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    Default "Skinny Jeans, John Wayne, And The Feminization Of America"

    Skinny Jeans, John Wayne, And The Feminization Of America - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives

    Despite what feminists might argue, real men don’t wear skinny jeans. Real men also don’t wear V-neck tees, or accessorized scarves, and they avoid purple and pink like the plague. The mere idea of a pedicure or waxing makes a real man nauseous. If a woman hangs out with this kind of girly-man routinely, it’s only because she wants to share his wardrobe and his non-fat caramel macchiato. A woman can’t imagine a man reloading his double barrel shotgun or chopping wood when he’s donned in Donna Karan and drinking an Appletini. Men were meant to wear rugged Wranglers, leather jackets and boots, like they belong in a James Dean movie and not an episode of “Will & Grace.”

    When did men in America go from being masculine steak-eating, plaid shirt wearing, Old Spice smelling, cigar smoking cowboys who like football, hunting, and Clint Eastwood movies to skinny jean wearing, satchel carrying, pierced ear metrosexuals who like chick flicks, “The View,” and Bath & Bodyworks? The American man is an endangered species due in large part to the over-feminization of society.

    Not surprisingly, the arrow of blame points towards the feminists who have transformed our schools into gender neutral zones of indoctrination. Early on, boys’ innate masculinity is suppressed by banning competitive, rough games like dodge ball and tag on the playground, having co-ed teams, not keeping score in soccer games, and rewarding passive, demure behavior.

    Boys learn to subdue their more spirited, intrepid behavior in elementary and middle school, their male instincts of competition and individualism quashed in the interest of what’s best for girls as they walk like lemmings over the edge of the radical feminist cliff by the time they reach high school. Because of the feminist movement, boys aren’t allowed to be boys - society has fenced them in, corralled their adventurous enthusiasm in the name of sexual equality. The end product is pantywaist pushovers who will cry during “Steel Magnolias” and urinate sitting down. This is bad news for America, who will eventually have to reap what the feminists have sown, which will be a paucity of male leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists and heroes.

    Phyllis Schlafly, President of Eagle Forum, reports in “Where Are the Men?” that the ratio of males to females on college campuses has swung from 60-40 to 40-60, with 58 percent of women earning degrees from four-year colleges. In the coming years, this will severely impact the American family who have traditionally relied upon the father as the primary breadwinner.

    It is simply foolish to think that America can prosper without men, but New York Times columnist and radical feminist Maureen Dowd suggests the opposite. Mr. Dowd is the author of Are Men Necessary? When Sexes Collide in which she opines and whines about the current state of feminism and questions the value of a woman pursuing a male mate.

    Hollywood is also doing its part to marginalize and diminish the role of men in this society. In the Academy Award-winning movie “Juno,” a teenage girl is faced with an unplanned pregnancy after a night of casual, meaningless sex with her friend Paulie. Juno not only ignores Paulie after they have sex but overtly excludes him from any decisions about whether or not to choose abortion over life. To the viewer, Paulie is a non-factor, a by-stander incapable of taking charge, unable to rescue Juno and stand firm in his fatherhood, albeit unplanned. Feminists just love a movie that glamourizes teenage pregnancy and deprecates the male role in conception.

    In Jennifer Aniston’s new movie “The Switch,” she plays an unmarried 40 year old who decides that she doesn’t need a man to have a baby, and, instead, turns to artificial insemination of a donor’s sperm - even throwing a “Getting Pregnant” party to celebrate with her friends. The male roles in the movie are those of sperm donors, with Aniston’s character firm in her belief that a woman doesn’t need a man to conceive and rear a child. The implicit message of this movie is that men are not important in the raising and nurturing of children. Their biological contribution to conception is where their role begins and ends.

    Unfortunately, this kind of thinking has become the norm rather than the exception in American culture. Feminists’ dogged efforts to have society view men and women as being the same instead of different but equal have paid off. The rotten fruits of their endeavors are manifest in statistics recently released by The Heritage Foundation which reports that, in 2008, a record 40 percent of babies born in the U.S. were born to unwed mothers compared to about 3 percent in 1929.

    American men aren’t men anymore because feminists have equated maleness with everything that’s repugnant and have molded men to be more like women. Feminists have slayed the real man by suppressing his desires for adventure, beauty, and competition, his yearning for greatness and excitement. John Wayne once said, “I’m the stuff men are made of.” America needs more John Waynes.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
    --Theodore Roosevelt

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    -- Mark Twain

    "Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."
    -- Confucius

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    The only time a real man urinates sitting down is when he is recovering from a gunshot wound.

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    My thoughts on the article are very, very mixed. I loathe feminism and anything baring a remote resemblance to it, but it sounds like all men should be sociopaths/SLE's. Do we need more John Waynes? Of course not, the guy was a partying, drunk racist. While I hate metrosexuality and all that stuff, men should just be...normal. Personally, I think people should just act according to the traditional gender roles. The man is "dominant" in society, but the woman has her place too (the kitchen).

    I dunno, I kinda conflicted on what to think. I live off of macho, violent movies, but they're just movies. Men shouldn't go around acting like James Bond. Yeah, I'm a prude, but I think we should all just sit down, shut up, and conform to the Judeo-Christian values spoken of on the thread attacking "normal people."
    phobic 6w5 sp/so/sx (tri-type: 6w5/1w9/4w5)

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    $20 says Jimbean has a small dick.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    $20 says Jimbean has a small dick.
    Why is this about me?
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
    --Theodore Roosevelt

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    -- Mark Twain

    "Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."
    -- Confucius

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    Quote Originally Posted by Calvinist777 View Post
    My thoughts on the article are very, very mixed. I loathe feminism and anything baring a remote resemblance to it, but it sounds like all men should be sociopaths/SLE's. Do we need more John Waynes? Of course not, the guy was a partying, drunk racist. While I hate metrosexuality and all that stuff, men should just be...normal. Personally, I think people should just act according to the traditional gender roles. The man is "dominant" in society, but the woman has her place too (the kitchen).

    I dunno, I kinda conflicted on what to think. I live off of macho, violent movies, but they're just movies. Men shouldn't go around acting like James Bond. Yeah, I'm a prude, but I think we should all just sit down, shut up, and conform to the Judeo-Christian values spoken of on the thread attacking "normal people."

    Quote Originally Posted by Calvinist777 View Post
    While it is true that Western culture is more feminized than it was back in the '50's or whatever, but I can't agree with these reactionary, alarmist folks who say we all to need to drink, fornicate, and kill like we're James Bond. I remember on IMDb board for the film The Expendables shortly before it came out. It was full of these "manlier-than-thou," insecure twits who declared war on anything remotely feminine. I think our culture should be less "feminized," because this violates tradition and whatnot.

    Men just shouldn't wear skinny jeans. Hell, women shouldn't either. Men shouldn't get piercings, that's just wrong. It's wrong the same way saying grass is blue is wrong. Now, this doesn't mean all men should be John Wayne-wannabes. Those people should only exist in the movies. I don't have a probably with men being more sensitive or nicer than they were in the past, but I do have a problem with men thinking they're women and women thinking they're men.

    Wow, I really sound like a douche-bag.
    whaat in the hell is wrong with you???

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    Quote Originally Posted by Linas View Post
    whaat in the hell is wrong with you???
    I'm kind of old-fashioned, so I apologize. I don't want to come off too harsh, but our culture is seriously screwed up. We're too secular, narcissistic, hedonistic, sociopathic, and tolerant.
    phobic 6w5 sp/so/sx (tri-type: 6w5/1w9/4w5)

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    If "american men" are lost, it's because pussies like that guy want to run around blaming women for their problems. Oh it's the feminists.

    No, it's because you're a little bitch, running around pointing fingers.

    He doesn't even know his own Rocky quotes, does he.

    Then the time come for you to be your own man and take on the world, and you did. But somewhere along the line, you changed. You stopped being you. You let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're no good. And when things got hard, you started looking for something to blame, like a big shadow. Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you!


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    Hey how did you get the thing that says "Enneatype" in your little sidebar?
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    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post

    If "american men" are lost, it's because pussies like that guy want to run around blaming women for their problems. Oh it's the feminists.

    No, it's because you're a little bitch, running around pointing fingers.

    He doesn't even know his own Rocky quotes, does he.

    It was a woman that wrote this. I don't think this is a blame game.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
    --Theodore Roosevelt

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    -- Mark Twain

    "Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."
    -- Confucius

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    While it is true that Western culture is more feminized than it was back in the '50's or whatever, but I can't agree with these reactionary, alarmist folks who say we all to need to drink, fornicate, and kill like we're James Bond. I remember on IMDb board for the film The Expendables shortly before it came out. It was full of these "manlier-than-thou," insecure twits who declared war on anything remotely feminine. I think our culture should be less "feminized," because this violates tradition and whatnot.

    Men just shouldn't wear skinny jeans. Hell, women shouldn't either. Men shouldn't get piercings, that's just wrong. It's wrong the same way saying grass is blue is wrong. Now, this doesn't mean all men should be John Wayne-wannabes. Those people should only exist in the movies. I don't have a probably with men being more sensitive or nicer than they were in the past, but I do have a problem with men thinking they're women and women thinking they're men.

    Wow, I really sound like a douche-bag.
    phobic 6w5 sp/so/sx (tri-type: 6w5/1w9/4w5)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Calvinist777
    Men just shouldn't...Hell, women shouldn't...Men shouldn't...I have a problem...It's wrong, wrong, wrong...
    Not trying to sound like a douche-bag in return, but, really, I'm genuinely curious...


    Why shouldn't?

    Just because? Or is it something else?

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    Quote Originally Posted by CILi View Post
    Not trying to sound like a douche-bag in return, but, really, I'm genuinely curious...


    Why shouldn't?

    Just because? Or is it something else?
    I'm just a prudish asshole. It seems immodest for women to wear pants. It just seems to conflict with traditional Christian morality. Don't worry, you're not the douche-bag, I am. I'm the kind of narrow-minded moron who thinks we should establish a draconian Calvinist totalitarian theocracy in the U.S.

    Back on topic, men should just men and women should just be women. That's it. Men shouldn't have to overcompensate by acting like a rugged, ultra-macho cowboy. Our society should just turn back the clock to the 1950's or the Victorian era or something.
    phobic 6w5 sp/so/sx (tri-type: 6w5/1w9/4w5)

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    "how about being able to wear skinny jeans if you want or plaid shirts and old spice if you want? this article seems like its less about the freedom of men to be themselves and more about a return to old-fashioned gender roles (which is the opposite of freedom for either gender). i'm sure plenty of men would opt to get pedicures without the evil face of feminism staring them down. "

    I agree mostly but the real roots of this crap are companies seeking maximum profit, governmental pussies including people being afraid of "feminists" and unable to stand up to them I believe, either because you will be demonized either way, silently by social pressure or outright because you had balls.
    Combine this with feminizing actual estrogens and such in food water toys etc, the rise of the gay male in fashion and hollywood (overly tight male jeans), and the rest of us getting fat which kills yourself masuculine and feminine allround.

    Which leads around to corporate America paying you less, working you longer sitting inside in an artificially lighted cubical, eating food of questionable quality as quickly as possible and having no time for exercise or the outdoors. Kids not getting recess, eating more shit at lunch etc etc.

    SLI is americas LIE supervisor.
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    i think that men have a decent argument as far as societal expectations, portrayal in popular culture, rights when it comes to children, etc. but when all the PINK OR BLUE shit gets thrown into the mix i feel like it totally misses the point and i have a harder time taking it seriously. like what does skinny jeans have to do with anything? and "real men," bleh.

    how about being able to wear skinny jeans if you want or plaid shirts and old spice if you want? this article seems like its less about the freedom of men to be themselves and more about a return to old-fashioned gender roles (which is the opposite of freedom for either gender). i'm sure plenty of men would opt to get pedicures without the evil face of feminism staring them down.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    i'm sure plenty of men would opt to get pedicures without the evil face of feminism staring them down.

    You know what' funny about that article? It's weirdly reminiscent of how the Romans painted the Arabs. The military menly men vs the "soft and pampered" Arabs with their spices and cloths and perfumes.


    Personally I'm one of the Arab men. I love pampering myself and smelling good, and eating fancy, tasty food. And yet, I don't see how this in any way compromises my masculinity.

    I don't see masculinity/femininity as a singular axis. I think of it like a plane: you can mix and match and have some of one without that meaning you have less of the other.

    The article perhaps has merit in that it says that a very specific social role is dying: that of the explorer, the adventurer, the entrepreneur. And which better sex to fill that than nature's experiments, the men? The article is lamenting that we're having that castrated, and that's sterilising our species.

    Honestly, me personally, I think the way forward is encouraging the androgynous personality (not necessarily the androgynous person. To clarify, I mean encouraging things like "nurturing explorers" or "intrepid caretakers" that combine the best conventionally "masculine" and "feminine" traits) and the individual. An ideal society is one where people are not indoctrinated with moral fetters or things like disgust and shame. I think the issue is not with men being tamped down, but with all people. It tickles me pink to see society progressing more and more towards openness and freedom from shame and disgust.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanks Arthur View Post

    You know what' funny about that article? It's weirdly reminiscent of how the Romans painted the Arabs. The military menly men vs the "soft and pampered" Arabs with their spices and cloths and perfumes.
    The Arab Empire was twice as big as the Roman.

    British Empire - 33.7 million km2 (1923)[2][3]
    Mongol Empire - 33.0 million km2 (1270 or 1309)[4]
    Russian Empire - 23.7 million km2 (1866)[2][3]
    Spanish Empire - 20.0 million km2 (ca. 1740-1790)[5]
    Ottoman Empire - 19.9 million km2 (1595)[2][3]
    Qing Empire, China - 14.7 million km2 (1790)[2][3]
    Yuan Dynasty - 14.0 million km2 (1310)[3]
    Umayyad Caliphate - 13.0 million km2 (720 or 750)[6]
    Second French Colonial Empire - 12.3 million km2 (1938)[5]
    Abbasid Caliphate - 11.1 million km2 (750)[3]
    Portuguese Empire - 10.4 million km2 (1815)[5]
    Rashidun Caliphate - 9.0 million km2 (654)[3][7]
    Empire of Brazil - 8.5 million km2 (1880)[5]
    Achaemenid Empire, Persia - 8.0 million km2 (480 BC)[8]
    Japanese Empire - 7.4 million km2 (1942)[5]
    Sassanid Empire, Persia - 7.4 million km2 (620)[2]
    Roman Empire - 6.5 million km2 (117)[9]
    Han Empire, China - 6.5 million km2 (100)[10]
    Ming Empire, China - 6.5 million km2 (1450)[2][3]
    Göktürk Khaganate - 6.0 million km2 (557)[2][10]
    Golden Horde Khanate - 6.0 million km2 (1310)[2][3]

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbean View Post
    It was a woman that wrote this. I don't think this is a blame game.

    She should wear skinny jeans, then maybe she'd find more real men

    @Gilly: The enneagram thing is actually a modificatino of the location input box - keep writing and it moves over unto the next line, play wiht it and it works out.

    But it probably woudl be cooler if someone modified the control panel so there is a nice thing for enneattype, like sociotype.

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    This is a serious question.

    Why does effeminacy in males bother you so much? IF you were a 'real man' shouldn't you feel a tender sort of protection and affection for males who are naturally girly, bad at sports- and aren't aggressive, and who just want to get along. The real masculine thing to do would be to want to protect them, not mock them.

    If another guy is hating against an effeminate man, what they are really hating is the effeminacy inside their own damn selves. Why do you feel so pissed off and threatened by sailor moon watching, barbie doll playing men?

    I agree though school is SUCH bullshit. But I also don't think there is anything wrong with being a 'pansy' or a girly man or a mama's boy. I think it's cute as hell. So fuck off with your insecurity.

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    When did men in America go from being masculine steak-eating, plaid shirt wearing, Old Spice smelling, cigar smoking cowboys who like football, hunting, and Clint Eastwood movies to skinny jean wearing, satchel carrying, pierced ear metrosexuals who like chick flicks, “The View,” and Bath & Bodyworks? The American man is an endangered species due in large part to the over-feminization of society.
    Because they learned that being gay doesn't make you less of a man. And that those two forces aren't conflicting opposites. That you can in fact, be both compassionate and strong.

    I don't want to come off too harsh, but our culture is seriously screwed up. We're too secular, narcissistic, hedonistic, sociopathic, and tolerant.
    I agree, but the only way to really change this is to ensure that you're not one of the narc, hedonistic, sociopathic ones. You gotta be that change you want to see in the world mon. =p Don't give up. A real hero always does the right thing even when there is no light at the end of the tunnel, that's why they are a hero.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post

    This is a serious question.

    Why does effeminacy in males bother you so much? IF you were a 'real man' shouldn't you feel a tender sort of protection and affection for males who are naturally girly, bad at sports- and aren't aggressive, and who just want to get along. The real masculine thing to do would be to want to protect them, not mock them.
    I suppose the masculine thing to do is protect the weak, and fight only warriors, but then again, what do I know. It bothers me that western society is collapsing in part because of the collective femininazation of men. I have a hard time believing that gender rolls are just arbitrary.

    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    If another guy is hating against an effeminate man, what they are really hating is the effeminacy inside their own damn selves. Why do you feel so pissed off and threatened by sailor moon watching, barbie doll playing men?
    I do not feel threatened by such people, but they are probably not men anyway. I certainly would not associate with those people.

    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    I agree though school is SUCH bullshit. But I also don't think there is anything wrong with being a 'pansy' or a girly man or a mama's boy. I think it's cute as hell. So fuck off with your insecurity.
    F*ck off with your insecurity.

    Okay, so answer my question that I PMed you months ago since I answered yours.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
    --Theodore Roosevelt

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    -- Mark Twain

    "Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."
    -- Confucius

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    Eccentric Neurotic Narcissist andreasdevig's Avatar
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    I think this is a case of ultra-traditionalism bias. If you're used to living in a world where (let's say) 2% of the male population are 'feminine', and then you suddenly find yourself in a world where (let's say) 15% of the male population are 'feminine', then that 15% might feel like 90% to you. So you keep writing books and articles and talks and what not, about how "men have become feminized pussies."

    Men are more feminine now than they were a couple of decades ago, of course, but I still think men are mostly 'masculine' and women are mostly 'feminine'. People always say things like "men need to be real men," "women need to be real women," "I think he's hot. He's a reaaall man," "let's have a boys night. no girls allowed!," "let's have a girls night. no boys allowed!," "let's split up into men and women teams," "women are too emotional. they lack logic," "women are smarter than men, and more mature," etc. I hardly think we've become an androgynous society.

    Wearing skinny pants, pink colors, etc. All of that.. what does any of that have to with being (or not being) a "real man" (whatever that means). This is all culture. Yet people want me to believe the differences between men and women are natural. Maybe it is natural (just maybe) but there will always be exceptions. People who fall outside of the norm. So it's very important to treat people as individuals, in my opinion. People love to separate and stereotype men and women, in my experience.

    Why people care if someone wears pink, or cries at a movie, or etc. is beyond me. How spoiled and nosy do you have to be to care about that? This article just comes across as childish schoolyard bullying.

    And I don't know why people keep bringing up the single mother rate. I don't see what that has to do with anything, unless you believe that the "feminist agenda" is to keep people from marrying each other.

    How about this? How about we just stop talking about this and just let people do what they want to do with their lives? That way, I'm sure people will follow their natural insticts and passions in life, anyway. So if they're meant to be masculine, they will go that route, if they're meant to be feminine, they will go that route. If you keep telling people what to do, how to live their lives, etc., that will just, if anything, cause people to float away from their natural selves, due to either feeling pressure to go with what society tells them to do, or due to feeling like they don't want to be a slave and consequently rebel and always feel like they have to do the opposite of what society tells them to do.

    And schools have always been about indoctrination. She just doesn't like it now that the ultra-traditionalism of society is starting to fade a little bit. Kind of like people complaining that Colin Kaepernick is making sports political. The truth is, it was always political. Singing the national anthem, military planes flying over head, etc. That stuff is not exactly non-political.

    Again, I think this is all a case of viewing the world through tradtional-colored-glasses bias.
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    ITT men socially pressured into wearing skirts, happens every day

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    I wouldn't wear skinny jeans even if I was a woman, they're just too uncomfortable. I think some men are better off peeing sitting down because their aim is quite bad

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    Page in link no longer exists. Good riddance.

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    I cringe that at one point I used to listen to right-wing populist rhetoric like this. Scars that must be endured I suppose.

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    I do believe that Feminism is, while marxist and subversive in nature, a great step for men to liberate themselves.
    Us not being able to show vulnerabilities and feelings, the obligation to provide and protect, to give privileges to women while serving as a worthless expandable worker drone for society is imho part of an oppressive structure.

    Marxist subversion has, while corrupting a lot of our women beyond repair, given us an option, if not obligation in front of ourselves to opt out of a society that let us down and does not fulfill their part of the obligation anymore.
    Women will soon have to get used to respecting the feelings of males and not holding the moral high ground anymore based on the unspoken notion that a man complaining and being hurt is a prove of his unworthiness, since it becomes obvious that it is only a sanction for him proving his unworthiness as a tool that can be used and mistreated whenever society or their leeches desire to.

    Basically, while destroying women, forcing men to make the choice between their own dignity and a relationship the marxist have mobilized the biggest revolutionary potential the white world could have wished for.

    The worst mistake men can make now is to see the dirt and toxin of marxism as something inherent to women and trying to punish them for it or try to get back at them.
    As we can see with a lot of women who wasted their best years being slutty and having casual sex are punished with loneliness and the consequences of their own mistakes already, they are out of paradise for their illoyality to basic human decency and men and they will have to put a great deal of work into a respectable men to accept them and forgive their flaws.
    It may sounds like i like that, but i don't - i have seen beautiful women being ruined by the false promises and agitation of marxist preachers.

    What i want to say is, that feminism after all, gave us men the opportunity to question the status quo, not being able to connect love and dignity under the current circumstances it gives a lot of young men something to fight for.
    By fostering unfair and unbearable conditions they took away every obligation we could have to the old system of norms and values.
    So while it has destroyed a lot, it also gave us a basis to rebuild from the ashes, build our own kind of being a "man" freed from being and exploitable worker drone and holding false obligations and being guilted by a society that does not bother anymore to even pretend to care about us or our needs and rights.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    I do believe that Feminism is, while marxist and subversive in nature, a great step for men to liberate themselves.
    Let's be real, the only way anyone can liberate themselves is by cutting all ties to society and going feral. Oppression will only cease once civilization burns to the ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbean View Post
    Skinny Jeans, John Wayne, And The Feminization Of America - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives
    John Wayne once said, “I’m the stuff men are made of.” America needs more John Waynes.
    John Wayne's real name was "Marion Robert Morrison". Odd name for a bloke. Maybe he was protesting a bit too much.

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    Also, wouldn't skinny jeans and skirts be super manly since they show your manhood better than whatever OP would like men to wear? Or maybe that's only for teh gays.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    There is nothing more cucked than believing you have to serve as the thankless world's disposable stock of muscle, brains, or sperm for jack-fuck in return, sperging when your beaten-in sense of """"honor"""" or """"virtue"""" is compromised.
    Agreed, anyone who really thinks that they as a male are forced into playing the cookie cutter masculine role in our current first world society (which excludes places like Syria, Iran or Saudi Arabia) is either clueless, or wasting their time appeasing immature people. Putting on a veil of masculinity is understandable perhaps if you are in a relationship with a woman who has genuine desires for those traits in men and you both enjoy upholding the act, but in that case keep the larping private between the two of you. Don't spill that obnoxious bullshit over on strangers.
    Last edited by Muddy; 11-18-2019 at 04:30 AM.

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    @Grendel I don't believe anyone enjoys competing even if they are a "winner." Perhaps this will sound too idealistic, but I do believe not all "success" is zero-sum, and the people who treat it like it is end up paranoid and alone. Is composing music as valid as starting Facebook? What about drawing cartoons like Rick and Morty or Bojack Horseman? Being an office drone is definitely not successful.

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    Masculinity is obnoxious and overbearing and annoying except of course for the times when it's needed the most. (Or when a str8 girl/gay guy is horny and in heat) In times of danger, whether real or perceived a manly man protecting everybody is amazing and necessary. But yes, most of modern society this amount of danger has been removed (or has the pretty illusion that it's been removed) and 99.9% of males who talk about how they would save everybody's life in a terrorist attack or be John Wayne Cowboy-ish... I don't trust that and I don't give a shit either, I think a more subdued/even 'average' and slightly effeminate male would actually surprise people on how well they could pull that off. The most attractive people to me, men or women, have a delightful mixture of masculine and feminine qualities that are interwoven in a delectable and sophisticated way.

    Say you have four people-, a man, a child and a woman and then one predator/'monster' type. The man would still be expected to risk himself and 'test his strength' against the Male Pedo Rapist to save the child and woman since on an objective level the child has more value because it has so much potential and the women has greater value because she can pop out more of those things with great potential to improve society. Yes, the female could tank for the child and non-predatory male, but its a much bigger net loss for humanity if she ends up losing. And on a physical level- unless she's really dykeish or Xena ish or something- she probably will lose.

    "Then I guess I won't lose" Xena says huskily as she confidently draws the sword out from her back. <3

    The dark grimdark version of you might just want the predator win and eat all three of them while burping sociopathically- but society of course has tons of measures/walls that stop people from doing that lol. The Inner Joker in us all might want that scenario but let's be real- of course that would be fucked up for the world and the reason female rapists and pedos are so condemned. If the guy can't stop him- then a true male villain would more likely to just consume and digest both of them. Real monsters exist, and the people we call 'real men' are those best equipped to fight those monsters.

    But of course reality is complicated. Sadly- the males set in roles to protect females and children often end up twisting and becoming the world's biggest monsters. Like that dude in Texas who killed his wife and family- you see that tragic stuff all the time. But I think... that's even more proof that 'heterosexual suburban family life' is overrated as hell.

    This is about objective human stuff. I realize that yes, on an emotional and interpersonal level the child and women in question could be total asshats and not really worth saving emotionally, but that doesn't matter much in an objective 'Darwinian' sense. And remember, this is about POTENTIAL- the child has greater potential to turn themselves around and the woman has greater potential to produce a 'better one' even if that kid doesn't work out. (And while we're at it-notice how in Hollywood female villains will almost always be masculinized or made older? LoL) If you just let the predator win- nothing would exist but darkness and obviously there is a balance.

    Therefore, men will always be judged for how well we can 'tank' for the other two. (Women and children) It is objective and no man can escape it, since we're not kids - we're men, and because babies do not come out of our asses. That ironically makes us expendable, but also makes us more valuable as well and its the reason men are more cherished in the world NOT 'cuz we're assholes' but because we are considered to be more selfless and 'light' because of it. In fact, much of female and ****** discrimination & hatred comes from the root belief masculinity is good, and the opposite is bad/evil. And we want good to win and evil to suffer, so we end up hurting real people out of this notion.

    With mainstream survivelance and modern Oprah-esque society conveniences (No, I can't make a post without saying Oprah. OPRAH OPRAH OPRAH) - the level of 'tanking' in modern society has gone down so much it feels like. We're always this close to fully empowering females and empathizing with men and making everything equal and holy and perfect but a primal shadow vampire of many eons before always says 'But wait.'
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 11-19-2019 at 05:06 AM.

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