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Thread: Model B

  1. #81
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    I noticed the mistake in writing Please attend to the correction:

    Model distributes the functions between the blocks as follows

    Ego: + - - +...

    Id: + - - +

    Superego - + + L -

    Superid: - + + -
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  2. #82

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    I read it, but did not understand it. But the model J is the one I like the most and use the most: for analysing myself and other people. It has only four components and that is all I need.

    Like . The programmic function, creative function, surpressed function and subconcious function. Easy!
    Semiotical process

  3. #83
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    Default information flow, conscious, theory of colour

    Flow of information and changes in the modes of conscious.

    Now we consider the direction of information flow which changes the forms of conscious for INTJ. The mechanism of change will be the same for each type:

    ....................... .....................




    In the wheel/block Life (blocks Ego…….. ID) the information enters the program function from the controlling function from the block ID. The opposition Ti…..Te is not the contacting one, it deals with the internal perception and collection of information (internal collecting). This is the movement of information/energy towards yourself.

    It is possible to assume that Te subconsciously activates Ti or Te attracts attention to the program function Ti. This process is automatic (or subconscious?). That means INTJ will be interested not just in Ti but Te as well and the relationship between Te and Ti.

    The flow of information then goes to opposition Ne….Ni. This opposition is active, contacting and to the larger degree conscious. It processes and issues information into the external environment (external producing). This is the motion from yourself towards others. This creative force is directed, first of all, toward a change in the environment. Movement from inside out.

    In the wheel of the Afterlife (blocks Superego and Superid) the information enters from the sugestive function Fe to the role Fi. This opposition is active, contacting and conscious. This opposition represents the active seeking of information from the external world. It is active because it comes from the week Superid block and is in need of help from others. From the opposition Fe…Fi information is transmitted to the opposition Se….Si. The direction of information/energy towards yourself (external collecting). Movement from outside in.

    Opposition Opposition Se…Si is not contacting and less conscious. It processes and produces information at the internal level. The produced information contributes to the development of individual conscious or information which will be especially important for the individual himself (internal producing). Movement from inside out.

    Model assumes that the flow of information is more complex as it was described above and is governed by the functional interrelationships. Model B did not come to describe it yet and considers the changes on a very general level.

    Development of personality and modes of consciousLet us have a look how the described mechanism of acquiring and producing information can be applied to the development of personality by going in turn through all blocks .

    Superid (inside the womb) is the stage of the formation of collective unconscious CU (internal collecting), which will determine in many respects unconscious tendencies and preferences of a future person. The value of this irrational block in life of a man is not yet fully understood or investigated.

    ID is a stage of formation of the individual consciousness IC by means of the active, extraverted collection of collective consciousness CC (external collecting).

    Ego is a stage of introverted collection of collective consciousness CC and the extraverted producing of individual consciousness IC.

    Superego is the stage of the extraverted collection of collective subconscious and internal producing of individual subconscious IS.

    And Back to square 1: Superid block is associated with the partial loss of individual and collective conscious, which is a natural process as a preparation for further transformation of conscious in the block Afterlife. Internal producing of individual unconscious IU.

    Theory of colour

    Model B founded the theory of colour preference in socionics by attaching colour to each of the 8 functions. This idea of colour association with psychological characteristics is not new. Seilnacht, for example, describes several colour systems, developed in the different times by the different authors (

    The author of this model used a colour range of rainbow. Tthe arrangement of coloured charkas in Hindu religion led to the key explanation for the opposite direction of swastikas. For example, purple and pink colour is associated with holiness and spirituality and red colour is associated with passion and power of emotions.

    Author arranged colours, where each function obtained the specific colour and the corresponding psychological characteristic. It has been suggested that people frequently select colours which correspond to the function of their Ego block: often they choose contrasting colours. Sometimes colour preference includes the colours of adjacent blocks and does not coincide with the colours of functions within their Ego block.

    The colour theory needs further exploration. It is possible to hypothesise that
    colour preference contains additional information about the person which may lead to better understanding of the differences among people with the same psychological type.

    At the given moment the theory of colour does not consider mixed colours and their shades yet. However, the primary colours of rainbow even now determine the psychological profile of a person amazingly accurately. Introverted type very often prefer cold colours as the first selection, and extraverted types - warm colours.

    Black and white colours contain special meaning and are associated with Superid and Superego blocks, where Superid expresses individual needs or spirituality directed toward the person, and Superego - spirituality directed onto others or collective collective spiritual needs.

    As known, three primary colours - red, green and dark-blue - together form either the black or white of colour dependending on the use of a light. It is possible to associate colours with the concept of God in christianity where the green colour is The God - Father (Life), blue colour will represent The Son - Jesus (Teaching) and red colour is Holy Spirit, such as Love and personification of a female and beauty.

    Colour preferences (2 favourite colours) can coincide and not coincide with the functions of the Ego block of a particular type as it would be suggested by Model B. Therefore, it is not possible to determine the type by only considering colour preference of an individual.
    However, it can be used to enhance our understanding of a person’s inner world. Colours will direct you to the opposition of balancing within the psychic structure of an individual.

    The model assumes that each type has got a major opposition for balancing. For example, for Ejs (extraverted rational types) and IP (introverted irrational types) this opposition will be Ego - Superid. However, the person may choose the colours from the opposition Id - Superid. In this case colours may be not contrasting but more or less in harmony (blue and green, e.g.). The difference in colour preference between the people of the same type may lead to many different hypotheses as it can be related to personality development and short and long term changes within the psychic structure.

    Conflict is the driving force of personality development and oppositions of any kind indicate those forces which are in need of balancing. Model assumes the possibilities of changing the consciousness and the correction of psychological type.
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  4. #84
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    This is the picture which shwos how types were created if you wish. If you move towards the opposite block by diagonal (e.g. Superego -Id) in differnt directions (clockwise and anticlockwise) - you will get the types.

    Functions attached to each block. Each function has an attached colour to it. Colours have meaning and association is not accidential. Cold colours represent introversion and warm colours extraversion.

    Rational types on the left hand side (block Adult) and irrational on the right hand side (block Child).

    As you see types have got signs of + and -. This is asociation with one of the Reinin dichotomies: positivism and negativism (which is not related to being bad or good ).

    Static types are those in the blocks Superego and Id. Dynamic types: blocks Ego and Superid.

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  5. #85
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    I have used the idea of swatikas or two groups of types moving into different directions. All what I have done here is put two swastikas together to highlight the "conflicting" types. Conflicting is not the right word. I would say, the types who are in greater need for informational exchange due to being opposite to each other on strong and weak functions.

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  6. #86
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    This is in Russian but nothing that you already do not know. This picture is just to show the conflict of the two psychic powers Ego and Superid as a driving force of psychic development. Ego as a materialised
    and Id as a spiritual power of an individual. Id is a collective materialised power and Superego collective spiritual power. Whenever I say power I mean psychic force/energy. I believe that the conflict between these forces is the basis for individual and collective development: the progress of any particular individual as well as humanity. I see the conflict between Ego and Superid as most inportant because this is dynamic oppositon. This is contrasting colours and diiffernce as between day and night. This is the conflict on individual level. humanity is nothing but a sum fo those individual conflicts. Chrisitianity teaches that Jesus cares about every soul - surely this is an individual approach!

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  7. #87
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    I feel disappointed... I was hoping you would explore the entry of unconscious functions into consciousness, and willfull exchange of functions between ordered places.

    Oh well, maybe later....

  8. #88
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    Could you explain please what you mean by that with the reference to what is already known or suggested by Model A? Did you actually meant the interaction of functions? If yes, then I am working on that. I hope in a while I will manage to explain functions and their interrelationship but what buggers me that I can not diagest logical perspective in socionics. I would be more than happy to collaborate with anybody who feels competent in logics or simply likes the model.

    Without the logical base the model will never be understood or accepted.
    On the other hand I am not sure if working on my own that `i would wish to continue to post here about the model because I do not feel as there is a point in doing this. I do not get feedback - no reinforcement.

    If I apply assosiative thinking and use induction then I go from the general idea to details. This is a process and ~I still need to understand a lot.
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