Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
What exactly is the role function?
Role function is your third function, the conscious functions for ENTP are Ne Ti Se Fi Role function is Se, the+/- functions theory is controversial. You find it in the computer generated type description you may choose to view. Role function is often what people instinctively want to demonstrate to strangers or in initial communication. Usually you try to follow established standards.

For example a short description from this site:

Role Function

Your role function never wants to stand out. You always try to go with the normal social behavior in this function, because you are unsure of it. You do not like criticism in this function therefore you won't give it.

Or a long and rather messy one possibly according to classic Model A:

The third function receives less attention than the first two and accumulates information sporadically. One is never completely sure of whether one perceives things accurately with it or not, and one’s memory of things is often quite foggy. There is not always enough information available about this aspect of reality even for the individual himself to get by. The third function does not have its own distinct sphere of interests; almost any information out of the norm can interest the individual. When making decisions about this aspect of reality the individual hesitates and is unsure of himself and tries to get advice from others if he is sure they will treat him respectfully. The third function is quite sensitive to criticism and tries not to criticize or impose on others. Since it is difficult to withstand or counter other peoples’ views about this aspect of reality, individuals try to meet accepted standards and be at least average in this area. If they do make mistakes, they usually feel bad that others have not taught them to do better. In this area a person can give advice based on what they have heard from others but is usually too unsure of himself to actually help out. The third function needs others to help out without making a big deal of it. One needs to have someone who is always there to discuss issues relating to this function and approve one’s decisions. In this case the individual becomes much more self-assured and secure and begins to live more fully. And gradually his third function becomes an encyclopedia of useful information that others can gain much use from. The calmer and more secure one is about everything relating to one’s third function and the more attention one gives it, the greater one’s success. But the third function is never as categorical and forceful as the first and can never rise to the same heights of vision. At its best development it remains a practical instrument to serve the interests of the individual and those immediately surrounding him.