First, enter ENTj EM moral relativism. This opens the dominant manifestation of this type (the financier) to the advise of unscrupulous LIE IMs. LIE-D EM then commissions LSE EM to organize in accordance with amoral advise. Their weak Ni makes them mostly incomprehending of the ethical situations they are presented with. So they go ahead and administer the plans. Now add ENFJ IM tendency to forgo careful logical reasoning, and you've got a market for those unscrupulous ideas. Wrap all that enthusiasm around ENFJ, and all of a sudden 75% of IM Fs have lost their minds.

Now add overzealous libertarian reverence for Adam Smith's economic philosophy, so that those unscrupulous LIEs go completely unchecked, then a dab of catastrophic political pandering, and you've got a disaster waiting in the wings.