Quote Originally Posted by Pied Piper View Post
@Sauwelios: The dichotomy "abstract/involved" is a dichotomy which was invented by some forum user, I think Anndelise (?). It is not Socionics and this dichotomy does have no explanation, it is just a speculative grouping of the functions inspired by the other three which were misunderstood (Objects/Fields, Dynamic/Static, Internal/External).
Sauwelios, Pied Piper is wrong.

I may have been the first one to mention them to this forum, but I did not create them. Here is the first thread where I brought them up. It has an image from the original site, and an image of translations I was able to get. http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...anslation.html

The link to the original site is: Èíôîðìàöèîíèêà

It splits up NS and FT (continuity/integrity vs discretion/divisibility) aka perception vs judgement

It splits up NF and ST (internal vs external). After going through various russian to english and english to russian translators, as well as putting the terms into various russian dictionaries, such as medical dictionaries, legal dictionaries, and a philosophy one, the english words that consistently brought back the same results were implicit vs explicit.

It splits up NT and SF (abstractness vs 'the involvement').


Many people who want to insert the concept of 'objective' vs 'subjective' quickly dismiss these. I believe that this is due to how easy it is to say either (or both)
'the involvement'=subjective

So those who try to insert 'objective vs subjective' as a socionics dichotomy run into constant arguments as to which dichotomy means it, and therefore which ones to ignore.

I also find it funny when some people try to say things such as
external (S&T) = abstract (N&T)
or external (S&T) = objects (Xe: Se, Te, Ne, Fe)


Ways that this can be used is when looking at similarities and differences between quadras and clubs...and even types.

For example:


  • N & T are both abstract elements. The NT club has both an abstract base element and an abstract creative element...their primary focus is on abstract information.
  • Alpha NT = ego focus on abstract information that remain relatively consistent (eg theoretical structures) aka 'static abstracts'
  • Gamma NT = ego focus on abstract information that change and interact (eg tracking economic factors that are in constant flux while influencing other factors) aka 'dynamic abstracts'


  • N & F are both internal elements. The NF club has both an implicit base element and an implicit creative element...their primary focus is on implicit information.
  • Delta NF = ego focus on implicit information that remains relatively consistent (aka 'static internals')
  • Beta NF = ego focus on implicit information that is in flux, change, and/or interactions (aka 'dynamic internals')

But we can go beyond that to also compare types.
NeTi and NeFi both have Ne base. But their focus differs. NeTi focusing on Ne's abstract information, NeFi focusing on Ne's implicit information. NeTi -> how is this Ne information theoretically structured?
NeFi -> what does this Ne information mean to those involved...or how might they be affected by it?

NeTi and NeFi can both look at something (like a theory) and walk away with different conclusions or different ideas from it.