Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
Wow. You really are an idiot if you think this country is far-left. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. We need to be as liberal as possible IMO.
Exactly. It's not 'left-wing', yet that's the type of government that Americans elected back in 2008 which was really quite fascinating. Why do 'we' need to be as liberal as possible?

Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
You don't get to say what this country is or isn't. That's up to many different people. And apparently, the majority of people want more left-wing stuff since they voted for Obama and not the other guy

If you look at historical polling data, self-identified conservatives have always out-numbered self-identified liberals in this country. Right now the polling data is showing people identifying themselves as conservatives over liberals by a 2:1 margin, 40% to 20%. Google that and you can find the polling data. The big ones out there like Pew Research among others tracks this. The thoughts among liberals after the 2008 election was that the American political landscape had dramatically and permanently changed, hence a 'left-wing' governance with respect to American politics. That mindset turned out to be dead flat wrong, and even some prominent liberal commentators and analysts have admitted this. This really is a conservative country at heart. People were justifably mad at the GOP in 2008 and threw them out. They're now even more mad at the Democrats going into 2010 and are going to throw them out too. The GOP had better watch out though. Strong dissatisfaction with both parties has created a lot of anger and an anti-incumbent attitude out there. If the GOP hoses up in the next two years, especially if they take both the House and Senate, things could easily swing back in the other direction and Obama could very well win re-election in 2012. The conditions are also ripe for the emergence of a strong centrist third-party, especially if things don't go well in the next two years.

Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
Not that Obama could ever be considered a true leftie. At best he's a centrist.
What little political record he had as a legislator before being elected president was about as far to the left as it gets in American politics. Yes, with respect to global politics he could be considered more of a centrist but that's irrelevant here. His governance style is more moderate which people still respect. It's Pelosi and Reid that people are the most upset about, and wanting to throw out or at least strip power from. Pelosi is safe in her district but is almost assuredly going to lose the house. Taking the Senate is still a bit of a long shot for the GOP, but there's a fair chance that Reid might actually lose his reelection bid. That'd be a huge blow to the Obama admin as well.