Quote Originally Posted by Golden View Post
"In a nutshell: Socionics is more applicable as a theory about cognition than it is a theory about behavior. I'm less interested in what you do, I'm more interested in how you do it, and in the ways a person seems to think, feel, and perceive."
And yet:

He values temperament.
He values temperament enough to have claimed to be most closely aligned with DCNH compared to other Socionics widgets. (Not what you said Mr Ashton, feel free to correct me on this.)
He stubbornly types me as ILE seemingly because I have a bubbly extraverted persona, based off the above.

I'm not sure what he sees in me to believe I "think, feel and perceive" the same as JRiddy, Penn Jilette, Michael Moore, Ozzy Osbourne, etc.

Or even, for that matter, what in common the above even have with one another in terms of thought, feeling and perception.