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Thread: The Delusional Type

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    Default The Delusional Type

    In this thread I will describe the delusional type, which is characterized by fixation and exaltation of discordant relationships between belief functions. There are four levels of delusion, one for each of the four individuation stages. The higher the level, the less severe the delusion.

    The levels are describing in descending order, so as to better illustrate the descending severity of the conditions. Additionally, I will use the word "discordancy" to differentiate between the modern psychological terminology for the word delusion, which tends to be reserved for superstitious beliefs. Although discordancy is a distinguishing trait of superstitious people, not all discordants are superstitious.

    Each level is characterized by a distinct fear. It is the compoundment of these fears which make the lower levels so detrimental to the mental accuracy of the person.

    4th Level - Debater

    Erickson life stage: late adulthood
    Greatest fear - "to be wrong"

    4th level discordancy is characterized by ideas extend "to their logical conclusion". This is a tireless debater who argues their position to the point of absurdity, but always with a smile. Adamant about what they believe but always willing to accept that they might be wrong, they are very civil about their disagreements and will defer to a majority on most issues.

    4th level discordants oversee the delusionary caste and try to regulate the expression of the by means of appeal to seniority. Indeed, the more established a senior class is in a culture, the more inhibited lower level discordants will feel. The only flash point which this level experiences is on the matter of legacy and providing for the next generation. On this point they will become inflexible, requiring that others work around them or avoid them. They may seek to aggressively sustain their position until a "suitable successor" can be found.

    Fox News talk host Bill O'Reilly is an exemplar of this type, as are Sigmund Freud, B.F. Skinner, and other controversial figures. It is possible Augusta herself was one (duality hypothesis), although I am not sure about this. Rand Paul, Ralph Nader, and Fidel Castro also come to mind.

    3rd level - Persecutor

    Erickson life stage: middle adulthood
    Greatest Fear - "failure"

    Although not the most severe level of discordancy, this is the most dangerous. This person feels persecuted, and is like to identify parties to blame for this "persecution". In a minority of cases the persecution may be legitimate. In leadership positions this type will exhibit profound cruelty: they will use their position of authority to persecute "subversives" who they judge are "infesting" their preferred area of expertise. For example, Nietzsche persecuted Christians; Napoleon persecuted nobles (and then became one himself); ****** persecuted the Jews; and McCarthy persecuted "communists". In ancient times, this type was like to lead pogroms and inquisitions, seeking out those who they thought personally threatened them. They are characterized by high levels of paranoia.

    3rd level discordants are like to be tolerated until they reach positions of influence. At this point, it is probable the fear of them by a majority will grow so great as to necessitate their forced removal. Like the 4th level discordants, they emphasize the importance of a personal legacy. However, they rarely succeed due to the determination of the majority to expunge every trace of their influence. Only with this influence destroyed or at least well contained can the afflicted populace feel free from the fear which characterized relations with the 3rd level discordant. This person is always "on the attack" and will pick a fight if they believe it will gain them the power they need to carry out their crazy missions.

    2nd Level Discordancy - Revolutionary

    Ericson life stage: young adulthood
    Greatest Fear - "to be isolated"

    The 2nd Level discordant just cannot get over their hang-up with the belief element opposite to their dominant. Whether a rebel without a cause, the defender of an institution which has lost its claim to legitimacy, the staunch adherent to an outdated ideology, or the hypocrite who votes against legislation to help the poor because they believe it a giveaway to big business, the aim of this person is to misguidedly remake the world in the image of their personal ideals. Others don't see the truth and thus must be "awakened" to the obstacle which stands in the way of the new "utopia". Their nation must be "woken up" so that the "bad guys" can be perceived and exposed. This individual also has the features of the 4th and 3rd levels, and so is ready and willing to "answer the call" of the paranoid madman to lay down their welfare and perhaps even their lives to free society from the clutches of those delusional miscreants on the other side. This type is a true idealist and may spend tremendous energy attempting to achieve their ideal. They may be so consumed by it that they die in combat trying to achieve it. So zealous are they that they are more likely than other people to explode in murderous rage against unnamed innocents who have become "part of the system" -- they are the workplace shooters and the armed gunmen, who chose suicidal standoffs with the police. For all their zeal they lack empathy (a characteristic also of the 3rd level) and are like to find themselves abandoned by the people who they thought they were fighting to help and protect. Their expectations of others are often unrealistic and poor, owing to lack of faith required to see the good in a person's heart regardless of their dominant belief element. For this reason they are distinctly unreceptive to the warnings offered by their socionics duals.

    1st Level Discordancy - Alcolyte

    Erickson life stage: pre-adulthood
    Greatest Fear - "to be justifiably hated"

    This type is fearful of the self-awareness that is characteristic of adulthood. They lack sense of self and so cling to their dominant belief element. They believe life to be a struggle of beliefs because no one can know for certain which beliefs are right or wrong. They accept an ideology as offered by adults, and hold to it. They look for others who subscribe to an opposing ideology, and project their insecurities onto them. They are very malleable, and are particularly susceptible to indoctrination. In the Muslim world, extremist organizations has managed to achieve some level of military success by indoctrinating the young and persuading them to commit suicide by explosives, often in crowded settings. This type believes in maintaining its purity, and looks to ideologies which promise rewards for the pure as a means of liberation from the fears associated with the higher levels. Thus they are susceptible to the defense mechanisms created by higher level discordants to liberate themselves from their sense of fear.
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 09-16-2010 at 08:24 PM.

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    Maritsa. Not because she typed the way she did, but it's Maritsa.

  3. #3
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    Obviously you didn't read the OP's post.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    Obviously you didn't read the OP's post.

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    Maritsa for sure. She types most people ISTp because they have the average head shape, one of the daftest throw-away typers I've seen. She clearly does not really understand Socionics, wouldn't you agree?

    Most people would dismiss Rod Novichkov's ideas because they're way too contradictory, and his book has a bad rating. But maritsa is the only one to rate it a 5, it must really suck more than I thought.

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    Quote Originally Posted by polikujm View Post
    Maritsa for sure. She types most people ISTp because they have the average head shape, one of the daftest throw-away typers I've seen. She clearly does not really understand Socionics, wouldn't you agree?
    She types me SLE now.

    Quote Originally Posted by polikujm View Post
    ... and his book has a bad rating. But maritsa is the only one to rate it a 5, it must really suck more than I thought.
    Didn't know about that. Thanks.

    Alright. Let's wrap it up or tcaudilllg will stab us to death.

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    OK this isn't what I made the thread for. The purpose of the thread is not to type people but to discuss how to dissuade behavior associated with these types. How to adjust to their existence culturally.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    In this thread I will describe the delusional type,
    itt tcaud shares his autobiography

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    itt tcaud shares his autobiography
    Reported Post. One more complaint from tcaudilllg and I'll issue a temporary ban.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    2nd Level Discordancy - Revolutionary

    Ericson life stage: young adulthood
    Greatest Fear - "to be isolated"

    The 2nd Level discordant just cannot get over their hang-up with the belief element opposite to their dominant. Whether a rebel without a cause, the defender of an institution which has lost its claim to legitimacy, the staunch adherent to an outdated ideology, or the hypocrite who votes against legislation to help the poor because they believe it a giveaway to big business, the aim of this person is to misguidedly remake the world in the image of their personal ideals. Others don't see the truth and thus must be "awakened" to the obstacle which stands in the way of the new "utopia". Their nation must be "woken up" so that the "bad guys" can be perceived and exposed. This individual also has the features of the 4th and 3rd levels, and so is ready and willing to "answer the call" of the paranoid madman to lay down their welfare and perhaps even their lives to free society from the clutches of those delusional miscreants on the other side. This type is a true idealist and may spend tremendous energy attempting to achieve their ideal. They may be so consumed by it that they die in combat trying to achieve it. So zealous are they that they are more likely than other people to explode in murderous rage against unnamed innocents who have become "part of the system" -- they are the workplace shooters and the armed gunmen, who chose suicidal standoffs with the police. For all their zeal they lack empathy (a characteristic also of the 3rd level) and are like to find themselves abandoned by the people who they thought they were fighting to help and protect. Their expectations of others are often unrealistic and poor, owing to lack of faith required to see the good in a person's heart regardless of their dominant belief element. For this reason they are distinctly unreceptive to the warnings offered by their socionics duals.
    This kind of reminds me of those who are always for letting business and be the ultimate decision-makers in all situations.

    But I'm not sure I understand everything you wrote here, so when you talk about ideals in this level it seems you obviously mean it differently than the usual connotation that idealism has directly relating to pacifism. Would ideals here then be described more as an indignant variety? For some reason (and I know it's just fictional but...), this reminds me a lot of Tony Soprano from the Sopranos.

    4th Level Discordancy - Alcolyte
    Is this a typo? Or do you intend to link this with level 4 in some way?

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    It was a typo.

    For examples of 2nd level discordants, I would point to Al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Jack Ruby. Assassins tend to be this type.

    But Chris Benoit was another.

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