited in thinking and terribly opinionated. Doesn't understand how others may need something to which he cannot relate himself. Punishes with severity. Petty, stupid, of limited outlook. Hardworking only at first impression. Practices a very peculiar type of love and care that come in form of most rigid and severe personal lists of stereotypes. Maniacal when it comes to higher education. That which he considers to be the key to stereotypically happy life, he will preach with confidence of a missionary, with the strength of a falling pressurizer, and with the persistence of a mosquito.

    Sincerely believes that the whole world is for him, that he is the center of the universe. Always knows what is necessary, how much is necessary, and why it is necessary. Particularly, when it comes to other people. Elevated self-esteem.

    Passionately loves money and lavish life. Convinced that all of the earthy benefits were created just for him. Commanding - loves to teach, instruct, suppress, demand the impossible. Schemer and master of intrigues. Will scream and shout at someone hysterically. Loves to count other people's income. Sexually loose. Adjusts everyone to himself. Selects people who are weaker than him, thens present them with claims and demands, tirelessly trying to change and remold them. Often changes his opinion - today white, tomorrow black. Requires constant attention to his person.

    An annoying bore. Often nitpicks on words, even though he has understood the meaning perfectly well. If something was written inaccurately, he can barely restrain himself. Touchy, takes offense easily.

    Reduced copy of Maxim Gorky (LSI) in the scale of 1:1000. Due to this is dull-witted, petty, quarrelsome, niggling, and envious.


    A little honesty won't do me harm. Flatterer.

    Sleeps for 24 hours in a day. It is possible to interact with him until the point when he becomes touchy and capricious. One ought to not give him too much attention.

    Male SLIs should be put into prison immediately after getting typed - bandits no lesser than SLEs. But if the SLE is at least honest about his banditism, then the SLI sometimes purely by chance manages to present himself as a decent person. Well and slowtard, of course, but he is slow not out of principle but from his own limitedness.

    SLIs themselves are reminiscent of hand-made quality items: durable, qualitative, dense, requiring careful and attentive treatment in accordance to the instructions that have not been provided.

    Laggard. Lays in shit up to his ears and dreams about the higher matters. Even his dreams are somehow dumb and nonsensical. And when he starts to talk, one can safely fall asleep. I've already understood his thoughts 20 minutes ago, while he is still struggling to formulate them. Does not gravitate towards society and collaboration, is absolutely autonomous and independent.

    Slouch with a criminal turn of the mind and missing instructions for his application. Thinking processes as well as conscience both work in slow mode, put on brakes. Dreams are foolish, horizons very limited. Couch hobbyist who loves to cause mischief.


    "There was as much sense in him as milk from a male goat, however not much harm either." Envious "empty space".

    Agitated boisterous dreamer, who cannot be trusted. Can take on traits of Pluishkin and become someone to whom everyone owes something.

    Specialist in getting himself into various sticky stories.

    Similar to Dost. And IEE ladies... if they could only one day figure out whom and what they want, instead of running around their whole lives, and the lives of others, too.

    "Figaro here, Figaro there..." IEE creates a myth about him or herself, imposes this mirage on others, but he is also the first to fall for it.

    Turns out that he simply cannot live in cleanliness and order. Not only irresponsible, but also ineffectual. His head is full of cockroaches and various nonsense.

    But generally a harmless creature. One can even be entertained with him if his words aren't attributed much value. But if one truly believes in his words, then one may not survive. He lies all the time, and lies maliciously for the purpose of humoring and entertaining himself at the expense of others. Constantly changes his circles of friends when his old buddies stop taking him seriously.

    In critical situations will be the first to succumb because he can't do anything but talk. On the inside: malicious, pretentious, lazy, and amoral. No relations with them are possible - it won't end well. Empty and dull, a bummer, but knows well how to kiss ass if anyone needs it. Nobody does this better than him. But then he kisses ass of many people and without discernment.

    They resemble a lump of bare nerves. Always taunting, always swaggering around. When you find yourself in the same room with them, you start to feel a shortage of air because they are truly the VAMPIRISH!

    Deadbeats with heads full of cockroaches. They live in the world of their fantasies and can never figure out whom and what they want. They can never live in order, and spend their life and the lives of others running around, getting into unthinkable situations, and never earning enough trust and merit for themselves.

    Last edited by silke; 08-06-2014 at 06:11 AM. Reason: cleaned up the translation

  2. #2

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    Default "Mud Baths": Beta Quadra



    Ethical subtype - a trivial jester and a charlatan, a petty actor from a provincial theater in the back-country. Intuitive subtype - a haughty cynic.

    Discontent and merciless being that attempts to manipulate the world. Irresolute. A monkey.

    Overcautious people with the capital letter 'O'. They see all the bad outcomes and try to safeguard themselves. I recognize them by their poor ability to occupy space and position themselves within it. A convoluted and awkward mixture of the desire to be in the center of attention of others and lack of confidence in their external appearance. Don't know how to move and carry themselves.

    Furious romantic. Greatly loves attention and dislikes being ignored. Fidgety, restless. A provocateur in the poor sense of this word. Persistent and obstinate idealist. The creator of alternative movements and religions. Considers that he is always right. Envies if somebody else gets lucky without any apparent reason. Loves to patronize the weak and irresolute people, but can't even stand up for himself. Equally capable of both complete self-sacrifice and most terrible actions to prove his rightness.

    "I type them all as Zhiriks" and with this everything was said ... And how much they relish being sick, how they talk of it. If they are sick or simply in a bad mood, then everyone within a 100 meter radius of them must feel even worse. And rest assured, they will attain this. To describe them in summary: a self-undermining construction.

    Ulcer, a pain in the behind.

    Doesn't feel any boundaries or limits.

    Yet another square wheel. Works only if he's in the right mood, which as you can imagine doesn't happen frequently. Unequivocally lazy. If he isn't working, he will either plaster himself with a gloomy expression on his face depicting universal sorrow, or jump around trying to show off how cool he is, or at least mimic it.

    While he runs around from one person to another, all projects will come to halt and decline, all relationships will be spoiled, all opportunities will be gone. After which he will suddenly decide that he didn't need any of this in the first place and immediately switch to the opposite side. Would never want to work anywhere with Hamlet as a boss - such place is doomed to extinction.

    Inappropriate, played-up emotions.

    Dictatorial inclinations.

    To sum up: jesters, bad actors, an ulcer and a general pain in the behind, haughty cynics who don't know their limits. Their furious romanticism is based on them showing off - if only they are noticed, if only given attention that they so much crave. They call it elevated love, but others see this as pitiful pangs of second-grade actors who don't know even where to place their hands, convulsively swinging them from side to side, who can't even orient their own body properly within their surroundings. If they aren't noticed, then they become ardently envious of those who were somehow more successful in this. In this desire to be significant and noticed, they go insane in the following manner: they provoke small (scandals and betrayals) and large (World War II) mischief, create alternative movements and religions of the type national-socialism and sado-masochism. In their stubborn idealism they are merciless towards others and capable of terrible behavior to prove their rightness and not lose their buttons and levers of manipulation of the world and its inhabitants. They gather and patronize the weak and irresolute as they understand perfectly well that such people are easily commanded and ordered around. But these cats feel whose milk they have drunk and pull up their tails when they encounter the true masters of life.


    Logical subtype is awfully unapproachable when it is clever, and when it is sober. Lovers of power.

    Can't reach an agreement with him on anything.

    Ready to send others to their death for his principles. Himself can be fearless to stupidity, but usually remains with the living. Despises shady structures. Unyielding to power pressuring. Does not like to waste his time on trifles, but sees the big picture is a very curved and one-sided manner. Indiscriminate and constrained in feelings. Considers that he is always right. Envies creative inordinate personalities.

    One more for the collection of slowtards. LSI brakes aggressively and globally. He climbs up everywhere, tries to controls everything. Everything must be as he says. What's worse, he usually has sufficient power for imposition and cultivation of this cretinism! His relations with his family pale in the face of it all - for some schemes and diagrams he is ready to sign off all his relatives, and on top be proud of this...

    This type was devised specially as punishment for EIE's sins. There is no other useful application for it.

    Completely autonomous self-enclosed system with a conditioner and microwave units.

    A square wheel. Heavy on assembly but doesn't take too long. Once he "turns on", it's as if a barrier was taken. When everything goes well, this only his own merit. When things go badly, everyone around is to blame. He is the only one who knows what is best for the group. He will build up everyone into ranks, and then press them against the wall. Paranoiac for the entire duration of his life. Won't ever do anything that won't bring him material or moral benefit, where material benefits predominate as more essential: if you do not pay him off for his work in material concrete form right away he will suspect that he is taken for a fool, and swing a punch from his entire soul.

    His main function is to interfere with everything. He'll do anything so that the world doesn't change. Man, in his opinion, is an unfinished robot.

    Cannot detach himself from his rules, which he makes up and enforces himself. Stingy. Not capable of yielding to their emotional needs and themselves suffer from this. Bores. One step forward, two steps back in anything that concerns emotions. Unable to express what they feel. Can have wild mood swings, inclined to depression. They weigh everything, frequently safeguard themselves when and where it's not necessary, locked into themselves and distrustful. Suffer from inferiority complex, but try to thoroughly hide this fact. In the sex they usually need extra stimuli (and stimulators). Believe in their own special destination. Not confident in themselves but produce diametrically opposite impression on those around them. Harsh and cutting, tactless. Others frequently don't understand them.

    Too obsessed with the word "correct". For the LSI everything must be correct, everything "as with other people" irrespective of whether it is truly necessary or convenient or profitable whether or even needed for anyone else. And generally he knows better what is convenient and comfortable. LSI's biggest dream - to regulate ALL aspects of human life and to indefatigably check the upkeep of his established order. If you feel asleep four minutes before the "correct" period - penalty, if you ate outside of designated time for eating - "two extra duties!"

    The lapses in his logic he is only capable of mending with his fists.

    The commander is always right. Even if his orders are not always correct, inconvenient, not profitable, it doesn't matter - the commander knows best for everyone. Don't be naive and assume that you will be able to avoid this: imposition and cultivation of "his order" will be implemented aggressively and globally. He will check everything and have enough strength to enforce this idiocy! For the disobedience, slacking, weakness, laziness, sabotage - prison service, independently of your sex, age, ethnicity or relationships. You won't be able to bribe his principles with money or flattery or even tear, but perhaps only by your death. To the suffering of others he is practically impermeable. He is confident of his own special destination and his genius of universal order and regulations. Order and authority is his paranoia. Adherent of strict, never-changing systems and hierarchies. Even though he strives to safeguard himself from all possible failures, he will ride ahead rapidly. And whoever doesn't manage to keep up in this race for survival will disappear from his memory and be forever crossed out from history. Material reward for the labor is compulsory, but if there is no idea in the name of which the work must be done then he won't move from place. For the idea he will send everyone to their death, and himself will charge ahead fearlessness, but from the battlefield he will be the only one living to return.

    Strictly monitor the expediency of the expenditure of money. Hands away from his things! Sharp in his definitions. Rude, not against cursing out profusely. But it's difficult to unbalance him, since he doesn't believe in emotions. For this reason he always seems unapproachable, while his look seems suspicious, penetrating, and ridiculing.


    Tough and brutal in his advances. Prefers games without rules. Inclined towards woridness and ethical unscrupulousness. You won't reach an agreement with him.

    Power leader. Builds his life by his own hands, and concurrently builds everyone else around him. Envies gifted personalities who easily direct the moods of the masses.

    Buffoon with a womanish voice. A petty cur. Stupid, heartless martinet. Machine for killing. Bulldozer which advances directly forward through any obstacles.

    Male SLEs should be put into prison immediately after typing. They will end up there anyways unless they managed to bribe the attorney. Better place them there preventively. Women SLEs simply haven't figured out their gender.

    Pressured by his mass. With the aid of all this sensing he will impose his logic on anyone. Indesputable winin the game by the name "purchase elephant". Does't know how to build relations and doesn't attempt it because first of all he's already self-sufficient and second, he knows that others won't manage without him. He uses the fact that he is disliked but respected: "He fears me - this means he respects me" - this is SLE's saying. He oppresses the weak, but not from self-interest or sadism - he thinks that in this manner they will learn how to defend themselves. The strong doesn't attack, to the contrary, may even aid them. Adherent of natural selection - "the strongest will survive". Repeatedly spanks those who are weak but rebellious and leaves at peace only when a patron equal to himself is found. The intellect of SLE is heavy. He builds his career not as much by his head as by forehead. As a rule, doesn't possess wide erudition. May even b semi-literate. But has enough perseverance for everyone. On his character, intellect, and the physical development he corresponds most of all to a heavy tank KV.

    Quickly tires everyone out with his desire to arrange everything and put everyone in their places, and pay for every trifle or work for it. As a co-worker and business partner frequently evokes bewilderment by the stark difference between his own ideas and declarations about his skills and capabilities and the real state of affairs.

    Inclined to mood swings. Suffer from absence of sense of measure in everything. Loyal and devoted and require the same from others, forgetting that people are all different and are not always capable of answering by the same. Fall into extremes. Quick tempered.

    SLE's unquotable swearing can be heard kilometers away. Face as if made of marble, absolutely immobile. Cheekbones constantly strained as if compressed into fists of very imposing sizes. Throws himself at all passersby with loud laughter shouting his commands of the type: "Oho!! Look at him!!!" What's interesting is that one wants to seek an answer for such behavior not from him, but from all the groupies who are meanwhile giggling behind his back. As it turns out later, all this "shushera" and lackeys secretly hate him, but fear him ...

    Hard-headed, dedicated warrior. Rude, unceremonious, boorishly loose, quick tempered and falling into extremes. Doesn't burden himself by ethical dilemmas. Often has very narrow horizon and the blunted intellect. The leader of the herd without which he cannot exist. Sly and self-exonerating. Imposes the cult of force. Despises any weakness. Doesn't have a sense of measure in anything. Unloved but respected due to fear instilled by him. Is short, his true home is prison.


    Lazy goof who soars in the clouds. Incredibly sensitive - don't you touch him!

    Hypocritical. Dreamer of the type "not here and not now". Hopeless romantic. He lives in the rosy world of his own dreams. Very painfully experiences the encounter of this rosy worlds with the external reality. Loves various trifles and widgets. Doesn't know how to handle the money. Frequently gets tricked. Scattered-minded and frequently loses things.

    What is there to say about these woodlice. They can't contribute anything besides their verses. If there is any type that excels in getting into tricky stories it's Esenins. And once life kicks them in the behind they will whine and bemoan it across the entire world - one cannot pity them enough.

    Everything goes well until there is necessity to work with an IEI. His worries over each minor thing evoke pity and irritation simultaneously. A lot of time is lost on resolution of all these ethical equivoques, the maintenance of relations as IEI sees them, and his extraction into the business world. To raise a hammer above a nail for him is more difficult than to march into battle against an enemy. Brave man and fighter. A drunk IEI - better turn off the lights and extinguish all gleams - otherwise he will try to start a fight, to thrust a fork into your stomach or into your ass. He is controlled and pacified only by a constant willful look. Then all forks miraculously disappear and what follows is a babble of eternal love and tenderest attachment. Undeveloped IEIs annoy people around them by their constant stories and illusory proofs of how strongly someone loves or respects them.

    Rather naive and lazy in respect to anything that doesn't interest them. Inclined to use their friends. Sometimes incredible bores, touchy, rancorous. They want a lot, all of it and immediately. Perceive the world in a skewed manner. Search for strong friends and support. Those friends who do not help them in the difficult minute cease to consider as friends. Often too torn from reality and painfully experience collisions with reality. Love their illusions. Blows of fate turn them into cynics. Self-interested. His hate is terrible, his love is selfless and devoted - a person of extremes, in whom rages youthful maximalism. Terribly jealous. Above all values his creative impulses and inklings. For them will gnaw through anyone's throat. Very proud. Wants to be loved, noted, and valued.

    Anxious unhappy being locked inside a tiny world, desirous of a fairy tale, preferring to die than "to live thus".

    Some IEIs are monotone and boring. Not always able to give a rebuff. Too vulnerable and touchy. Easily yield to suggestion. Due to their innate decency suffer by this themselves.

    Constantly invent some chaff that is torn from life and not needed by anyone. Constantly drop everything, break things, but don't make anything themselves. And if they do make something, they will ruin something else in process. Slow to grasp things.

    But internally very aggressive - dictators.

    Try bringing them down from their distant visions to the lowly earth, such that they immediately get kicked in their behind by life and start complaining and crying about it. Any contact with the harsh external world turns them into cynics and makes them search for a strong partner, feeds their internal aggression and desire to dictate. If you give him some vodka, hide all the sharp objects in the house! Their hands grow from their behind as they can't do anything themselves but only break things. Vulnerable, neurotic, easy to take offense, self-loving and jealous. Pick their friends out of self-interest looking for people who can offer them help.

    Last edited by silke; 08-06-2014 at 07:34 AM.

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    Check out my Socionics group!

  4. #4


    "It lives in the pink peace of its own dreams."

    Oh my...

  5. #5

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    Oh my indeed.

  6. #6

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    Default "Mud Baths": Alpha Quadra



    Logical subtype - nervous essence, inclined to the schizophrenia, which possesses the unusual abilities to issue the interminable flow of crazy ideas. Categorical cad. Intuitive subtype - capricious intellectual in "maminoy kofte".

    It is very impulsive. Such sensation, that each minute appears some new and compulsorily reckless idea.

    It envies to those, in whom the ideas work and bring real fruits. Its own ideas it usually personifies by strange hands, but its kopirayt never will forget to place. It does not love, when they read morals it.

    Everything nothing, if the not innate feeling, that all by them something must.

    It like agrees, but then it is explained that he everything understood entirely not thus. The Don - conjurer, who will any minute now show stunning focus.

    It knows how to make with hands anything. It hopes by frank caddishness to deserve the glory of fundamental person and the "expert of people". Itself is offended instantly and to death, but it is easily appeased. Can nakhamit' in passing, then for long unizhenno it apologizes itself, why it appears still more foolish. It is actually unguided, words "discipline" and "subordination" it hears for the first time, and their value represents to itself vaguely. As a rule, after arriving into the new association, it spoils relations with those surrounding and only then it is fitted. The suppressing quantity does not fulfill promises. If he is fascinated by something interesting, he forgets about everything in the light, including about his straight responsibilities.

    One version - oblomist- Buddhist, another - hacker- atheist.

    The lazy persons, such as light did not see. Lying on the sofa by feet upwards, they will utter any abstract ideas, but it will stand the matter. But if idea stands to place life on it - they will assume. They will dig mud hut by naked hands, discover symbolic trifles for completing the data bank according to the books and they will exhaust all by around their impracticality and scattered where it fell by things. So that already better let nothing they make, than to look at their irrational behavior. Brought up and developed Dony frequently cause bewilderment and mockery by the overestimation of strange actions.

    Sloven, is not disciplined.

    Here only to them to propose something is instead of complicated.

    Very impulsive and nervous type, is actually unguided, and if it is good not to look intently, then completely schizophrenic. The reckless ideas so rod from it, which are similar to the stunning foci, and which he tries to personify into the life by always strange hands, since it knows how to make with its anything, but kopirayt its zastolbit without fail in this case. O, as it is envious to those, whose of idea they work and bring real fruits! And as it loves to promise and not to make anything. But when you begin to read it morals for folly, hamite it is categorical, because he understood everything entirely not thus; then for long and unizhenno apologizes itself.


    Lazy, slyest intrigant, cloying sweet, viscous, adhesive.

    They are hypocritical.

    It envelops. It is tight after some time and it is oppressive.

    After the charming smile frequently it occurs no present emotions. It envies to the strange success, especially money. Persistent and persistent in reaching of personal comfort. He thinks that it knows to itself price, but in reality it is absurd of neadekvaten in its self-appraisal. It does not love, when they compare it with others, if comparison not into its benefit.

    So darling, empty shell... take away in Dyumy roll, and it will fall asleep.

    It believes not to one word [ of Hamlet ], especially when it is explained, that completely it is possible to manage without it. Purely decorative detail of office.

    Everyday pofigist, which lives in mirke, limited by family and close friends. Which occurs beyond the limits of this mirka, it little disturbs it. The ideal Of dyumy - petty-bourgeois kaminchik, six children buried with the jam and the domestic pickles. It is not assigned by complex philosophical questions. Principles be absent, besides perhaps that the biblical.

    To work they do not love assiduous, but they are helpless. Any council on business receive as heartless mockery, brought up ethical tyuey uveshchevayut, ill-bred raise khay. I prefer so that they about me would worry, until I work, than to look at their tortures and to listen their complaint of the nonconformity you to their ideal, from which they themselves do not know, what they want.

    Disorderly. Vain, fusses its nose, where they do not request. to "sense from it as from the goat of milk, but of harm however zh also none." But on the whole, it is pleasant to hush next.

    This type is the purely decorative detail of the office: after its charming, but often cloying- sweet smile there are no present emotions whatever, and continuous hypocrisy and unscrupulousness. The stratagems of its intrigues envelop, from what it becomes tightly and oppressively, binding and is sticky. Personal comfort for it - everything: fetish. And this sloth thinks that he knows to himself price?! But makes mistakes, the darling: it is empty shell, and in the eyes of surrounding neadekvaten to the absurdity in its self-appraisal. And do not give god to compare him with others, and if in this case comparison is not into its benefit, that, it is said, it outsider, then it falls into the complete distrust, and begins to envy to the strange successes, especially money. But take away in it roll, and it will fall asleep.


    Vindictive nature and terribly touchy, does not know how to isolate the main thing from their numerous very frequently efficient ideas. It suffers very often megalomania.

    They can life paint in the form of two-dimensional table, with the list of exception to the rules below. Masters of official notes. They can go around any rule according to the rule. 4 them I learn on some of uncertainty.

    Honest and practical careerist. Theorist of oecumenical validity. Inventor of dull diagrams, methods and instructions. Human factor badly is considered. Its social ideas are nonviable. Is not aggressive, but zanuden. It envies to leaders.

    "one, but ardent passion" - these whom will conveniently gore! because of any of fufletsa, itself, that not on there are trifles, any fignevoy cavil are ready to impede as much as desired, and indeed those other overcautious persons. And it is not enough that brake, so still and "without the small batteries", that they compensate by enormous conceit.

    To any agreement they relate as to the battle on the last redoubt. It rests by all by four hooves. It continues to defend its opinion, even when already everything send to the dessert, they were radiated on the houses and left into the leave at sea.

    It is hurt by its own sensorikoy, until it eats, he will sleep and it walks to the work, he thinks in reality only about it. Man half, as a rule, the amateurs of banal small jokes. It is not capable organically to compromises of robes. "lonely eagle". Logical in the state into five minutes to zadolbat' all, including "nauchnikov", by its own constructions, moreover finally nevertheless with all will be scolded, and proudly will leave, highly bearing head and wiping evil tears. The unbending champion nevertheless for which also against what. Since it does not bend, it breaks at any shown to it pressure.

    Skeptic, prospector, trudogolik, the hater of m31n- Stream.

    Before striking by hammer, will draw diagram, will draw plan, will be dismantled at the properties of steel of nails, will select hammer specially under the necessary nail, will calculate the angle of the impact by hammer on nail... that are engaged themselves not less vapors of years. But nail compulsorily will be broken, since steel will prove to be in no way that stamp, by which it is relied to be, because slightly intoxicated steel founder threw in the melting cigarette, but the thievish engineer of sper that assumed to the contribution of tungsten... Therefore they will throw everything, it is flapped by door and they will go to cry into the waistcoat Hugues about how life it is incorrectly arranged.

    Staggering zanuda, especially according to the logic.

    Stay-at-homes, anywhere to not take out, they turn sour to itself slowly...

    Personality is excessively capricious.

    One small, but very proud bird decided to make to itself an honest and fundamental career of the leader: it envied to them (to leaders) terribly. And for this idea it will be gripped also for that - nothing it leaves. Began other birds of it to uveshchevat', it is said, undertake one idea and personify it into the life practically. Then - following, and so gradually you will leave into the leaders. But as long ago as five minutes our bird of zadolbala of rest by its theoretical constructions of their injustice and its own oecumenical validity. The bird flock of mansions chirps about the nonviability of the ideas of this theory, but our bird was rested by all four kogotkami of each paw and is not bent in the obstinacy: megalomania interferes. Already all waved to it by wing and podalis' to the south on the autumn. But it all chirps and chirps, insisting on its opinion. So many diagrams it devised, so many graphs on the sand with the beak drafted, azh okhrenela itself. To the departing kinsmen it after weighed out banal jokes with the proudly raised head: it offended in to usmert', and it were vowed to take vengeance. But snow suddenly went and covered with thick layer sand, on which there were the graphs, and... our bird. Let us wait springs, until it ottayet.


    The banal small tradesman, whom has life - torzhishche, where everything is sold and is bought. It is deprived of culture and of intellectual Grace. Into the language - sharp.

    Thoughtful taratorshchik. More he says how it does. It envies to those, who manages not only to say, but also to make something. It does not love, when they drive on it. In its industriousness it can lead the matter to the absurdity. Obsequious man, frequently tries to create the visibility of the made matter in order to please to authorities.

    Fool sticking - otherwise and you will not say.

    Agrees immediately, predanno glancing into the eyes and joyfully smiling, but it makes as a result to feature che - in essence, only that which is profitable personally to it. If in some matter there is nothing edible, not at all he understands, about which speech.

    The main implement of the labor of Hugo - this is zadnitsa. But still foot and language because in the head in it it is empty. Hugo and intellect - thing approximately such compatible as Esenin the championship of peace on combat without the rules. It is incapable even to the most elementary logical construction, and its any statement relative to cause-effect connections is capable of bringing any logician to hysterics. However, with lower half of its body it is capable to frequently attain where larger than others even by very clever head. Sometimes and others something it will fall to the lot of, but it will observe its own benefit piously. Intolerable chatterer. To associate with it is possible only in such a case, when we periodically stop up to it mouth. The most improbable picture, which only can be visualized - Hugo, who recognizes its own injustice. Hugo is not informed about the possibility to experience the feeling of confusion, shame or awkwardness.

    It is in general industrious, here still who to them said that also when it is correct to make! If someone did not make that, what, as it it seems, must be made, it will remain only to alter. Houses complete ruin, disorder and marasmus, because time to entire does not be sufficient - it flows away through the chatter on any everyday themes. Chronophages - can without the respite stir in succession 6 it is hour about the everyday events in the life of other people. It interferes everywhere and everywhere - it sometimes seems that its nose torchit from each slot.

    Everyone wants to purchase for its emotions, yes it was not there.

    Fly, toropis': buy zhivopIs'! Not the fact that fool, but intellect and culture be absent completely, and language without the bones. To pochesat' by language - bread not by kormi, and the bone of others to poperemyvat' - zavsegda if you please and with the huge pleasure, in this case without experiencing a feeling of shame, awkwardness or even easy confusion. Before to give to it commission, not you polenites' to write clear instruction about the fulfillment, otherwise it is necessary to alter everything in a new way. And do not be surprised, if you see that subordinate- Hugo your goes from the work with the complete bag of good on the arm: it did not steal, it cut out. Chrevougodnik - war by war, and dinner on the order. Yes even generally - for the rabid dog of one hundred kilometers - not circle!


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    haha I sound a lot more like the ENTp than the ISFp

    Check out my Socionics group!

  8. #8
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    Wow, what a mess. I could understand INTj, but the others.... too unclear.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Transigent


    Logical subtype - nervous essence, inclined to the schizophrenia, which possesses the unusual abilities to issue the interminable flow of crazy ideas. Categorical cad. Intuitive subtype - capricious intellectual in "maminoy kofte".

    It is very impulsive. Such sensation, that each minute appears some new and compulsorily reckless idea.

    It envies to those, in whom the ideas work and bring real fruits. Its own ideas it usually personifies by strange hands, but its kopirayt never will forget to place. It does not love, when they read morals it.

    Everything nothing, if the not innate feeling, that all by them something must.

    It like agrees, but then it is explained that he everything understood entirely not thus. The Don - conjurer, who will any minute now show stunning focus.

    It knows how to make with hands anything. It hopes by frank caddishness to deserve the glory of fundamental person and the "expert of people". Itself is offended instantly and to death, but it is easily appeased. Can nakhamit' in passing, then for long unizhenno it apologizes itself, why it appears still more foolish. It is actually unguided, words "discipline" and "subordination" it hears for the first time, and their value represents to itself vaguely. As a rule, after arriving into the new association, it spoils relations with those surrounding and only then it is fitted. The suppressing quantity does not fulfill promises. If he is fascinated by something interesting, he forgets about everything in the light, including about his straight responsibilities.

    One version - oblomist- Buddhist, another - hacker- atheist.

    The lazy persons, such as light did not see. Lying on the sofa by feet upwards, they will utter any abstract ideas, but it will stand the matter. But if idea stands to place life on it - they will assume. They will dig mud hut by naked hands, discover symbolic trifles for completing the data bank according to the books and they will exhaust all by around their impracticality and scattered where it fell by things. So that already better let nothing they make, than to look at their irrational behavior. Brought up and developed Dony frequently cause bewilderment and mockery by the overestimation of strange actions.

    Sloven, is not disciplined.

    Here only to them to propose something is instead of complicated.

    Very impulsive and nervous type, is actually unguided, and if it is good not to look intently, then completely schizophrenic. The reckless ideas so rod from it, which are similar to the stunning foci, and which he tries to personify into the life by always strange hands, since it knows how to make with its anything, but kopirayt its zastolbit without fail in this case. O, as it is envious to those, whose of idea they work and bring real fruits! And as it loves to promise and not to make anything. But when you begin to read it morals for folly, hamite it is categorical, because he understood everything entirely not thus; then for long and unizhenno apologizes itself.
    Yikes, but....yeah.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  10. #10
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    Reading that makes me feel really stupid. I can't comprehend any of it. We need a better translator than google.

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    Default Re: "Mud Baths": Delta Quadra

    Quote Originally Posted by Transigent
    6 days work, one day drinks in order not to feel void inside, which with no work you will fill.



  12. #12
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    What awful descriptions!!
    Where in the world is that from??
    I love these terrible translations. They make me snort.

  13. #13
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I have no idea what that says. Perhaps it is the cockroaches in my head.

    I will keep trying to figure it out
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: "Mud Baths": Delta Quadra

    Twenty four hours in a 24 hour period will sleep.
    Hahaha, I was just telling my sister how I really wish I could sleep 23 hours a day and spend the rest on eating and watching TV . I could not get any happier....
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  15. #15
    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    I thought Transigent wrote those.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick
    What awful descriptions!!
    Where in the world is that from??
    I love these terrible translations. They make me snort.
    The funny thing about these is that they're more difficult to read than the straight Russian text. At least, in the original text I can tell how is the word to be pronounced, but with half-transliterations here, it gets pretty much impossible.

    So, if there would be a good soul to link to the original, I would kindly appreciate it

  17. #17
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    Default Mud Baths (machine trans.)[offensive type descriptions]

    Mud baths: Gamma

    ENTj - Jack London

    A rogue who is absolutely devoid of any sense of integrity, conscientiousness, honesty and tact.

    Does everything mainly for his own benefit.

    If any type is a complete bastard, it would be LIE - unprincipled, immoral sell-out in addition to being preoccupied with being rude. The only think he can do is blabber about sex (the most wide spread topic among them). Of course, anyone with weak sensing suffers from this syndrome more or less, but for LIE it simply pushes from every hole. Female LIEs are somewhat better in this respect, of course, but also very b ...

    Knows how to make money out of thin air and still remaining a native child at heart. Envious of those who are smart. Loves women out in nature. Dislikes those who are quiet and who have a mind of their own.

    Money-grubber, and an avid debater.

    Will never do anything that doesn't bring him material or moral benefits, moreover the moral benefits prevails: if his work isn't appreciated in mimical-ethical form, he won't lift a finger for you or will try to raise his price to the maximum. "Time is money" has been tattooed on his forehead, thus time spent on other people for him is equivalent to a balance in a bank account, which must return a profit. Careless, disheveled troglodyte. If something is for free he's there for it, but will make excuses until smoke will come out of everyone else's ears.

    Only the view of unfresh, suspicious food can make him faint, while anyone who has proposed such an inedible product he will certainly remember, as to not sit the same table with him in the future. Antisocial: he mingles in all the teachings and social groups at the same time declaring independence and renunciation of society.

    Time - money! But in fact, time for him to complete garbage : an appointment for him to 15.00 , and it appears , at best, 16.15 . So - only money , nothing but money. On this bastard Jack - unprincipled , immoral , corrupt , devoid of honor, conscience , honesty and tact all makes for himself alone , but still worried Hamley : only can that gab about sex . Slut and swallow : a freebie is always ready to eat , but will break down and make excuses until all the smoke out of his ears will not work. And he still debater , but destructive : agrees to all the teachings and society declaring renunciation of society.

    ISFj - Dreiser

    Mistrustful, silent and calm to rage around them. Neraschetliv affaires , and thence an unreasonable risk .

    He's just some petty tyrant .

    This kindness for any tear fall , and the only thing that Dreiser are fit , so it's going to authorities and punch something.

    Taciturn, suspicious , canny , conservative. Collector type of Elijah , a little stiff . Very loves to teach, but it can not pass on their knowledge to others ( probably from greed ) .

    Lecher moralist . Depending on what prevails in nature , can be either a profligate in word and in deed a moralist or a libertine and a moralist in fact words. Jealous of someone else's family happiness. Loves to create delicate situations and talk heart to heart . Dislikes talking behind his back .

    Womanizer, hypnotist oblomist small things , the one who laughs the loudest , and most importantly , the author of " Sex for Dummies ."

    With it work well only black logic - he suggestiruetsya and then makes something. What is he doing in the rest of the time , I am perplexed . As it is transferred other types - too.

    Forever crying. Unrivaled talent to spoil the mood .

    Washing , eating his life begins ... the same ends. Besides the above, it may be of interest only "as it looked about him and what to say."

    Mistrustful, silent and calm to rage around them. Do not pull his tongue : he , his tongue has untied property ... dissolute , as in the lines of the book " Sex for Dummies ." But morality at the same time and pours from his mouth . This song is called his cry . And this song really very many spoils the mood , creating a delicate ambiguous situations , and all for the sake of it is interesting , as it looked about him and what to say. Want some adrenaline - Head of Business Partner Dreiser ! Myocardial provided to you.

    ESFp - Napoleon

    I outsmarted myself !

    Sincerely believes that everyone loves it , but - it's ridiculous !

    Most unassembled type . Runs , noise - and do nothing really can not . The most hypocritical type .

    That's really much ado about nothing , and the result to match what we started.

    If agreed - it does not mean anything , except that does not want to argue with you today .

    King without his retinue . Jealous of someone else's beautiful life. Loves money and knows how to bargain - in the sense that it refuses to buy rather than someone will capitalize on this ever penny. Do not like it when they are commanded , and prefers direct leadership position .

    Large predator . Shark capable years circling around the victim , choosing the moment . And when the victim believe in their safety and relax - struck a fatal blow . Eyes that twinkle dimly lust murder.

    These seize all the Air Ministry as a whole, but not the contents of the pockets and disdain passengers.

    Bazaar traders and petty thief . Large, thick , ass in two samovars . Boorish expression. Scoop worked in diners and beer stalls. Their role in the aviation industry - to pick out valuable rivet from the plane and hide them in breeches until until the plane will not fall apart .

    Off mad , and that's it . The most hated of the rulers : Salary constantly delayed and reduced orders contradict each other, attacks volitional pressure replaced by the same ethics attacks . Promise to all and sundry , mountains of gold and diamond shore, without a twinge of conscience. And God forbid contradict him - begins firing all guns , and more than you ever have any money from him will not see, if you do not it is useful , of course. Both from a business partner from Napoleons jump aside - throwing their chaotic earnings from one idea to another, the same insane and rejecting any and all statuses and laws may make either in jail or in a puddle of blood on the stairwell ... your own . Besides, he just does not know what a " done deal in time " or " in terms of performance of the contract ", and build it in time can only Balzac .

    Huckster to the bone.

    Vociferous and arrogant, incompetent frequent utterance. With this type is impossible to have good neighborly relations. Either you destroy him, or he will destroy you .

    Off mad , and that's it . Madness and chaos they sing the song !

    INTp - Balzac

    Secretive alcoholic, but smart when sober.

    Potential addict . Afraid of life . Trying to manipulate the world without getting off the couch and thinks he did it . Actually sees mostly fantasies .

    Skeptics and snobs . Can turn any conversation so that they are great , and all other fools .

    The world's greatest inventors of reasons not to get off couch : Napa run for them .

    At times pessimistic , removed from there after a fair share of optimism instilled with a drop of brandy .

    Homegrown genius. Has a cold and powerful mind, a dirty look and grim sense of humor. Anything that makes your hands turns bad . Envy - is unknown, because it is rare that like in the outside world . Loves all ideologize . Do not like being kept waiting .

    Underground sex maniac , his formula "three T " (TV , couch , slippers ) .

    Working with him can only be under the supervision of some sensation . Otherwise, he is building your ice time , consisting of fractions of seconds , moderating the ardor and enthusiasm not worse extinguisher. As a result, the case barely moving , on a strictly planned. As Chief of awful - boring and pedantic . Intuitive subtype besides more and brake - said one word per minute. Blooded kicker .

    Capable oborzhalsya any idea and present it as complete nonsense . After you start to doubt him at every step .

    Unbearable to the dispute , and if they get up in opposition, immediately find yourself in a pile of shit , vyvalennogo on thee in speech betrays undisguised contempt and a sense of superiority based on racial superiority are often not in knowledge , and the ability to wrap any sophistry or falsify the facts as until that unravels , he comes up with a new move .

    Ready to grumble at the slightest pretext , and often at diametrically opposite - depending on the momentary passions . And again , when he pointed out that, - dodge , using the same techniques . If you do not want to do something , even if it is necessary, or to exhort , or make impossible , it is easier to do it myself . Well what other type loves to send it to .. ?

    Rather than debate reduce everything to sophistry and they all always hate .

    Last edited by silke; 01-31-2014 at 06:56 PM. Reason: fixed link

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