Feel free to provide feedback.

1) Likes to reminisce excessively and repeat stuff e.g. songs which remind them of certain memorable incidents of their life, scenes of movies and dramas which they can relate to and feel good about. In addition, they might become overly emotional about it.

2) Becomes obsessive over details and wants to make sure that they get the latest information e.g. comparing interest rates between different banks to make sure that they are getting the best deals, getting updated on the latest technology and buying the most up-to-date IT gadgets around.

3) Prefer to spend time alone and doing the stuff which interest them, and not involving others in it eg. shopping, travelling, watching movies in the cinema etc.

4) In decision making, they constantly need assurance from others to make sure that they are making the right decisions.

5) Become too relaxed in terms of taking care of him/herself eg. skipping meals, watching too much TV, not having a healthy diet, only showering once a day.

6) Tends to think of things in a complicated manner and feels entangled in it.

7) Feels unsociable and doesn't see the need to socialise. Expects people to come to them when they should make the effort to approach others.

I will add on more later.