Conquerors: ESTp, ISTj
These are assertive types who do not flinch at their own sexuality. They will express their own desire without reservation. They are won over by direct shows of submission (only after feeling that they have earned it). He will be insulted if his romantic interest gives him his title without question, and bored if the fight is too easily won. He, like the Pseudo-Aggressor and the Challenger, is questing to find his equal. Someone he can play his almost sadistic games with without "breaking."
Challengers/Prize: INFp, ENFj
These are the types who unconsciously throw a "gauntlet" down for their opponents. They know on an almost subliminal level exactly who they are looking for, and anyone who does not fit the bill will be subjected to a rather flakey, hot-cold game of courting tag. As a result, they may appear (both to others and to themselves) rather amorphous and can take on qualities of the other romantic attitudes, depending on the situation and who they are "challenging." They may, for example, give the victim half his aggressor, the psuedo-aggressor a little victim, the caregiver a bit of his child, etc. They react best, however, to those who do not "break" as a result of their games, but grant them a level of autonomy. Healthy examples of this type will have a sense of self-esteem, and may think of themselves as the "prize" that will be given only to the rightful owner.
I SOOO do this
Although, sometimes it really is unconscious!

I have always thought of myself as a prize to be earned in a way and yet I am totally and 100 percent devoted when I am with someone who has earned me, I have noticed it is almost only SLEs and LSIs who are able, and willing perhaps, to rise to this challenge. I used to think it would annoy guys, after bad experiences with nonBetas, and maybe its annoyed some, but theyre not the ones for me then. Are others here the same?? I'd love to hear from other Beta NFs and especially Beta STs