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Thread: Does this sound ESI?

  1. #1
    star stuff April's Avatar
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    Default Does this sound ESI?

    My boyfriend (LII) wrote a description of me, and I thought it sounded ESI > EII. What do you think?

    April is strong. She is strong of will, strong of mind, and strong of heart. Her emotions run deep, and though she is affected deeply by that which brings her joy or offense, she is not betrayed by her feelings but steeled further by them. April has a mind for life and matters of feeling, but also a mind for numbers and sciences. Critical thinking, genius, and determination aid her in accomplishing the goals her heart and her gut instruct her are of the course to pursue. At times she can be stubborn, but is often right, and does not shrink away or become dejected when her premise is proven wrong, but able to adapt and look forward.

    April loves to enjoy both her time spent alone, working on a project or craft, and her time spent bantering with her friends and colleagues. April loves to listen to music in all situations, and appreciates a very eclectic and wide array of styles. Though she prefers to spend the majority of her time in the quiet comfort of her own home, she has been known to crack a joke to a stranger, and make witty comments amongst both the common and the illustrious. She appreciates both dry humor and cute things, and loves to make a mockery of that which does not make sense or is executed in a cheesy manner.

    April has a loving yet discerning heart, and a deep sense of each person she interacts with. Able to size up the actions and words of those she comes into contact with, both in person, spoken, and written, she is not one to have the wool pulled over her eyes. She will decide, on very reasonable conditions, if a person meets her standards for what makes a person a quality individual. It is hard to earn her respect, harder once lost, but she is very giving to those she holds dear and trusts, and holds a place for them deep in her heart.

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    I'm not particularly pulled in either direction, but if I had to choose, then yeah I'd say ESI > EII.

  3. #3
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    more EII than ESI

    because of the science part and the accent on humanism.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    One of my ESI peers has a more scientific and eclectic bent and is interested in spiritual among other topics and disciplines.
    when it comes to probabilities, isn't there's a greater chance an EII will be into sciences than an ESI?

  5. #5
    star stuff April's Avatar
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    Thanks, guys. Any additional thoughts or insight from anybody? This has me genuinely puzzled. There's a good amount of material to write on any one person, so it's interesting seeing what he emphasized above all other information. It certainly doesn't match how I'd describe myself.

  6. #6
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    I would say it points towards more than , some qualities which are commonly attributed to ISFjs are connected to rahter than , these would be in common with an INFj.
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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Definitely a lot more ESI than EII.

    Sounds very similar to my ESI wife - a lot of that could be used to describe her - and much less like some EIIs I've known, although there's some elements in there that could be attributed to either depending on how you interpret.
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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    when it comes to probabilities, isn't there's a greater chance an EII will be into sciences than an ESI?
    I know ESI doctors and EII engineers, so no clue on that one.

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    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj View Post
    I know ESI doctors and EII engineers, so no clue on that one.
    Yeah i know doctors of both types, actually.
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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    In my experience yes, there is, even though there is not theorethical basis for this assertion. By the way, profession has no real relationship to interest in logic and/or intellectual matters, so an ESI chemist, engineer, etc. doesn't prove anything.
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  11. #11
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    April, I'm not exactly sure what makes you think from the description that you may be ESI over EII. But I can guess one thing, for now.

    If you are connecting "strong will" and "strong of mind" and "...heart" with Se, while theoretically it may be correct, I think practically it can easily be applied to EIIs as well. Using myself as an example, I've been called strong-willed by those close to me, even though I don't necessarily see it in myself, at least not to the extent they do.

    The ability to "size up people" and such stems from the analytic nature of Ne and its focus on humanistic perspective, feeling, especially Fi, which notices a lot of flux in a person's behaviour.

    Nothing wrong with doubt though, but nothing your boyfriend has said leads me to think you may be not be EII.
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    Se is hands on experience, and Ne is associated with science. So I don't understand why both can be considered equal scientific. Just because you know an exception doesn't make it a rule.

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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    I think they both could be considered equally scientific, just with different orientations. I think it's more like:

    Ne: theoretical science, the world of possibilities and different ideas and theories
    Se: more along the lines of applied science
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj View Post
    I think they both could be considered equally scientific, just with different orientations. I think it's more like:

    Ne: theoretical science, the world of possibilities and different ideas and theories
    Se: more along the lines of applied science
    That distinction sounds a bit like Ti and Te, but then, ha, dunno, potayto potato perhaps.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
    That distinction sounds a bit like Ti and Te, but then, ha, dunno, potayto potato perhaps.

    Industrially, TNT is synthesized in a three-step process. First, toluene is nitrated with a mixture of sulfuric and nitric acid to produce mono-nitrotoluene or MNT. The MNT is separated and then renitrated to dinitrotoluene or DNT. In the final step, the DNT is nitrated to trinitrotoluene or TNT using an anhydrous mixture of nitric acid and oleum. Nitric acid is consumed by the manufacturing process, but the diluted sulfuric acid can be reconcentrated and reused. Subsequent to nitration, TNT is stabilized by a process called sulphitation, where the crude TNT is treated with aqueous sodium sulfite solution in order to remove less stable isomers of TNT and other undesired reaction products. The rinse water from sulphitation is known as red water and is a significant pollutant and waste product of TNT manufacture.[1]

    Control of nitrogen oxides in feed nitric acid is very important because free nitrogen dioxide can result in oxidation of the methyl group of toluene. This reaction is highly exothermic and carries with it the risk of runaway reaction and explosion.

    In the laboratory, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene is produced by a two step process. A nitrating mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids is used to nitrate toluene to a mixture of mono- and di-nitrotoluene isomers, with cooling to maintain careful temperature control. The nitrated toluenes are separated, washed with dilute sodium bicarbonate to remove oxides of nitrogen, and then carefully nitrated with a mixture of fuming nitric acid and sulfuric acid. Towards the end of the nitration, the mixture is heated on a steam bath. The trinitrotoluene is separated, washed with a dilute solution of sodium sulfite and then recrystallized from alcohol.

    TNT is one of the most commonly used explosives for military and industrial applications. It is valued because of its insensitivity to shock and friction, which reduces the risk of accidental detonation. TNT melts at 80 °C (176 °F), far below the temperature at which it will spontaneously detonate, allowing it to be poured as well as safely combined with other explosives. TNT neither absorbs nor dissolves in water, which allows it to be used effectively in wet environments. Additionally, it is stable compared to other high explosives.

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    Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj View Post


    Hahahaha, Te in song format:

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    There's a simple solution to this puzzle: If your boyfriend's LII, you're not ESI. So either you're EII, or he's ILI or LSI.

    Seriously, why hasn't anyone thought of this before?
    What do these signs mean—, , etc.? Why cannot socionists use symbols Ne, Ni etc. as in MBTI? Just because they have somewhat different meaning. Socionics and MBTI, each in its own way, have slightly modified the original Jung's description of his 8 psychological types. For this reason, (Ne) is not exactly the same as Ne in MBTI.

    Just one example: in MBTI, Se (extraverted sensing) is associated with life pleasures, excitement etc. By contrast, the socionic function (extraverted sensing) is first and foremost associated with control and expansion of personal space (which sometimes can manifest in excessive aagression, but often also manifests in a capability of managing lots of people and things).

    For this reason, we consider comparison between MBTI types and socionic types by functions to be rather useless than useful.

    -Victor Gulenko, Dmitri Lytov

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    Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj View Post
    I think they both could be considered equally scientific, just with different orientations. I think it's more like:

    Ne: theoretical science, the world of possibilities and different ideas and theories
    Se: more along the lines of applied science
    So Se is applied science. Where have you read that hmm?

    Why is it so hard to admit that one is wrong I wonder...

  19. #19
    star stuff April's Avatar
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    First, big thanks to TheGreeter. Your thoughts are very helpful to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleksei View Post
    There's a simple solution to this puzzle: If your boyfriend's LII, you're not ESI. So either you're EII, or he's ILI or LSI.

    Seriously, why hasn't anyone thought of this before?
    Hmm... you're saying that a superego relationship is impossible? Maybe it's less probable than a business relationship, but saying it's impossible is kind of silly. I really don't doubt his LIIness, btw.

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    At times she can be stubborn, but is often right, . . .
    Lol, you train your men well I see.

  21. #21
    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    So Se is applied science. Where have you read that hmm?

    Why is it so hard to admit that one is wrong I wonder...
    hmmm.... I dunno where I might have "read that".

    I think it comes from the fact that I have a decade of experience working in the engineering world at some big name companies that almost everyone would recognize, and from my wife working in the medical arena for an equal amount of time, and the fact that you really do run across all sorts of different 'types' of people. Two of the most brilliant engineers I've ever known and worked with, Beta STs. Two very brilliant doctors are gamma-SFs. Some very creative and visionary engineers have been Alpha-NTs. A world renowned radiologist, an SEI of all things. A couple of SLIs and an EII from Delta land as well. Just had a formal company dinner the other week with the group medical practice that my wife works at where all of the physicians were present, and they really are a mix of all types of personalities. Thus through all of that real-world experience and observations and not something I've "read", it's very difficult for me to say that one type is more or less inclined to the sciences than another. Plenty of Se and Ne to go around, along with everything else. If there's any difference at all, it's in how exactly they approach and go about doing their work, and the attitudes that they have towards their work, and also what specific roles they might be the most natural at and well suited for. They typically fall into the Quadra roles here.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    Hmm... you're saying that a superego relationship is impossible? Maybe it's less probable than a business relationship, but saying it's impossible is kind of silly. I really don't doubt his LIIness, btw.
    Aleksei is BSing. One of my best friends is in a super-ego relationship and has been for like two and a half years now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    mm... you're saying that a superego relationship is impossible?
    Not impossible, no; but such a relationship would crash and burn very soon after it started. Depends on how well she gets along with her boyfriend.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanks Arthur View Post
    Aleksei is BSing. One of my best friends is in a super-ego relationship and has been for like two and a half years now.
    Intertype relations are part of type theory. Wherever there are ambiguities on what type a person could be (and there always are -- it took me almost a year to figure out my MBTI type because of that), looking at type relations is a good way to sort them out. If you typed her and her boyfriend super-egos, you probably got the type of one of them wrong. It's that simple.
    What do these signs mean—, , etc.? Why cannot socionists use symbols Ne, Ni etc. as in MBTI? Just because they have somewhat different meaning. Socionics and MBTI, each in its own way, have slightly modified the original Jung's description of his 8 psychological types. For this reason, (Ne) is not exactly the same as Ne in MBTI.

    Just one example: in MBTI, Se (extraverted sensing) is associated with life pleasures, excitement etc. By contrast, the socionic function (extraverted sensing) is first and foremost associated with control and expansion of personal space (which sometimes can manifest in excessive aagression, but often also manifests in a capability of managing lots of people and things).

    For this reason, we consider comparison between MBTI types and socionic types by functions to be rather useless than useful.

    -Victor Gulenko, Dmitri Lytov

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Aleksei View Post
    Intertype relations are part of type theory. Wherever there are ambiguities on what type a person could be (and there always are -- it took me almost a year to figure out my MBTI type because of that), looking at type relations is a good way to sort them out. If you typed her and her boyfriend super-egos, you probably got the type of one of them wrong. It's that simple.
    Or your understanding of the intertypes is flawed, or I'm not giving enough information.

    Where did you get that super-ego by default has to crash and burn in a romantic setting?

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    It's the super-ego, that is to say, the functions one hates and is no good at. From afar, super-egos can be curious about, and even admire each other, but if they try something really up-close, personal, and long-term (such as, say, a romantic relationship), it'll probably sink faster than the Titanic.

    In Day-to-Day Behavior

    If Super-Ego partners cannot find a common interest to discuss and ponder, their interaction can quickly descend into strife. The partners would rather express their own points of view than listen to the other partner's point of view. The latter tries to defend himself by projecting his own confident points in return. This can easily devolve into a vicious cycle. Partners normally show interest and respect to each other if they do not know each other well enough. When partners begin to close their psychological distance, they start to experience many problems understanding each other.

    Super-Ego partners may think that they have each other figured out. However, when it comes to the two collaborating on a group project, they can easily begin to believe that the other is trying to ruin the project. Super-Ego partners do not make each other aware of their intentions. Therefore their actions may look exactly opposite to what was expected. Although the hope of better collaboration between partners remains as before, it does not prevent conflict penetrating their relationship.

    It is said that when both partners are extraverts, one of them usually feels more unsatisfied with their position as partners. The explanation for this is that they believe that the other partner deliberately does not pay as much attention to their point of view as they should and are too occupied with their own matters. Between two introvert partners, one partner is preoccupied that the other as being too obtrusive and clingy. In any case, friction begins when partners shift to a relationship of a closer psychological distance.
    As such, you can probably recognize a super-ego relationship by whether they're always arguing or not. Unless of course they have a bottomless pit of interests in common to talk about (chances of that: infinitesimal).

    And, yes that third option is plausible... you could not be giving enough information. I do have something of a tendency to jump the gun on this shit.
    What do these signs mean—, , etc.? Why cannot socionists use symbols Ne, Ni etc. as in MBTI? Just because they have somewhat different meaning. Socionics and MBTI, each in its own way, have slightly modified the original Jung's description of his 8 psychological types. For this reason, (Ne) is not exactly the same as Ne in MBTI.

    Just one example: in MBTI, Se (extraverted sensing) is associated with life pleasures, excitement etc. By contrast, the socionic function (extraverted sensing) is first and foremost associated with control and expansion of personal space (which sometimes can manifest in excessive aagression, but often also manifests in a capability of managing lots of people and things).

    For this reason, we consider comparison between MBTI types and socionic types by functions to be rather useless than useful.

    -Victor Gulenko, Dmitri Lytov

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    Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj View Post
    hmmm.... I dunno where I might have "read that".

    I think it comes from the fact that I have a decade of experience working in the engineering world at some big name companies that almost everyone would recognize, and from my wife working in the medical arena for an equal amount of time, and the fact that you really do run across all sorts of different 'types' of people. Two of the most brilliant engineers I've ever known and worked with, Beta STs. Two very brilliant doctors are gamma-SFs. Some very creative and visionary engineers have been Alpha-NTs. A world renowned radiologist, an SEI of all things. A couple of SLIs and an EII from Delta land as well. Just had a formal company dinner the other week with the group medical practice that my wife works at where all of the physicians were present, and they really are a mix of all types of personalities. Thus through all of that real-world experience and observations and not something I've "read", it's very difficult for me to say that one type is more or less inclined to the sciences than another. Plenty of Se and Ne to go around, along with everything else. If there's any difference at all, it's in how exactly they approach and go about doing their work, and the attitudes that they have towards their work, and also what specific roles they might be the most natural at and well suited for. They typically fall into the Quadra roles here.
    oke fair enough.

  27. #27


    You also have a tendency to sell yourself as an expert and arbiter of the truth when clearly, you are not. You need to take a level in Humble my friend.

    Anyway, I'm not going to go around spilling relationship nitty-gritty on my friend, but needless to say it's not an easy relationship. I imagine it's only being sustained by the fact that they can find a suitable distance so as not to be grating on one another excessively. (But grate they still do.) And also because she's as loyal as a neodymium magnet.

    What you need to understand is that people stick in stupidly bad relationships for longer than they ought to or need to. Just because Socionics says they're incompatible, and just because they are incompatible, does not mean they'll not try and slog through it.

    Seriously, how much experience do you have with relationships? I'm sorry if I'm being brutal here, but you're just so full of hot air and seemingly have no justification for acting like a Socionics master. I dearly want to be proven wrong, because you seem like a decent enough fellow, and this is your chance. Please don't disappoint me.

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    @Jarno and FDG

    I think there may be a tendency for Ne types to take an interest in science over other types, but like all things you can't make those sweeping generalizations because all the types might have their different reasons for taking an interest. So using that as the only reason for EII over ESI isn't really justified. That said, I understand it isn't clear and that it is easy for one thing to tip the scale one way or the other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    @Jarno and FDG

    I think there may be a tendency for Ne types to take an interest in science over other types, but like all things you can't make those sweeping generalizations because all the types might have their different reasons for taking an interest. So using that as the only reason for EII over ESI isn't really justified. That said, I understand it isn't clear and that it is easy for one thing to tip the scale one way or the other.
    Well, I would never use such a reasoning to determine a person's type out of the whole set of 16. However, narrowed to just EII or ESI, a STRONG interest in science (which seems to be hinted at by the description) would generally be more common in EII. ESI might even be more successful scientist on a case-by-case basis, but if we start using a case-by-case reasoning then there's no way out of a typing...
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    If there's any swing I've observed, I'd have to say that the engineering sciences tend to attract more logical types than ethical, and that the medical sciences seem to be of far more interest to ethical types in comparison to the engineering sciences.

    At the medical practice my wife works for I do believe there's at least one EII physician, but theremare some Gamma-SF ones as well. If you look at just medical sciences, people are drawn into it for all sorts of different reasons. Making the world a better place, money, making a name for youself and definitely ego motivations, and the creative aspects like coming up with a bold new proceedure and advancing medicine. There's plenty of reasons to be drawn in for all different types and motivations. The physicians at my wife's practice are truly a diverse group.
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    It sounds like people are linking different types of sciences to information elements (I do research in social and organizational psychology, btw). What might be more telling is the motivation for an interest in science.

    Some people are interested in science for the sake of science. While the process itself is definitely rewarding at times, I ultimately find it more satisfying to apply the knowledge I've gained and affect social change. In all of the studies I've had published, I've recommended specific changes that organizations and individuals need to make to work toward certain ideals and principles for which I stand. That said, I really do love playing with numbers in Excel and SPSS for hours on end.

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    maybe this is why there is confusion.

    When a description says 'numbers and science', it most likely doesn't refer to medical science. So if medical science is the main playground of an ESI, than the description was not that of an ESI.

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    The description in general comes off as Ti-ish although more on the LSI side of things.

    Probably due to a Ti ego type writing it.

    In terms of self-typing I wouldn't worry about it, when people give out complements it's usually related to their ego elements.

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    I can't see anything in the description which points to ESI above EII or vica versa. Except I would say EII over ESI as you seem a bit more open minded than most ESIs. OK maybe that is a stereotype but there's something to it IME.

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    Are you more of a cause-effect or holographic thinker? I wouldn't type a newbie by that, but in this case...

    [insert bad translation warning]

    4. Cause-effect thinking

    Let us pass to the examination of the first cognitive style: the thinking is analytical, is positive, deductive. We will call its cause-effect. Its carriers are the socionic types IL ([ILE]), LF ([LSI]), FR ([SEE]), RI ([EII]).

    As statics they are steady and rosary in their cognitive activity, as evolutionaries they think of processually, without passing components and intermediate it is sectional, and as positivists strictly they go to one, singularly valid solution.

    Cause-effect intellect is known under the synonymous names formal logical, or deterministic thinking. In both cases its rigid nature is emphasized. Speech during this thinking takes shape with the aid of the bonds (unions of reason) “since”, “because”, “consequently”. Mental process itself consists in the construction of the chains of cause and effect. They reduce the explanation to the indication of generating reason. If we use ourselves an example of Aristotle, who to the first four methods of explaining the phenomena, then the sculptor, who directly molded it is the reason for existence of sculpture.

    In the scientific sphere so it thinks IL ([ILE]), in the technical- administrative sphere - methodical LF ([LSI]), in the social sphere it checks the chain of the material interests FR. However, ([SEE]), in the humanitarian sphere, is subordinated to the categorical imperative RI ([EII]).

    Aristotle is considered the discoverer of this technic of thinking. The fundamental laws of formal thinking are presented in the theory of syllogism. However, it in to practitioner, there was first, who consecutively personified Euclid, who built famous geometry. In the new time its principles substantiated the rationalist Descartes in his “reasoning about the method” (1637 g.). Then it finally was designed in the mathematical logic. Cause-effect thinking reached its apogee in the logical positivism, then its value toward the end of the 20th century began increasingly more to fall. However, as the mass stereotype of proof, it rules until now.

    I will touch its advantages. First, it is received into [sotsiume] as the most authoritative, most convincing, singularly correct. In mathematics it is designed as deductive-axiomatic method. The possession of them requires large intellectual endurance. In the second place, in this style of thinking are inherent large clearness and concentration. The type is characterized by special concentration LF ([LSI]). However, irrational FR ([SEE]) it discusses sufficiently reasonably, deriving one consequence from another, which assumes concentration on the chain of steps. If at least one component for any reason falls out, then determinists lose the sensation of reasonable [obyasnennosti] and make it difficult to accomplish actions, since they do not see bases for them.

    But at the same time cause-effect thinking has its deficiencies. First, it is most artificial, distant from the laws of the functioning of living. Its effectiveness stretches for “logical” formulation of the already existing results, construction of operating mechanisms, but not for the fundamentally new discoveries. The first blind alley, into which risks to bring the formalization, these are scholasticism, i.e., pointless, although logically irreproachable reasonings. In the second place, sequential determinists, removing whole from his sections, fall into one more intellectual blind alley - the trap of reductionism. This deficiency noted even more antique skeptics, and in the new time - Hume, who doubted the fact that any event is dictated by a strict reason.

    Actually, system the long chains of cause and effect, it is difficult to avoid the danger of recycling, risk to fall into circulus vitiosus - vicious circle in the proof. In the theorem about the incompleteness of the formalisms Of [k].[Gedel] it asserts that any fairly complicated system of rules either is contradictory or it contains the conclusions, which cannot be either proven, or refuted by the means of this system. By this the limits of the applicability of formal logic are established. Using formal- deductive method, medieval scholastics, in particular, attempted to strictly prove existence of god. As a result closing cause and effect into the circle they arrived at the definition of god as thoughts, which thinks of itself.

    Cause-effect thinking generates such psyche, which is badly protected from the training or, in the limiting cases, even [zombirovaniya]. Skillfully combining words and memory actions, it is possible to attain control over the behavior of concrete people. For the intellectual determinists, in particular, is characteristic strong dependence on the events of the childhood, which, as in its time opened [Z].[Freyd], are badly realized entirely. Habits in the clearly expressed determinists in their hardness are compared with the conditioned reflexes.

    The standard military procedure of conducting examination is designed taking into account the guaranteed cause-effect actions on the psyche. It includes such measures for action as the deprivation of sleep, change in the temperature and/or humidity in the camera, deprivation of food with its subsequent delivery as the reward, etc. Isolation of arrested and gradual attachment to it its instructions sooner or later gives its fruits, since in the course of time in the unstably thinking person is manufactured dependence on the inspector, who leads examination.

    It is significant, which in the extreme, maximally compressed situations in people, which think in a cause-effect manner, operates the effect “of slow-motion film”. Thinking becomes separately clear, but that extended on the time. Seconds subjectively are lengthened to the minutes. For the same reason the sharp shakings of psyche, the stresses of rapidity strongly impede their cerebral activity up to the deep sleep.

    The psychological school of behaviorism uses this model of psyche. Its supporters consider that the instruction in any behavior is accomplished through the training - the encouragement of movement to rule and the punishment for its disturbance. [B].[F].[Skinner] formulated the principle of operant conditionality, according to which the behavior of living organisms is completely determined by consequences, to which it leads. He proposed the method of sequential approximations, according to which trained obtains the reward stimulation when his behavior it becomes similar to that desired.

    The concept of the programmed instruction developed by behaviorists also places as the basis of its actions the rigidly step-by-step method of motion to the purpose.

    Formal logical thinking in its time gave birth to the cause-effect picture of peace. This is the picture of the peace of classical physics, cornerstone of which it is mechanic Newton. As paradigm it ruled up to the beginning of the 20th century. According to these rules function rigid systems - mechanism, organism. However, multifactor processes (psyche, society), where occur, reductionism, explaining the complex phenomena through their simple components, loses its explanatory force. Furthermore, classical paradigm is too subjected to the influence of the positive idea of the progress, while in the history is numerous examples of negative- regressive tendencies, recoils back, repetitions of that of already passed, etc.

    The full-scale model of cause-effect thinking - this is the idea of the information in the form of drawing or realistic figure. They are produced with the aid of the straight prospect. The closely spaced objects in this technology are depicted more largely, and removed respectively on a smaller scale, it is proportional to their distance from the observer. According to this drawing, following rigid instructions, easily is made any article.
    6. Holographic thinking

    In the theory of intellect the third cognitive form is least investigated: the thinking analytical, negative, inductive. It possess the socionic types FL ([SLE]), LI (LII), IR ([IEE]), RF ([ESI]). Code name of this intellectual style - holographic, or [polnoopisatelnoe] thinking. Term originates from the Ancient Greek words of holos - entire, whole and grapho - I write. As the base of this designation served the capability of holographers for the very tight packing of information according to the method “similar in similar”.

    As statics holographers reach grow prettier the clearness of thought, as negativists they periodically turn the object of thought by opposite side, and as involutionaries spasmodically change foreshortening - the angle of examination or the criterion of judgment.

    This intellectual technology has much in common with holographic principle in physics. Hologram (optical) - this is the statically fixed picture of the two-beam interference of light - supporting and reflected, that go from one source. Holographic technology makes it possible to obtain the volumetric image of object. Hologram itself is the totality of strips and spots, in no way not similar to the imprinted object. In it prove to be superimposed to each other two separate light beams, this occurring so that each part of the hologram it bears information about entire volume.

    Thus, due to the mental imposition of several projections of one and the same object holographers achieve the effect of capacity. For this they look through the image and is selected the necessary distance of examination. Holographic thinking the following grammatical bonds attend: “or - or”, “or- or”, “from one side, from other side”. It actively uses principle of menu, free election of the point of view. Holographic approximation - this successive approximation to a purpose or the removal from it, accompanied by the change of foreshortenings. In the process of holographing as if sharp focusing is accomplished.

    Holographic thinking has the characteristic skeletal- gripping, penetrating, “X-ray” nature. It without the regret intercepts details, nuances. General, completely convoluted idea about the object gives. Take for an example two orthogonal sections of cylinder. Horizontal section looks like circle, and vertical - as rectangle. Two different manifestations of united with their combination in the mind give passage to the higher logical level of understanding object.

    So it thinks FL ([SLE]) in combat. Analyzing situation, it simplifies it to two-three projections (frontal, from the flank, from the rear), but rapidly it leaves to the higher level of understanding. LI (LII) convexly grips problem from the alternative sides, mentally turning situation around its semantic axes. RF ([ESI]), first drawing near, then moving away man, seemingly it probes it from the different sides, intercepting people, which it can bring. IR ([IEE]) it recovers the concealed, alternative motives of man, seemingly is built its psychological “hologram”.

    The major advantages of holographic thinking are such. First, [mnogorakursnost]. Due to this, as has already been spoken, are reached convexity, the completeness of description, [kholistichnost]. In the second place, it values simplicity and clearness. It avoids pretentiousness, “[navorotov]”. Are especially effective holographers in the crisis situations, when it is necessary to rapidly make decision and there is no time to the weighing of all components.

    An explicit deficiency in this style of thinking in the fact that it too rough, does not pay the adequate consideration to the details, which become significant, when process proceeds exactly. It is difficult to unpack its information products. It seems strangers that in them be absent the intermediate components, which must ensure connectedness.

    On Aristotle, holographic thinking corresponds to explanation with the aid of the structural, or shaping reasons. Aristotle called structure form. If we return ourselves for its example with the sculptor, then the reason for sculpture occurs the form concealed in it, which the sculptor of altogether only frees, intercepting the excess pieces of marble.

    The vague ideas of the holographic content expressed Leibnitz in his “[Monadologii]”. Its monad, in which as in the miniature is reflected entire world order, greatly resembles hologram. Systematically biologists, who were attempting themselves to understand the reason for stability in nature, turned themselves to it. As a result of the interrelations of living and inanimate nature, which appear in the specific territory, are formed the biogeocenosis, or ecosystems. Ecosystems, first of all, are characterized by [samotozhdestvennostyu] (self-balancing?) in the time, equilibrium. In them the prolonged co-existence of oppositions without the confluence is observed (synthesis). In such associations the statics, therefore, predominates above the dynamics. In this consists the fundamental law of ecosystem, called homeostasis.

    On the base of these ideas more lately was formed the general theory of systems. Austrian biologist l. is considered as its ancestor. von Bertalanffy, who introduced the concept of the open system - such, which is exchanged with the medium substance, energy and information and due to this resists disorganization.

    If determinists explain the behavior of the system through the component parts and the connections between them, then holographers find in it the new qualities, which are described by the additional combinatory signs, which in no way escape from its internal structure. Therefore holographic paradigm in a general manner can be named the system - ecological picture of peace.

    Contemporary ideology “of green” - the absolutization of this thinking. This on no account means that the ideologists of this motion - holographic types. The technic of thinking and the system of the proclaimed views don't have to coincide! The manifestation of one style of thinking through another is the absolutely typical case. As a good example serve the books “quantum” psychologist a. Wilson, in which dialectical-algorithmic form is filled by the [mnogogorakursnym], holographic content [of 5].

    To holographic thinking corresponds the steady, [nezombiruemaya] psyche. You will compare, for example, the programmability of psyche [LSI] and involutional - specular to it [SLE]. As practice indicates, the degree of resistibility to psychological intrusion from outside is much higher in the latter. But how this is explained? - By the durable cognitive body, on which it [zizhdetsya]. By [polnookhvatnostyu], which gives periodic change of the point of view to the object. By good balance between the immune and nervous systems, and also the basic sensory organs. \

    In the neurolinguistic programming this principle is used in the technic, which is called "reframing". Reframing (?) - this is a change in the framework, in the range which is received one or other event or another. If we mentally place customary object into the unusual medium, then the sense of entire situation will change. Present to itself, for example, tiger first in the jungle, then in the cell of zoo, then on the threshold of your apartment. Standardly socionic type is described as submerged in its “club”. But if we move it in to quasar? But if it does prove to be among the types with the opposite style of thinking? This number can be unlimitedly continued.

    With the aid of reframing it is possible to glance at that becoming familiar by fresh view. The type of the psyche of man, who comes running to this technology, in this case is, of course, constant, changes only relation to the object of attention. Gain from this method, first of all, in the fact that new vision emphasizes those sides of situation, which previously were underestimated, it makes it possible to find the new resources of increase, enlarges the selection available to you.

    By the physical, full-scale model of multi-foreshortening intellect is hologram - imposition of several images in such a way that each of them is evident only during the examination at the specific angle. The replacement of pictures occurs spasmodically. In this case changes not system itself, but only its priorities. The multicriteriality, which makes it possible to work with the complex system so realizes as with a number of simple.

    One additional full-scale prototype of holographic thinking - fractal objects. They are opened by mathematician b. Mandelbrot in the 70's of past century. Geometrically fractal - figure with the washed away outlines, that possess self-similar internal structure. For example, tree, snowflake, coastline and similar. Repeated internal investments according to the principle of matryoshka are characteristic for them. As in the hologram, the small fragment of fractal contains information about entire fractal. Part occurs always structurally it is similar to whole.

    Socionics objects are such fractals. Hence my holographic concept of individual as the systems of the types, inserted in each other [4]. It disputes with the ruling flat [sotsionikoy], which defend people who are guided by reductionistic thinking.

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