Americans by and large have realized they've made One Big Ass Mistake, America. The Dems have had two years to make a bad situations which was the fault of both parties EVEN WORSE, Americans have realized their mistake of giving way too much power to one party, and now they're going to correct for it. With the far-left in charge of both the Oval Office and Congress with strong majorities in both houses we've seen TRILLIONS in additional national debt, unprecedented levels of spending, unprecedented federal overreach into private markets and people's personal lives, and unemployment still at 10% which means the unprecedented spending has done _nothing_, and now with the new threat of a Greek style second financial meltdown from unsustainable debt levels on the horizon.

No surprise that in polls Americans are now personally identifyng themselves as conservatives at a 40% rate and liberal at only 20%. That was actually fairly close but still leaned conservative during the last election cycle, but now it's back to more historical levels. This is an overall conservative country, not liberal, and are going to put a government in place that's hopefully a bit more to their liking.

People were displeased with the GOP in 2008 and threw them out.
Now people are even more displeased with the Donkeys in 2010 and are going to throw them out even harder.

These things go in cycles. I once saw a picture in someone's house that illustrated which party had control of the oval office and congress going all the way back to the 1800s, and what it showed was that no single party has ever held onto power for more than about 12 years at a time, with a lot of shorter term trends as well. Democracy is and has been working just fine. Just because the party YOU want to be in power is losing doesn't mean "democracy" as a whole isn't working. When the Dems took control of everything in 2008 you woudn't have found me whining about 'democracy not working' or some dumb crap like that. What I was actually saying is that people weren't paying attenion putting such hard left people (Obama, Pelosi, Reid) in power. Despite being a conservative, I might have even been able to vote for Hillary because I was never really a big McCain fan. But what I feared more than who took the White House was that Pelosi and Reid would have so much power. Look at the Congressional approval ratings and the personal approval ratings for both of them - they're MUCH lower on average than Obama himself, and they're most of what people are upset about - not Obama.

So yes, Democracy is working just fine here thank you very much.