Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj View Post
Not exactly what I meant, but sort of close.

The pattern I've noticed is that for SEE/SLE males, if they see something they want they'll just go and get it. It's the nature of the type and it's also in accordance with societal gender roles and expectations. For females, the approach seems to be a bit different in that they'll let it be known to you that they're 'interested', but then leave it up to you to follow through, in accordance with the same societal and gender roles. I think this is also true of other 'aggressor' type females. The way my wife and I first started dating is that she let a friend of mine know that she was interested and told him to tell me that I should ask her out. This is what I've observed. An experience earlier in the year with an SEE female friend of mine followed a similar pattern.