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Thread: Ne types vs Ni types and memory

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    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pied Piper View Post
    The fact that you hold a politically correct "ILE testimony" is.

    What you think (at least declare) is not important, but what you are. Your epiphany about creativity does not change the fact that ILEs are different. Traits can't compensate each other, they have different natures and this is the basis of typing.
    Choose: a or b

    a (supervision)

    These relations are also asymmetrical as are relations of Benefit. One partner, called the Supervisor, is always in a more favourable position in respect to the other partner who is known as Supervisee.

    Relations of Supervision can give the impression that Supervisor is constantly watching every step of the Supervisee. The latter usually feels this control even if the Supervisor does not say or do anything. The explanation for this is that the Supervisee weak point is defenceless against the Supervisor's strong point. This makes the Supervisee nervous and expect the worse.

    Although the Supervisor can seem self-satisfied, petty, faultfinding and narrative, the Supervisee pays attention to their actions and considers the Supervisor as consequential. The Supervisee normally wants to gain recognition and commendation from the Supervisor. However, it may seem like the Supervisor always undervalues the abilities of the Supervisee. This stimulates the Supervisee into proving their own worthiness with various actions, yet there is little chance that they will succeed.

    The Supervisor sees the Supervisee as quite interesting and capable, but incomplete and therefore in need of some help and advice. The Supervisee does not respond to this aid as expected and this will often increase the Supervisor's attempts to change the Supervisee. Because the Supervisee naturally does not understand what it is that the Supervisor wants from them, this may irritate the Supervisor, who thinks that the Supervisee simply does not want to understand.

    In relations of Supervision it may also appear as if the Supervisor patronises the Supervisee, which can be quite obtrusive for the latter. When there are more than two people present, the Supervisee often attempts to release themselves from the control of the Supervisor by starting arguments for the sake of it or by attempting to manoeuvre themselves into the commanding position. Unfortunately, these attempts lead nowhere. The Supervisor may think instead that the Supervisee simply requires more attention.

    Supervision partners often look like good friends. The reason for this is that in these relations both partners can sense their social value: the Supervisor as a "guardian angel", without whom the Supervisee will get into trouble, and the Supervisee as the object of attention.

    b) illusionary

    These are relations of growing laziness. There are no other intertype relations that can deactivate partners so much as Illusionary relations. Illusionary partners find it comfortable being relaxed together, discussing different subjects. What one partner is talking about is always interesting, but in order to understand the partner better the other partner needs to force themselves. This difficulty in making an effort also makes achieving goals together almost impossible.

    Mutual business or other activity is complicated, because Illusionary partners do not understand the reasons and motives of each other's actions. Whatever one partner tries to achieve usually appears insufficient and worthless to the other. Because partners expect different kinds of activity from each other, they become negative and may criticise each other's intentions and objectives. For an observer, this misunderstanding between partners can appear to be humorous.

    The introvert partner usually tries to free themselves from the attempts of the extrovert partner to impose their opinions. The introverts seek independence. The extrovert partner wants to make their introvert partner into what they consider to be a "normal person". Both partners are distrustful of each other abilities.

    Disagreements in these relations are usually short because partners are drawn to each other. From time to time Illusionary relations become really warm and caring. It normally happens when partners work together but not on the same task. Partners may feel inspired with the result of a successfully finished project, however when they try to start a new project, they again meet the same difficulties in co-operation.
    ILE "Searcher"
    Socionics: ENTp
    DCNH: Dominant --> perhaps Normalizing
    Enneagram: 7w6 "Enthusiast"
    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
    Astrological sign: Aquarius

    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

  2. #2
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pied Piper View Post
    Between who? In case you answer, I'd also need to know who's the Supervisor and who's the Supervisee.
    Obviously I mean the both of us: provided that you are LSI, what is in your opinion the Socionics intertype relationship between us? Supervision (I am an ILE) or illusionary (I am a LIE)

    Sorry, thread hijacked
    ILE "Searcher"
    Socionics: ENTp
    DCNH: Dominant --> perhaps Normalizing
    Enneagram: 7w6 "Enthusiast"
    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
    Astrological sign: Aquarius

    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

  4. #4
    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    Default x

    Our two avatars are alike IMO!

    Another possibility: I am Ne-ENTp, you Ti-ENTp

    Another one: I am Te-ENTp, you Ti-ENTp

    And: I am Ni-ENTp and you Te-ENTp

    Aaaand: I am Ni-INFp and you are Michael Jackson
    ILE "Searcher"
    Socionics: ENTp
    DCNH: Dominant --> perhaps Normalizing
    Enneagram: 7w6 "Enthusiast"
    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
    Astrological sign: Aquarius

    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

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    Maybe it's just me, but women seem to be better at remembering birthdays, sending christmas cards and such.

    I dunno how to relate memory to type, rather, if it should be to a great extent. I guess a cliche - although some truth in it, is that given a situation, S are remembering 'details' N are 'big picture' although this might be misleading.

    So perhaps going a little further, to specifics of sorts going from the leading function, Si types will be prone to remember the pleasant experiences of a situation, Te types prone to remember the facts of the situation, N types the overall impression of some sorts of a situation, ie Ne types will remember peoples potential, personality, what they are like, Ni types ... patterns of interaction perhaps or something.

    Of course, leading S, N etc means having both Si-Se, Ni-Ne, so they are both there, except one is given more importance in recollection, the other usually below the surface somewhat.

    Hmmm, maybe i'll think of something cool to say later, dunno *shrug*

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    Our two avatars are alike IMO!

    Another possibility: I am Ne-ENTp, you Ti-ENTp

    Another one: I am Te-ENTp, you Ti-ENTp

    And: I am Ni-ENTp and you Te-ENTp

    Aaaand: I am Ni-INFp and you are Michael Jackson
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  7. #7
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    I'm bad at remembering objective contexts, but good at remembering weird visions that have nothing directly to do with what someone was explaining to me.

  9. #9
    Bow to the Ninchucks Microknight's Avatar
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    I have pretty good short term memory as it pertains to written things and excellent long term memory. In a psychology class I took one time, they gave us a test to remember numbers that were flashed on screen for about 5 seconds. Afterward, they asked us to recall the numbers in sequence. We repeated this several times. Afterward, they told us the average was about 7. I got every number right for every sequence (each sequence was 15).

    My long term memory I consider a personal strength. It's common of me to remember facts about people and things that I learned many years before. One of my friends will wonder if so-and-so likes such-and-such, and I will answer the question. They will wonder how I know the answer, and I'll say "He said that six years ago..." or similar. Often, the person in question won't even remember this, and will be really spooked that I know this about them. I'm also really good with raw facts; once I've received a fact it tends to stick with me forever.

    I do, however, have a couple weaknesses with memory. I constantly lose things. Any time I enter/exit a doorway I count the contents of my pockets to make sure I have what I'm supposed to have(usually it's 3, wallet, cell, and keys). I will also place something somewhere and never be able to remember where I put it. I actually have to go back and act out what I did from the moment I last remembered having the object to find it, and even then I'm not always successful in finding it.

    Another weakness, I have bad memory with most spoken things, like movie lines. I rarely remember movie lines correctly and in the right sequence. The meaning will be preserved, but I won't get the words right. If somebody gives me directions to do something or go somewhere, I must write it down before I'll remember it(although I have excellent memory with maps and locations). I guess I have trouble with aural presentation as it relates to specific structure and format. If I really want to remember something 100% specific that somebody says, I'll close my eyes and write it out in my head.

    To summarize, good visual memory, extra good long term retention of facts, horrible memory for my physical surroundings, bad aural memory.

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