Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
In my opinion, the differences between your typings and the "mainstream" are significant enough to say that you belong to a distinct "school" of socionics. All I'm saying is that the newbs should be aware of that when deciding who to believe. Confusion doesn't help either side.
tbh i've never saw any "mainstream" typelist--most celebrity benchmark lists have quite a lot of disagreement among them.

Ashton's celebrity typings made the most sense to me (and mind you i dont always agree on all of them). We also tend to have a lot of consensus on typings using his methodology (which is still albeit vague), and typings I come up with using his school of thought do generally check out in my real life interactions. This is why i've come to trust Ashton's typelist and Ashton's school of socionics the most--because it's checked out for me in practice and I feel to date, it has been the most reliable.

I dont think Ashton's "school" is anything out of the "mainstream" it's just that socionic manifestations can be understood in many many different ways, and it's hard to actually pinpoint what is what unless we all sit as a group and analyze people and come to a consensus.

Also, for example, Fe-valuing people will be seeing the Fe whereas Fi-valuing people will be seeing the Fi, which also leads to differing opinions. I think the key is to analyze motive which isn't always easy or straightforward.