This is an ofshoot of a Beta thread.

Quote Originally Posted by vague
At my waitressing job, some fella had a seizure at my table. Shocked I'm standing there gawking while my coworkers are swarming around me trying to help the guy.
Quote Originally Posted by Zem
I wouldn't freeze up if something crazy like that. I'd have to take a second to collect myself.
Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian
My ENFP sis finally wakes up in situations like that, lke just before you ACTUALLY could die, and she cool as cucumber while everyone else is about to die themselves.
Quote Originally Posted by Aleesha
I am like that. Even when I am the one in trouble (need the ambulance etc.), I am still the one trying to keep everyone else calm. Rolling Eyes

It's also when I start "managing" everyone else - I go to calm the hysterical people and make them do something useful that removes them from the situation. Find bandages, call doctor, whatever needs to be done.
So, what about you?