There are changes to cube model. I can not draw it unfortunately but I will try to describe. For INTJ and simirlar for any other type

Far end top:

Front top

Far end bottom

Front bottom

These changes are important they bring in agreement both shapes of the model (cube and butterfly) and will show the same direction of the flow.

I would like to clarify the flow of information in the wheels Life and Afterlife. However, the thought is not finished yet and gives you space to think….What is next?

At last (?) I have become clear about the “cube model” of model B and I will be using “butterfly shape model “ too. This is very general info:
1. I do accept that all conscious functions originate in subconscious/unconscious (or wherever Young meant!).
2. I suggest that they do not only originate there but they also end up there like in a storage place. Some of the info lays on the surface (subconscious ) and some goes deeper into unconscious.
3. According to model B: the beginning and the end is in the Child block which contains two blocks Id and Superid.
4. Rational types collecting info through the rational functions and attending to the rational info in the environment. They produce changes through their irrational functions. For irrational types things happen in the opposite way.
5.Socionincs suggest that some of the functions are contact functions and some are not contact functions. For example, for INTJ , socionics suggest that Ne and Ni and Fe and Fi are contact functions or in other words INTJ is interacting with an environment through these functions, while the other functions are for internal use only. I took this info on board and integrated it into the model. If you see on my cube model the contact functions are on the same side of the cube (front side).
6. I have elaborated on this idea a bit further and have came out with new conclusions. The idea is better understood if you refer to the butterfly shape of INTJ.

In the Life wheel the flow starts from the Te and goes to Ti. This dimension I call internal collective or internal collection of the info.
Then it moves from Ne to Ni - external productive dimension or external producing of info. Information flows into environment and this information is actually related to the function which triggered it in a first place - Te.
In the Afterlife block the direction of the flow is different. It starts with Fe and goes to Fi -external collective dimension or external collection of the info from the environment.
Then it goes to Se and Si -internal productive dimension or internal producing of info. Si as the result will be related to the function/environmental clue which initially triggered it Fe.

I assume that all these dimensions have got their specific purposesand can be used in the immidiate environment or have more long lasting effect. However, they have there are more specific purpose to any dimension. For example, internal collection and external producing is directed to bring changes in the immediate environment (block Ego). While external collection and internal producing serves the needs of the individual (block Afterlife) and is associated with future goals.

As you can see my new cube model is not in disagreemnt with butterfly shape and shows that info flows in the wheels in the different directions as it should be in swastika.

I assume that the same model can be applied to extraverted types. At this moment I would rather reject the notion that triggers are always due to extraverted functions and accept instead the following:
1. Subconscious functions are triggers for conscious.
2. The flow is in accordance with the purpose of the dimensions, which is the same for introverted and extraverted types.

I think it is a rich thought and can be elaborated further. The fact that the flow finishes with Ni in the in the Life block and Si in the Afterlife block suggests that it is what INTJ is heading for and this is the optimistic note. We shall find the INTJ who can predict (Ni) well about Te and who can use their power Se to create the inner peace Si. However, it may be not the end of the story…It is a hypothesis.

The fact that irrational types produce very rational outcome and rationals sound very irrational at times brings back the idea that I described earlier in the article about rationality and irrationality. That is why people may be confused between these two dimensions and can appear confusing to the others. Please, feel free to apply the model to your type to see if it makes any sense and share with me - I will be very thankful.

I am very sorry that at the moment I have got no time to look into new models appeared recently on the site, but I think it is great that we have lots of interesting ideas to think about .