Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
Sol ooh that looks exactly like something I would like, and I don't know why you tagged me, but thank you!
Some time ago we discussed recipes and seems I said that may post later a recipe of meat with prunes which I like.

> Maybe it's fate! I don't remember exactly where you're from? Russia?


> Also, I've been considering how I don't know much about that part of the globe (Russia and Eastern Europe) and wondering what to read?

About Russia I'd recommend to watch popular movies made in USSR since 1930s end to ~1986. This represents the main part of today culture (of people >30 yo). Among possible sources is sovietmoviesonline and youtube [2]. Can be useful English talking travellers shows by TV and bloggers.
To history materials it's good to be critical, - significant parts can be described incorrectly, not whole and allow different interpretations, due to lack of data, politisation, etc.

> It couldn't be too much about dates,wars,boy stuff... it'd need to be easy reading, frankly. It's curious that I have no memory of learning about communism, etc in school.

Political communism was under influence of Karl Marx "Capital", which could be studed in after schools courses.
Ideology itself is just collectivism (terms as socialism, communism have close sense), which is opposite of individualism of capitalism. It creates more centralised power pointed on interests of a majority, makes more equality for people, better average education, more supports humanistic altruism, leads to lower number of crimial events, etc. Besides USSR, Eastern Europe (including Eastern Germany) and some Asian states as China had a kind of socialism in times of 1945-1989.