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Thread: Theory of personality development

  1. #1
    Olga's Avatar
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    Default Theory of personality development

    Hello to all,

    Yesterday(?) the russian conference took place and one of the articles on the timetable was (?) by Procofieva "Socionic theory of the personality development". Hopefully we shall be able to read it sometimes in the nearest future.

    I am also interested in this topic and I would like to share with you some ideas and would be thankful if you decide to share yours with me. I do not mind critics as I am wearing sunscreen. This is a beginning. If I have mentioned something that was originally mentioned by anybody else - please, point me to the original source as I do not claim that I know or have read everything about socionic theory. I would like to present very general information at this moment and we shall se hoew it goes.

    Potentially the theory of personality development should explain or bring light on what is odd/unusual behaviour. I hope also that some of the Reinin’s dichotomies could l be accommodated into this theory one way or the other. I would like to highlight two principles that are of huge importance to the functional development: identity and balance. Two principles work together to achieve healthy development of personality.

    People learn their abilities, strong points and weaknesses through their living experiences and interactions.
    Many different influences impact on feelings and thinking and the person tries to make sense of them and is searching for his/her identity. This line of the development can be associated with Model A and is responsible for “vertical” line of development or identity line: from top to the bottom; strong blocks to weaker blocks.
    For example: INTJ and the blocks as they known in socionics:
    Ti Ne - Ego - I know
    Se Fi - Superego - I can
    Si Fe - Superid -I want
    Te Ni - Id - I need

    The development of the blocks could be from Ego to Superego:

    - from what I know Ti and able to do Ne well to the development of the potential knowledge Fi and abilities Se.

    From Id to Superid: - what I need is what I want.

    This is a very general direction and more detailed consideration can be given to interactions of function ine every block.

    Horizontal line of development or balancing line can be explained with “butterfly model” of dimensions.

    For INTJ: Ti…………l………..Te
    Ne…………l ……….Ni

    The whole idea of balancing on dimensions is simple: to be a happy person you need to be balanced. We can not be balanced on all functions with the same degree of strength due to the inherited abilities of psychic structure. That is why the need for the support/balance is more experienced on some dimensions than on the others.

    According to socionic intertype relationships theory people need support on their suggestive functions which are in then Superid block. So for INTJ the dual would be FeSi. ( This works on the not conscious levels. This levels hide the secrets of many odd behaviours which people can not yet explain and I hope we hsall get into it later. ) This is the major principle of duality in socionics and I would argue that this is a not a mistake but an obvious limitation to the socionic theory of intertype relationships. I discussed it in the article: Development of the psyche and intertype relationships

    The principle of duality is based on the position that the functions located in Superid are actually the most weakest within the psychic structure in a way the fourth function is the weakest point of personality. Between the blocks Superid is the weakest one, but does it mean that we all need a dual to support us on the functions located in Superid?
    Does it mean that we all follow exactly the same degree and location of our needs?

    How about a pair of socks as a gift for a Christmas present? If your socks have got holes and you have not got ability to repair and no money to buy them - surely you should be happy with socks to keep you warm through your life.

    I would suggest that the need of balance is more experienced on the dimensions of competitive knowledge which is associated with the first two functions: base and creative. This two functions which we use the most in our conscious life. We may be not aware of the need to balance them as it is hidden in our Id block … but it is what suppose to make us happier. This qualities are within us and await their on time when the become a part of our conscious life.
    That’s all for now.
    School of Associative socionics:

  2. #2
    Dioklecian's Avatar
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    This is great.

    What do you think the connection between Id and Ego development? Are they supposed to be equally developed?
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

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    I think it is a very interesting stuff.

  4. #4
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    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Default Thanks

    Thanks to all, your replies sounds very encouraging. It is what I need as this knowldege is intuitive and I can never be sure that what I am saying is resembling the common sense until it is proved or disproved by you. I do not feel as I can know everything without the knowledge coming from people of different types. So.. the most interesting explorations will come later. However, I really need to take time to study the topics stored on the forum and I don't think I will be able to do it untill
    Midsummer. Meanwhile,if you have any odd questions, please, pm me.


    At the moment I do not have answers for all questions or I might be not sure about the right one. I would assume balance as achievement of the highest possible degree of Id to the extent that it make you loose enough to feel psychologically healthy and happy...without crossing the border though. As I write this, the thought comes to my mind of the system of values which is probably more the realm of identity. It is that point in the cross where two lines meet.
    However, if you start to think about it you may come to different conclusions. For example, does it need to be a cross of balancing and identity lines? I associate Identity line with Life and living experince and balancing line with Love (love to others and to yourself). Could there be more lines of personality development, may be a star :wink: ?
    School of Associative socionics:

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    Default Re: Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Olga
    Thanks to all, your replies sounds very encouraging. It is what I need as this knowldege is intuitive and I can never be sure that what I am saying is resembling the common sense until it is proved or disproved by you. I do not feel as I can know everything without the knowledge coming from people of different types. So.. the most interesting explorations will come later. However, I really need to take time to study the topics stored on the forum and I don't think I will be able to do it untill
    Midsummer. Meanwhile,if you have any odd questions, please, pm me.


    At the moment I do not have answers for all questions or I might be not sure about the right one. I would assume balance as achievement of the highest possible degree of Id to the extent that it make you loose enough to feel psychologically healthy and happy...without crossing the border though. As I write this, the thought comes to my mind of the system of values which is probably more the realm of identity. It is that point in the cross where two lines meet.
    However, if you start to think about it you may come to different conclusions. For example, does it need to be a cross of balancing and identity lines? I associate Identity line with Life and living experince and balancing line with Love (love to others and to yourself). Could there be more lines of personality development, may be a star :wink: ?
    I agreee with this. Definitely.

  7. #7


    Was there ever any update on these matters?

  8. #8
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    Default Update?

    I think that was the start of the creation of model B were I clarified two principles underlying the development of the psyche: identity and balancing. Then I started the model. Is it anything intersting or puzzling about this trend that you found? At some point I am going to put the model into the articles section but it is not quite finished yet.
    School of Associative socionics:

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