Quote Originally Posted by Ashton2 View Post
Like this.

The above link might interest you. It's not a complete overview yet, but it explains a great deal about where I'm coming from and contain references to what sources I generally rely upon.
Interestingly, I agree with pretty much everything you wrote at that link. And yet, our resultant typings are often radically different. It's not so much that our typings don't ever agree; there do seem to be some typings we agree on. It's just that when our typings don't agree, they really don't agree. We often assign the same person types which are not even slightly similar. Normally when I disagree with someone, the types are at least similar enough that it's understandable that one or both of us could be confused -- Mirror types, or Quasi-Identicals, or Benefit types. This leads me to suspect that, somehow, we're using almost entirely different criteria to arrive at our conclusions.