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Thread: Cosmetics and authenticity

  1. #1

    Default Cosmetics and authenticity

    Quote Originally Posted by conspiracy website
    by Wray Edwards

    The following is a condensation of parts of my unpublished book "Maid in U.S.A., The Psychopathology of Cosmetic Dependence." It has to do with the identity trap which is sprung on young girls by "Big Cosmo" (big cosmetics) and the girls' peers and family members.

    Due to the psychotropic substances in the makeup and to social pressures, females are forced to re-invent themselves just about every day for the rest of their lives.

    At first it might seem cute when little girls see mommy "putting on her face" (as if she didn't already have one) and ask if they can too. Seems harmless. But wait...

    One day on the California Zephyr, the author met a woman who was the executive director of a women only drug rehab program. We got to talking and she divulged the entry requirements for her therapy paradigm. 1. The entrant had to give up the drugs, and 2. the women were told they could no longer wear makeup. This makes sense, of course, as the patients were enrolled to face reality without depending mind altering or appearance altering substances.

    When caught cheating, it was with cosmetics 80% of the time; suggesting that they were hooked...what we call the Kabuki effect. Cosmetics appear to be four times more addictive than drugs and availability was not an issue. Often women are heard to say, "I wouldn't go to the mailbox without my makeup." These people are suffering from the effects of years of habituation and dependence on very expensive and unhealthy products.

    Careful observation of how hundreds of women "Put On A Face" often reveals that they become almost trance-like in their behavior by the time they are finished. This probably has to do with the fragrances (which might have a pheromone or drug-like effect).

    Also the ritual of applying the substances (many of which are in powder form just like many drugs) to better compete in the attractiveness battles to come during the day, has a stimulating effect. If they perceive that the image is really good in the mirror, or by complimentary remarks of peers, they feel "powerful." It would probably be found that women, as they apply their game face, are experiencing a marked increase in endorphin blood levels.

    What passes for "Beauty" in any given society, renders the wearer powerful. The line from Keats: "'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,'"--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know" is completely wrong in the cosmetic context because they are indulging in deception. And don't fall for that, "I'm just using it to 'enhance' my appearance." Hogwash! They are hiding behind a masque.

    Very few women are naturally picture perfect on this planet. People with facial biometrics which measure close to 1:1.618 (the golden section) are often said to be attractive, but that ignores coloration, texture, and expression.

    When one considers the principle users of cosmetics (spies, actors, clowns, cadavers, transvestites, geisha and women) there are some universal similarities in this odd assortment. They are, briefly, fear of detection - if my lipstick fades what will people think of my natural self (except for the cadaver of course)...a sense of fragility (insecurity) should the eyeliner smear, the nylons run, the implant shift or hundreds of other identity malfunctions.

    At all times during the wearing of these disguises, the individual realizes they are in reliance on the maxim "By deception thou shalt do war." War!? you say. Well, yes. Surely you've heard of the battle of the sexes. Just look at the words used to describe "beautiful" or "attractive" women... "Wow, she's a knockout." "Yikes! "What a bombshell", "Drop dead good looks", "To die for", and "Killer."

    Just look at the magazines near the check out at the grocery store or fashion ads in the women's mags. Those facial expressions are often very predatory. Tribal warriors throughout history the world over knew the value of war paint.

    "The Three Faces of Eve" become the thousands of faces applied over the years, and the wearer consciously or subconsciously knows that they are not revered for their true selves...they are living a lie. This tension almost always leads to neurosis. Try this: What significant difference is there between a ventriloquist who shoves his hand up into his dummy's back to animate the creature, and a person who shoves their face into a grease puppet which they animate with their facial muscles? Not much, in this writer's opinion.

    One of many poignant comments I have gathered over the years comes from the tragic life of Anna Nichole Smith: "When they start putting on the makeup...that's when I really come alive."

    How sad. The empty victory of getting others to like you by the use of artificial images applied directly on one's face must be pure torture. She allowed herself to become an icon which was too difficult to portray. It eventually killed her. "Thou shalt not make [of] thee any graven image..." Right now we are watching Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and many other "stars" self-destruct as they fight their global icon battles.

    Just so this critique is balanced by an equal examination of what men utilize to "enhance" themselves in the eyes of women and the world, the work "U.S. Male, what men hide behind to make their way in the world" is in the works.

    The above examines just the tip of the iceberg, so in future articles, we will visit in greater depth the consequences of ignoring the pleasures of authenticity in favor of subterfuge and artifice. This subject is at the root of personal and national ethics...for those who become habituated to impersonations will eventually violate every ethical standard in the pursuit of power.

    There is a way to break this expensive cycle and become authentic. It's not easy, but it's quite worthwhile.



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    wow, interesting article! Yeah, I mean... it's fascinating to think about it in those terms. (the makeup I use is actually all in powder form! drugs!) And the stuff about the battle of the sexes is interesting too. even women who are already married continue, so it's not like it's only to attracted a partner. I think once women are married, they continue using it in subconscious continued competition with other women. You can't have someone else swooping in on your husband so you continue playing that game. At some point it's just so ingrained as a habit. And maybe it's also kind of fun to play around with colors and looks, just like buying new/different clothes. It's part of the image, the persona one portrays. But then, NOT wearing makeup is also a kind of persona. Cause you're saying "I refuse to play that game. I'm an all-natural girl." So it's a different sort of message you're intentionally projecting. I think there IS a sense in which make up can be used to objectively improve one's natural appearance and that as long as it's in balance (like using caffeine or alcohol in moderation), it's not a big deal. But it's one of those things that taken to an extreme can be a problem. In other words: I think a person can be authentic and still use make up in moderation. I don't think that using it AT ALL necessarily equals some kind of fake, graven image.

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    It depends on how you define addiction. It's actual meaning has been disputed as far as I know; the distinction being between physical dependency and psychological dependency. This would be an example of something you aren't physically dependent on, but rather you just want it really bad. Falls into the same category as porno or something.

  4. #4


    I think these is such nonesense...the part about not letting women wear cosmetics when they're in the's their right to. Cosmetics aren't particularly unhealthy...I mean most people don't suffer any strange effects from them and it's not like drugs at all. And what if you have some strange skin disorder that you would not like people to know about?
    Anyway, I use cosmetics for fun and somedays I go without them and don't feel bad at all and have a regular mood, I'm not an addict...the bright colours give me a happy feeling like looking at a nice painting when I do put them on. I use the cheapest drug store ones. And I have an addictive personality and I am addicted to certain things such as chocolate, but no one says chocolate is bad or anything like that...and I'm not addicted to make at all o.O This is like the sort of pop psychology they use in makeovers where they say "your hair is a security blanket" to get them to cut their hair and stuff like that...

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    Quote Originally Posted by somethingsomething View Post
    I think these is such nonesense...the part about not letting women wear cosmetics when they're in the's their right to. Cosmetics aren't particularly unhealthy...I mean most people don't suffer any strange effects from them and it's not like drugs at all. And what if you have some strange skin disorder that you would not like people to know about?
    Anyway, I use cosmetics for fun and somedays I go without them and don't feel bad at all and have a regular mood, I'm not an addict...the bright colours give me a happy feeling like looking at a nice painting when I do put them on. I use the cheapest drug store ones. And I have an addictive personality and I am addicted to certain things such as chocolate, but no one says chocolate is bad or anything like that...and I'm not addicted to make at all o.O This is like the sort of pop psychology they use in makeovers where they say "your hair is a security blanket" to get them to cut their hair and stuff like that...

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    Why am I being laughed at :'( I am just a logical and intellectual person I swear.

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    Quote Originally Posted by somethingsomething View Post
    Why am I being laughed at :'( I am just a logical and intellectual person I swear.
    I was just amused by your adamant response. kinda cute that's all!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    I was just amused by your adamant response. kinda cute that's all!
    thanks! Now to leave it to the rest of the discussioners...

  9. #9


    in the interest of full disclosure this article did come off of the website of a guy who's obsessed with the illuminati fucking society by screwing with male-female gender roles and relationship etc... (I see his articles on another conspiracy site, so don't think that I'm an avid reader of his shit, it's more a Jimbean kind of place )

    I thought this was interesting though since I've seen a lot of what he talks about. Some girls DO get really weird about their make-up, trance out when making themselves up, and they get all spastic about it too when you bring it up (I CAN'T GO OUT LOOKING LIKE MYSELF!!!). Obviously it's a self-esteem thing, but this is an interesting angle too imo.

    also I thought it would be funny if a bunch of girls swarmed this thread to say "OMG IM NOT AN ADDICT! THIS IS CRAZY! I WEAR MAKE-UP EVERYTIME I GO OUT AND I AM NOT ADDICTED TO IT!@!@J@#!@!"

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    It would seem you chose the wrong forum for that, BG.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    It would seem you chose the wrong forum for that, BG.
    for what? more than anything I wanted honest discussion so I think that this place works fine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat View Post
    also I thought it would be funny if a bunch of girls swarmed this thread to say "OMG IM NOT AN ADDICT! THIS IS CRAZY! I WEAR MAKE-UP EVERYTIME I GO OUT AND I AM NOT ADDICTED TO IT!@!@J@#!@!"

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    I use this:

    And this:

    And my name is Evelyn.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat View Post
    for what? more than anything I wanted honest discussion so I think that this place works fine.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat View Post
    also I thought it would be funny if a bunch of girls swarmed this thread to say "OMG IM NOT AN ADDICT! THIS IS CRAZY! I WEAR MAKE-UP EVERYTIME I GO OUT AND I AM NOT ADDICTED TO IT!@!@J@#!@!"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat View Post
    don't get all ILI on me.
    It's not like I can help it, it seems. Whatever I put in my profile is overrided by this typing :/.

    Edit: I see. In this case... *sigh*

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    I think women look bad with make-up usually. They actually look hotter w/o make-up cause they look more natural. I also noticed how gender features aren't as pronounced with make-up, so a lot of the 'male' and 'female' differences we have are in our heads.

    Me and Dolphin did this cool thing one time and we saw celeb females w/o make up and how they looked, how normal- and even tho I'm a gay dude even I could tell that they looked hotter and more fuckable w/o makeup than with makeup. It's just an illusion.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    I think women look bad with make-up usually. They actually look hotter w/o make-up cause they look more natural. I also noticed how gender features aren't as pronounced with make-up, so a lot of the 'male' and 'female' differences we have are in our heads.

    Me and Dolphin did this cool thing one time and we saw celeb females w/o make up and how they looked, how normal- and even tho I'm a gay dude even I could tell that they looked hotter and more fuckable w/o makeup than with makeup. It's just an illusion.
    I remembered that when I saw this thread.

    (12:41:53 AM) s0lidifieds yeah I was going on the end of trying too hard and shit
    (12:42:04 AM) lavendarnlemons there's probably more but i really have to sleep for class tommorrow lol
    (12:42:05 AM) s0lidifieds and like even i fI did get a hot body i twould look too 'etheral' or something
    (12:42:12 AM) lavendarnlemons hahaha aw
    (12:42:14 AM) s0lidifieds like if I ever looked that way I'd want it to be completely organic
    (12:42:18 AM) s0lidifieds and just like
    (12:42:21 AM) lavendarnlemons i've gotten that way in some periods
    (12:42:22 AM) s0lidifieds I didn't plan so much for it
    (12:42:26 AM) lavendarnlemons and it's like i couldn't believe it
    (12:42:27 AM) lavendarnlemons like
    (12:42:29 AM) lavendarnlemons if someone had told me
    (12:42:33 AM) lavendarnlemons i would've never believed it
    (12:42:40 AM) lavendarnlemons and it kind of made me disconnected from the world
    (12:42:50 AM) lavendarnlemons like happy but very hollow and like the same problems just
    (12:42:54 AM) lavendarnlemons a prettier shell relaly

    (12:44:24 AM) s0lidifieds yeah cuz we lack the miley cyrus income to support that beauty
    (12:44:26 AM) s0lidifieds you know?
    (12:44:30 AM) lavendarnlemons haha yeah
    (12:44:35 AM) lavendarnlemons it's..maintenance
    (12:44:39 AM) s0lidifieds right
    (12:44:47 AM) s0lidifieds for her it's not cuz she does it for her same with all those actresses like
    (12:44:51 AM) s0lidifieds they just aren't doing it just themselves you know
    (12:44:56 AM) s0lidifieds they have so many people making sure they look that good
    (12:45:04 AM) s0lidifieds but we don't hav ethat luxury
    (12:45:05 AM) lavendarnlemons without her tans and her extensions and her makeup artists and her extractions and pills and vitamins and organic food and filtered water and god knows what else
    (12:45:13 AM) lavendarnlemons yes exactlky
    (12:45:14 AM) s0lidifieds haha yeah totally
    (12:45:22 AM) lavendarnlemons there's like a whole team just to make them look good
    (12:45:33 AM) s0lidifieds yep
    (12:45:46 AM) s0lidifieds personal trainers too and a plan that they just follow and so many ppl around to help them with it
    (12:45:54 AM) lavendarnlemons yeah
    (12:46:12 AM) lavendarnlemons and they still look like normal people in the mornings when the paraparazzi catches them out walking lol
    (12:46:21 AM) s0lidifieds right lol exactly
    (12:46:34 AM) lavendarnlemons except the stupid ones make it so that they look inhumanly good in mornings and "natural"
    (12:46:38 AM) lavendarnlemons it's not even fair hahaa
    (12:46:54 AM) lavendarnlemons like their so called sweat pants and ripped jeans were ripped by a designer for thousands of dollars
    (12:46:59 AM) lavendarnlemons it's so ...ugh
    (12:47:04 AM) s0lidifieds yeah...
    (12:47:43 AM) s0lidifieds it's like a mind trick cuz ur mind finds it appealing but it doesn't go out to the other senses necessarily
    (12:48:28 AM) s0lidifieds I'm not aesthetically attracted to my cat lo lbut cuddling with her just has this connection that's pure and holy and beyond the mind lol BUT UGH U NEED TO GET TO BEDDDD IM TAKING ADVANTAGE

    (12:48:51 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:48:53 AM) lavendarnlemons hahaha
    (12:49:05 AM) s0lidifieds LMAO OWNED
    (12:49:13 AM) s0lidifieds this makes me feel better haha
    (12:49:18 AM) lavendarnlemons i always enjoy the no makeup pictures waaay too much ahaha
    (12:49:26 AM) s0lidifieds she looks so midwestern in this I love it
    (12:49:37 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:49:45 AM) s0lidifieds but wow it makes her look mor eempathetic tho too and like
    (12:49:56 AM) s0lidifieds that makeup looks so fake and vapid sometimes
    (12:50:02 AM) lavendarnlemons yeah
    (12:50:11 AM) s0lidifieds lmao wow
    (12:50:21 AM) s0lidifieds is that really her ?
    (12:50:23 AM) s0lidifieds in the second one
    (12:50:30 AM) lavendarnlemons it's cuz people in pain look more human or somethingi kd
    (12:50:34 AM) lavendarnlemons i wondered that too but i think so
    (12:50:37 AM) s0lidifieds yeah
    (12:50:48 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:50:49 AM) s0lidifieds cuz it's real and the other thing is this shiny gloss ideal that just isn't natural
    (12:51:15 AM) s0lidifieds wow
    (12:51:21 AM) s0lidifieds im not even sure thats her tho in that one
    (12:51:28 AM) lavendarnlemons yeah it is
    (12:51:34 AM) s0lidifieds lol
    (12:51:47 AM) s0lidifieds hmm wow

    (12:52:09 AM) s0lidifieds she can't absorb ur social i mprint she has to like worry about her own neruotciisms like a normal person
    (12:52:12 AM) lavendarnlemons i dunno it's freaky if you study it too closely
    (12:52:13 AM) lavendarnlemons hahaha
    (12:52:31 AM) s0lidifieds yeah it is
    (12:52:41 AM) s0lidifieds because like, I'm begining to like her or something with this
    (12:52:49 AM) s0lidifieds but I still know that's impossible cause of her income level and status
    (12:52:55 AM) s0lidifieds like a true equal relationship
    (12:53:13 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:53:31 AM) s0lidifieds heh she looks like b. scott, that gay drag performer
    (12:53:36 AM) lavendarnlemons lol
    (12:53:47 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:53:59 AM) s0lidifieds wow
    (12:54:02 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:54:19 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:55:01 AM) s0lidifieds it's such an illusion when you like do the comparison
    (12:55:10 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:55:13 AM) s0lidifieds and the shiny miley cyrus version is just like sooo fake and not naturally like nobody can look like that lol
    (12:55:31 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:55:34 AM) lavendarnlemons haha i know
    (12:55:53 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:56:19 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:56:26 AM) s0lidifieds its almost like the 'prettier version' is this veil but of course it is but like
    (12:56:29 AM) s0lidifieds you really see it with these
    (12:56:37 AM) s0lidifieds and the natural self is just, has this realness to it
    (12:56:47 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:56:49 AM) lavendarnlemons yeah
    (12:56:52 AM) lavendarnlemons it's like they're a real person
    (12:56:55 AM) lavendarnlemons that could live around you
    (12:56:59 AM) lavendarnlemons like be in your everyday life
    (12:57:01 AM) s0lidifieds yeah
    (12:57:02 AM) lavendarnlemons and not on your tv
    (12:57:11 AM) s0lidifieds right
    (12:57:13 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:57:36 AM) lavendarnlemons
    (12:57:41 AM) s0lidifieds hhaha i like hilary duff
    (12:58:07 AM) lavendarnlemons me too
    (12:58:17 AM) s0lidifieds wow l ike the real women look tougher in a way tho too
    (12:58:26 AM) s0lidifieds it's less like, unrealistic feminity or something
    (12:58:48 AM) s0lidifieds and like the masculine/feminine divides in our own heads are like exaggerated so much
    (12:58:57 AM) lavendarnlemons yeah
    (12:59:23 AM) s0lidifieds it's like totally this ghosty incorporeal thing that u can like
    (12:59:26 AM) s0lidifieds put ur hand right through
    (12:59:28 AM) s0lidifieds or something

    (1:01:39 AM) s0lidifieds it's like so not porny and exaggerated its almost like you can't brutally throat fuck somebody like this or something cuz they'r enot a playdoll? idk and like you can do that with a fake thing cuz its an illusion and not real and thats like, it make sme think just how deeply women are objectified like seriously
    (1:02:20 AM) s0lidifieds like if you take away that base rawness you can create a thing or a fantasy you can do what you want but like the person goes away

    (1:21:23 AM) lavendarnlemons yeah
    (1:21:26 AM) lavendarnlemons well it's protection
    (1:21:32 AM) lavendarnlemons literally a mask
    (1:21:39 AM) s0lidifieds yeah totally wow
    (1:21:54 AM) s0lidifieds and like the no make pu thing they all do that spacy lost thing we all do when we'er in public and like
    (1:22:02 AM) s0lidifieds just want to get through our day and not be bothered
    (1:22:23 AM) lavendarnlemons hahaha yeah
    (1:22:35 AM) s0lidifieds but you give them a mask adn it slike
    (1:22:46 AM) s0lidifieds they want to absorb ur social imprint and feed off you and make money off ur pain
    (1:22:58 AM) s0lidifieds and they look straight at you with this unnatural confidence
    (1:23:04 AM) s0lidifieds that's just evil really
    (1:23:09 AM) s0lidifieds like cartoonishly so
    (1:23:21 AM) lavendarnlemons yeah
    (1:23:26 AM) lavendarnlemons like they wouldn't break eye contact
    (1:23:30 AM) lavendarnlemons just to freak you out
    (1:23:34 AM) s0lidifieds yeah
    (1:23:46 AM) s0lidifieds and that's what a mask does it's so interseting
    (1:24:00 AM) s0lidifieds and you try t opunch the mask and it still has that same vapid socipathic look
    (1:24:08 AM) s0lidifieds and the space losty eyes know they can be hurt
    (1:25:41 AM) s0lidifieds this is like a therapy sesson
    (1:25:48 AM) s0lidifieds it's catharic for me, lol.
    (1:25:54 AM) lavendarnlemons lol me too
    (1:25:57 AM) lavendarnlemons i forget or something
    (1:26:01 AM) s0lidifieds same here
    (1:26:02 AM) lavendarnlemons like people are normal
    (1:26:05 AM) s0lidifieds I was so addicted to the images
    (1:27:00 AM) s0lidifieds but it's not just in magazines like in real life in some areas peole look this good but like
    (1:27:08 AM) s0lidifieds this really shines a light on how much of a veil it all is

    (1:35:36 AM) lavendarnlemons the problem with makeup is that people get used to you wearing it
    (1:35:47 AM) lavendarnlemons and then if you suddenly start not wearing's like a letdown to all of reality
    (1:35:51 AM) s0lidifieds yeah! that's what I mean to say, I think
    (1:36:04 AM) lavendarnlemons automatically adds this layer of confidence
    (1:36:06 AM) lavendarnlemons i mean for me
    (1:36:09 AM) s0lidifieds well it's not even so much that it's like the makeup isn't even really as good
    (1:36:11 AM) lavendarnlemons i kind of need it to function
    (1:36:31 AM) s0lidifieds even for men I'm sexually attracted to like, them being just naturally fine without being gay porned try too hard is hotter , but its like some aesthetic thing we crave
    (1:36:41 AM) lavendarnlemons it's not really sexual
    (1:36:44 AM) s0lidifieds no it's not
    (1:36:47 AM) lavendarnlemons it's just like aesthetic
    (1:36:50 AM) s0lidifieds yeah!
    (1:36:51 AM) lavendarnlemons like people are potted plants
    (1:36:53 AM) lavendarnlemons lol
    (1:36:56 AM) s0lidifieds right
    (1:37:30 AM) lavendarnlemons it's like that saying "i'm not here to decorate your environment"
    (1:37:36 AM) lavendarnlemons i kind of liked it but it got made fun of hahaa
    (1:37:54 AM) s0lidifieds but no wonder the world is fucked u pcuz like, we just see masks and we don't know who can trust and love our spaced out emo victimness so it's like this guardedness, these two masks trying to look at each other and like two masks can't see
    (1:38:18 AM) lavendarnlemons yes lol
    (1:38:23 AM) s0lidifieds because the only thing you really want is somebody who won't take advantage of your weak moments cuz they'll always come
    (1:38:34 AM) s0lidifieds lol damn
    (1:38:40 AM) lavendarnlemons ..
    (1:38:43 AM) s0lidifieds it's so much fear and paranoia
    (1:38:56 AM) s0lidifieds but it makes me relieved cuz I've been so selfish with my own problems
    (1:39:04 AM) lavendarnlemons i feel that way too
    (1:39:20 AM) s0lidifieds and realizing that all of american society is so insecure is like, makes me so hopeful
    (1:39:24 AM) lavendarnlemons hahahah
    (1:39:54 AM) s0lidifieds even like people who seem really self confident and such it's just like we've all been a victim to it
    (1:40:30 AM) lavendarnlemons yeah cause even if you want to relate if you have a mask it's like you can't
    (1:40:32 AM) lavendarnlemons not in that state
    (1:40:37 AM) s0lidifieds yeah
    (1:40:39 AM) lavendarnlemons you can't feel pain when you have the mask
    (1:40:43 AM) lavendarnlemons so it's just isolating
    (1:40:56 AM) s0lidifieds the mask like pretends to know what others are up to but it's this ego defense thing like th elooking right through you
    (1:41:06 AM) s0lidifieds it was very theratening to me, because it's not real. Like the fear of the unknown or something
    (1:41:15 AM) s0lidifieds and it seems intimidating but it's not truly. It's just a mask

  20. #20


    Yeah and..personally I think makeup is a drug. That's how it feels to me. But it also feels like, mercy is a drug. It's the heroin of the soul. And a canister of talc smelling neutral toned powder, a tube of mascara - these things are just easier to come by.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
    . But it also feels like, mercy is a drug..

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
    Yeah and..personally I think makeup is a drug. That's how it feels to me. But it also feels like, mercy is a drug. It's the heroin of the soul. And a canister of talc smelling neutral toned powder, a tube of mascara - these things are just easier to come by.
    "+10000" or something

    I'm not sure if I see mercy as a drug. Mercy usually doesn't give you the same "OMG I FEEL SO GOOD" feeling. I guess that the "I feel better at least" thing is there though.

    IDK... I guess that I just refuse to see mercy as being ultimately psycholically(sp?) unhealthy like I do drugs.
    Last edited by bg; 09-06-2010 at 11:59 AM.

  23. #23
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    Yeah it's probably psychologically addictive.

    But it does make women more attractive, like it or not. There's not much that's more sexually alluring than a woman's lipstick sticking on you after a kiss (for both sexes, since it gives the appearance of being more intense contact, and especially for the woman - a way to mark her territory), or the subconscious knowledge that a woman is ready for sex because her lips are gorged red with blood (which is the effective illusion of wearing red lipstick). Then again, that may all be a social construct -- or whatever the vogue word of the day in the social sciences is used to describe it.

    My take: If it's used responsibly and not as a mask to hide behind, then it's not really a tool of oppression on par with the Schutzstaffel or the Gestapo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jxrtes View Post
    There's not much that's more sexually alluring than a woman's lipstick sticking on you after a kiss (for both sexes, since it gives the appearance of being more intense contact, and especially for the woman - a way to mark her territory), or the subconscious knowledge that a woman is ready for sex because her lips are gorged red with blood (which is the effective illusion of wearing red lipstick).
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    nice mustache

  26. #26


    i've always wandered about this lipstick,don;t men get even a tad bit bothered of the lipstick? they are gonna eat that crap for god's sake. like,noone has ever tried to take it off with his hand before ze kiss.isn;t that weird?
    Last edited by Kalinoche buenanoche; 09-06-2010 at 12:30 PM.

  27. #27


    I wear makeup maybe three times a year - at that, it's just the bare minimum. I started wearing makeup in my teens and decided I didn't want to be a slave the the daily routine, and, I couldn't trust myself to care about doing it consistently. Also, WYSIWYG; no surprises for the guy who wakes up in the morning. Beauty (cosmetics, hair, nails, etc) is quite expensive. I'm more interested in dropping money on electronics. All this said, women who put themselves together tastefully with cosmetics look beautiful and elegant, no doubt.

    Quote Originally Posted by jxrtes View Post
    But it does make women more attractive, like it or not. There's not much that's more sexually alluring than a woman's lipstick sticking on you after a kiss (for both sexes, since it gives the appearance of being more intense contact, and especially for the woman - a way to mark her territory), or the subconscious knowledge that a woman is ready for sex because her lips are gorged red with blood (which is the effective illusion of wearing red lipstick).
    Interesting. All I think about is the poor man (or woman) who gets smeared with lipstick. Also, its physically uncomfortable for me to be wearing it. I don't like the thick film. And, the last thing I want is for my lips (or any other part) to be standing out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cinq View Post
    Beauty (cosmetics, hair, nails, etc) is quite expensive. I'm more interested in dropping money on electronics.
    this made me lol.

    I do spend quite a bit on my hair. but it's my best feature and does look pretty amazing. I do my nails myself which isn't that expensive. I don't wear makeup every day but I do look better (and younger) with it on. The other thing is, I have practically invisible eyelashes because they're so blond. So my eyes are very undefined and smallish looking without mascara. My eyelashes are naturally very long and curl up nicely on their own so when I do use mascara like it's *wow*.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cinq View Post
    Interesting. All I think about is the poor man (or woman) who gets smeared with lipstick. Also, its physically uncomfortable for me to be wearing it. I don't like the thick film. And, the last thing I want is for my lips (or any other part) to be standing out.
    that is a bad feeling (the filmy feeling). there are some brands (I'm partial to Bare Escentuals) that don't give that feeling and are very light, like you're not wearing anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat View Post
    nice mustache
    Thankyou. It hides the fact that my lips are gorged red with blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by timewaster View Post
    i've always wandered about this lipstick,don;t men get even a tad bit bothered of the lipstick? they are gonna eat that crap for god's sake. like,noone has ever tried to take it off with his hand before ze kiss.isn;t that weird?
    lol That's what I wonder..
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

  31. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    this made me lol.

    I do spend quite a bit on my hair. but it's my best feature and does look pretty amazing. I do my nails myself which isn't that expensive. I don't wear makeup every day but I do look better (and younger) with it on. The other thing is, I have practically invisible eyelashes because they're so blond. So my eyes are very undefined and smallish looking without mascara. My eyelashes are naturally very long and curl up nicely on their own so when I do use mascara like it's *wow*.
    I understand the eyelashes issue. Mine are light as well, and it makes a big difference when I wear mascara. People notice. My hair is one of best features as well. However, I cut my hair about every year and a half. There is no doubt cosmetics and other beauty treatments enhance your looks. For myself, I suppose I'm not often motivated to attract others. In fact, I prefer to minimize. But, mostly don't want to be tied into the routine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cinq View Post
    I understand the eyelashes issue. Mine are light as well, and it makes a big difference when I wear mascara. People notice. My hair is one of best features as well. However, I cut my hair about every year and a half. There is no doubt cosmetics and other beauty treatments enhance your looks. For myself, I suppose I'm not often motivated to attract others. In fact, I prefer to minimize. But, mostly don't want to be tied into the routine.
    roux lash and brow tint. Darkens your eyelashes and eyebrows, and you don't have to think about it for the next 4-5 weeks. That's what I do. Takes like 10 minutes to dye them. And I'm with you about not wanting to mess with the whole routine and crap. I only wear makeup very very rarely. I've never worn lipstick ever. I do however have an addiction to chapstick/lip gloss when it's very dry out, and my lips get dry.

  33. #33
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    I wish men had something equivalent. It sounds intoxicating.

    Then again I've been to rehab twice now.
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    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    I wish men had something equivalent. It sounds intoxicating.

    Then again I've been to rehab twice now.

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    Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safety Reviews

    I'm sure they could put some bs chemicals that actually make you dependent of them in the "fragrance" part.

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    I don't think most women look better without makeup. I wish they'd wear more, to be honest. I dunno, I personally refuse to leave my house without it just because I like looking put together at all times. So often people get lazy and its unnattractive to me. You're basically saying you don't care about putting in an effort.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    I don't think most women look better without makeup. I wish they'd wear more, to be honest. I dunno, I personally refuse to leave my house without it just because I like looking put together at all times. So often people get lazy and its unnattractive to me. You're basically saying you don't care about putting in an effort.

    I don't think makeup should have to be part of looking good or put together. You can look very classy with or without it, and trashy with or without it. There are so many other factors. It's actually more work to look good without it, hah, because nobody looks good if they're not in good condition physically, and healthy, and it takes more effort to keep a good healthy complexion and nice skin than skillfully coloring that same effect onto your face.

  38. #38
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    Natural on most days. I agree with squak for the most part.
    Party make up should stand out and make you look glam in photos.
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    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    I'm mostly indifferent about make-up and probably one of the people Jessica hates. There are a lot of days where I couldn't give a shit what I look like and other days where I like being well put together just for the aesthetic appeal of it. Make up is still largely a play thing for me. I do it when I'm going out, predominantly because it's fun. I don't have the skill to find the nuanced/natural look for daytime make-up wear anyways. Fuck, I don't even dry my hair out of the shower....Or do it at all most days. Ponytail so it stays the fuck out of my face.
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    Should men wear makeup too then?

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