Now, if he wrote an entire post "channeling his inner gay" or being a "better person" then he would be posing and would reveal nothing at all interesting about his type.
Too you maybe, but I would find that entertaining as hell. Are you trying to insult me or something by impling that I'm posing? You don't even know me. Also stop being stuck-up. And I'm not projecting, I'm accurately seeing into his psyche.

You really love to point this homophobe finger at a lot of people, BnD, which is kind of hypocritical for someone who is telling a guy to stop being morally superior.
Yeah well, you take acting like a smug, intellectual college feminist bitch way too far. Two can play that game. It's just my personality quirk.

And ugh, forget the ****** thing for a second. The guy has serious anger issues. He really rides people in traffic cause they go slow? Why are you defending him? He needs to be taught better manners, we're not helping him accepting his antiscocial behaviors.

I don't care if people are driving slow. You don't drive fast to piss them off even more. You're such a narcissist that lacks empathy at times. They're driving slow because they're afraid. have some compassion and ignore them.