That's what it is called, but it is really a loaf cake. I have been making this for years now and it is a request every Christmas. I make a lot, for gifts. I am going away this weekend and am bringing some for gifts, so I made SIX today. I tripled the recipe below. No easy task because that is a LOT of ingredients. One for neighbor who did us a favor, one for my husband while I am gone, and four to bring and give as gifts (one for my son who loves this). It makes the house smell so nice, and I had a slice, which I shouldn't have. Oh well. Looks like this when sliced:

But just so beautiful right now lined up on the table in the kitchen with its lovely glaze on top. And all the mess cleaned up and away.

The recipe has been around awhile so it was not hard to find the very same recipe online. A great gift recipe. Lots of flavor, always pleases: