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Thread: Betas, why are Americans unhappy?

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    Default Betas, why are Americans unhappy?

    It doesn't have to be just Americans, but anyone living in an "America-esque" society, if that makes sense. You could possibly even include Japan, definitely the UK.

    Anyway, it occurred to me that most people in America seem unhappy and slightly mad, like they're balanced precariously on the edge of sanity and are trying hard not to notice. It's sort of like a cartoon character that walks off a ledge but does not begin to fall until he notices his predicament.

    Also, I'm looking for thoughtful answers, not clichéd anti-American platitudes from dunces in pretend Eastern European countries. I would also prefer somewhat artsy answers from Beta NFs such as strrrng, George, and silverchris.

    Please give me your Nietzschean/Freudian insights.

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    LoL both of those men were weak pussies in my book.

    But anyways, I will tell you what I think.

    People just get off on misery. They like it. They think....that's the world is supposed to be. They 'keep it real.' I'm kinda amused at this. I just don't understand why people want things to get better. But that's too 'clean' and pretty and nice and faggy. they like complaining. They love self-destructing. They like slowly dying. They love the pain. In a warped way, being dark and evil and negative and insane makes people feel masculine and thus strong. It's weird tho.

    They're afraid. They're afraid of their softer, more homosexual and European qualities. It takes a lot of energy to be tough. IT would make anybody insecure. Being strong is really being weak because who are you trying to prove? That is why Jesus is the strongest of them all. =p

    and yeah I agree americans are like that. It's just like chill dude. but they are too fearful and insecure. so they lash and attack others like a poorly trained puppy. It's so sad. But hey. If you don't know how to behave, then we'll just have to put you to sleep!

  3. #3
    Executor MatthewZ's Avatar
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    I think you've all too easily accepted the premise that Americans are "unhappy."

  4. #4


    I am not a beta but my guess would be, most people have certain ideals, dreams, aspirations, whatever you wish to call them, and after a certain point these aspirations become confused or lost... tangled up like an unorganized computer network.

    Eventually this yeilds to the demands of their current reality or circumstances, they need to work a job, be connected to people, and so forth so eventually they find themselves putting energy into this instead of untangled the metaphorical cords in order to pursue their happiness.

    This becomes like something they leave in their closet while they deal with the norms of life, going to work, interacting with people, etc.....

    Eventually the mess grows and grows and gets more tangled, and people are left with a general feeling of confusion about their life and their sanity in life. They build resentment to the system, to authority, to whatever.... but in my honest opinion half the people are confused.... they just want to rebel, but they don't have a cause, a goal, an ideal for themselves..... it just gets bad for people and they are confused and feel like they have to rebel for sanities sake first.

    I can easily see this mounting in politics, people no matter who the president is always criticize them, usually it has nothing to do with the president and so forth, but relates back to their feelings on their "place" in society. They look to the supreme leader of the nation, because of this archtypal human sociological understanding that the leader is responsible for ones "place" in society, and if people become upset about their "place" in society, it's the leader that is to blame. Many people have trouble logically connecting their issues on the real world experience directly to the presidents direct actions with a clear line chain of cause/effect. Of course part of peoples problems in doing this is that they move forward faster than back and don't trace their failures back the original mechanism of failure like a good investigator would do... this leads people to generally be confused about their issues/problems in life and resentful towards the system which is perceived as an opressing force. It's really hard to say if everybodies problems are their own fault or societies fault when you have this confusion.... people have a bad habit of putting their own problems on others... and some people have a bad habit of taking on too much of other peoples problems.... in a good society this equillibrium is equal, which if americans are unhappy... then this comes down to a bad sharing of interest between people and the establishment.... as to were the source of this problem lies, is a great question. I personally can trace my concerns down to their sources, so I feel very free from this confusion, I feel bad for people that can't, and I'm also afraid of them.... they are like a paranoid monster that can't be reasoned with.
    Last edited by male; 08-29-2010 at 04:28 AM.

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    the apparent unhappiness combined with the lack of awareness, is your answer. simply put: they know not what they do. but this isn't just because lazy consumers happen to overpopulate rapidly developing cities. it has to do with... the collective unconscious. unfortunately, a full description of this would require too much history for this thread, but there is a gist of it. you have a country founded on libertarian capitalism. this is man realizing that shackles need to be taken off, after excessive conflict -- that he has a will and can use it without the guide of a tablet; the mind is in a state to recreate the expression of archetypes. thus, people are always averse to imposing limiting structures when it comes to 'fresh pastures' ("the baby is precious"). this is because the archetypes become projected in the most simplistic form, starting with that of the mother, and its relationship to the child ('look what she has given us, and what we can produce' -- all human struggle is momentarily eclipsed under the beam of this horizon). the collective psyche believes that man has been excised, and his face turns with grim optimism toward the horizon ahead, ready to make this the most prolific (re)birth. the image of the founding fathers toiling in candlelit isolation symbolizes this perfectly (the period between inception and actual birth, within the womb). the problem arises from the very carefulness with which the 'rules' for such a society are created, because you have to maintain core boundaries without limiting people (the animus (male) archetype is that of giving order -- seemingly demanding, but only firm to strengthen and push forward, not control -- so that people can evolve naturally; this is in stark contrast to the stereotype of a father as being some embodiment of masculine prowess whose authority is unquestionable). those without a true appreciation for the principles behind such a doctrine, always bend the context of the words, or conversely, keep them too literal. these approaches are a devolved left and right, respectively, unconsciously believing that mother nature gave carte blanche based on the memory of the horizon, or that the father/animus's domain will not be undermined (so you have this degenerate condition called: homosexuality, in the first case, and lesbianism in the second). the next problem is resource surplus. a large amount of post-industrial revolution americans are not born into an environment that teaches the essential value of resources. they are actually objectified. this gradually leads to one's perception of tangible life as a holograph, and the evolution of the internet embodies this (now, the pasture is taken for granted with a sterile insolence, because it cannot be felt; a virus is incepted here). the bourgeois state of life is one of blase resignation: 'we know where we've come from, now let us rest' (as if the arduous summer's droplets of sweat were hydration to carry these larvae into the fall; a contradictory attitude of resource stabilization and indulgence comes about, as predicted with blind animals anticipating hibernation season). the only glimmer of humanity left in such a morass, is a kind of liberal innovation, which can sometimes result in ingenious market strategies that make the society's operation much less stressful... at the same time, this goes hand in hand with excessive boredom and indifference (the child archetype's natural growth is being stifled; he is implicitly shuffled into the holograph, and thus at best, can only clarify its lens somewhat, not remove or destroy it; the creators of facebook embody this). the relationship to the mother is no longer one of innocent gratitude, because she has been clouded and ignored (the child is now saying: I know what you gave me, and don't care anymore, because look where I am – it seemingly gives up on what it needs the most); the father is casually scoffed at, because a herd is playing god between fingertips (the most common emotion concerning america's struggle and creation, as embodied in the founding fathers, is one of solemn reverence – as at a funeral; this breeds guilt and childish power games). with the rise of motley consumerism comes a decay of cultural archetypes, because the attitude is: diversity is better (losing touch of the archetypes results in cursory, scattered attempts to retrieve them – and enough pebbles tossed into a pond will cause a greate ruckus on the surface!). this is horribly flawed. art is where the archetypes have to come through in the most distilled form. also, the idea of: free speech, becomes tainted with weasel-shitting degenerates who take it literally (one does not understand that archetypes speak through them, thus assumes complete domain over 'personal expression'), which only amplifies the problem with art, hence how a picture of a fucking soda can (or something trivial like that) made it into an art museum some years back. post-modernism is the youthful embodiment of this resignation; it represents the disconnect from the essential roots, hence positing that everything is a relative effect of an amorphous environment with no meaning. the youth is looking for a guiding force (child archetype mocking its roots, leading to a megalomaniacal state of existence; kids who shoot up schools illustrate this). consumerism breeds liberalism which breeds government leech-feeding (kids: "daddy, give me this!" -- dad: "watch your mouth, just maybe I'll give you a prize" -- kids: "thank you, now I want more." -- dad (frustrated): "ok, here" -- the former becomes a spoiled juvenile, the latter a sado-masochistic despot) which breeds a complete deflation of art that becomes nothing more than a reflection of a reflection -- the latter being humanity's lens after the disconnect, the former being the lens used to 'refine' it. the result of this, is a morass of corporate whores, useless bums, spoiled brats with too much education and too little spine, blights of poverty -- most of which are derived from slaves, and maintain the same puerile defiance -- and select pockets of power (the devolved right trying to maintain some semblance of fundamentals/stability). the archetypes are puddles on a street, and people are spitting into them at every chance they get, hoping it will vaporize and traverse to a plateau where greater forces can turn it into something powerful; and this only perpetuates the cycle.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    I am not a beta but my guess would be, most people have certain ideals, dreams, aspirations, whatever you wish to call them, and after a certain point these aspirations become confused or lost... tangled up like an unorganized computer network.

    Eventually this yeilds to the demands of their current reality or circumstances, they need to work a job, be connected to people, and so forth so eventually they find themselves putting energy into this instead of untangled the metaphorical cords in order to pursue their happiness.

    This becomes like something they leave in their closet while they deal with the norms of life, going to work, interacting with people, etc.....

    Eventually the mess grows and grows and gets more tangled, and people are left with a general feeling of confusion about their life and their sanity in life. They build resentment to the system, to authority, to whatever.... but in my honest opinion half the people are confused.... they just want to rebel, but they don't have a cause, a goal, an ideal for themselves..... it just gets bad for people and they are confused and feel like they have to rebel for sanities sake first.

    I can easily see this mounting in politics, people no matter who the president is always criticize them, usually it has nothing to do with the president and so forth, but relates back to their feelings on their "place" in society. They look to the supreme leader of the nation, because of this archtypal human sociological understanding that the leader is responsible for ones "place" in society, and if people become upset about their "place" in society, it's the leader that is to blame. Many people have trouble logically connecting their issues on the real world experience directly to the presidents direct actions with a clear line chain of cause/effect. Of course part of peoples problems in doing this is that they move forward faster than back and don't trace their failures back the original mechanism of failure like a good investigator would do... this leads people to generally be confused about their issues/problems in life and resentful towards the system which is perceived as an opressing force. It's really hard to say if everybodies problems are their own fault or societies fault when you have this confusion.... people have a bad habit of putting their own problems on others... and some people have a bad habit of taking on too much of other peoples problems.... in a good society this equillibrium is equal, which if americans are unhappy... then this comes down to a bad sharing of interest between people and the establishment.... as to were the source of this problem lies, is a great question. I personally can trace my concerns down to their sources, so I feel very free from this confusion, I feel bad for people that can't, and I'm also afraid of them.... they are like a paranoid monster that can't be reasoned with.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    the apparent unhappiness combined with the lack of awareness, is your answer. simply put: they know not what they do. but this isn't just because lazy consumers happen to overpopulate rapidly developing cities. it has to do with... the collective unconscious. unfortunately, a full description of this would require too much history for this thread, but there is a gist of it. you have a country founded on libertarian capitalism. this is man realizing that shackles need to be taken off, after excessive conflict -- that he has a will and can use it without the guide of a tablet; the mind is in a state to recreate the expression of archetypes. thus, people are always averse to imposing limiting structures when it comes to 'fresh pastures' ("the baby is precious"). this is because the archetypes become projected in the most simplistic form, starting with that of the mother, and its relationship to the child ('look what she has given us, and what we can produce' -- all human struggle is momentarily eclipsed under the beam of this horizon). the collective psyche believes that man has been excised, and his face turns with grim optimism toward the horizon ahead, ready to make this the most prolific (re)birth. the image of the founding fathers toiling in candlelit isolation symbolizes this perfectly (the period between inception and actual birth, within the womb). the problem arises from the very carefulness with which the 'rules' for such a society are created, because you have to maintain core boundaries without limiting people (the animus (male) archetype is that of giving order -- seemingly demanding, but only firm to strengthen and push forward, not control -- so that people can evolve naturally; this is in stark contrast to the stereotype of a father as being some embodiment of masculine prowess whose authority is unquestionable). those without a true appreciation for the principles behind such a doctrine, always bend the context of the words, or conversely, keep them too literal. these approaches are a devolved left and right, respectively, unconsciously believing that mother nature gave carte blanche based on the memory of the horizon, or that the father/animus's domain will not be undermined (so you have this degenerate condition called: homosexuality, in the first case, and lesbianism in the second). the next problem is resource surplus. a large amount of post-industrial revolution americans are not born into an environment that teaches the essential value of resources. they are actually objectified. this gradually leads to one's perception of tangible life as a holograph, and the evolution of the internet embodies this (now, the pasture is taken for granted with a sterile insolence, because it cannot be felt; a virus is incepted here). the bourgeois state of life is one of blase resignation: 'we know where we've come from, now let us rest' (as if the arduous summer's droplets of sweat were hydration to carry these larvae into the fall; a contradictory attitude of resource stabilization and indulgence comes about, as predicted with blind animals anticipating hibernation season). the only glimmer of humanity left in such a morass, is a kind of liberal innovation, which can sometimes result in ingenious market strategies that make the society's operation much less stressful... at the same time, this goes hand in hand with excessive boredom and indifference (the child archetype's natural growth is being stifled; he is implicitly shuffled into the holograph, and thus at best, can only clarify its lens somewhat, not remove or destroy it; the creators of facebook embody this). the relationship to the mother is no longer one of innocent gratitude, because she has been clouded and ignored (the child is now saying: I know what you gave me, and don't care anymore, because look where I am – it seemingly gives up on what it needs the most); the father is casually scoffed at, because a herd is playing god between fingertips (the most common emotion concerning america's struggle and creation, as embodied in the founding fathers, is one of solemn reverence – as at a funeral; this breeds guilt and childish power games). with the rise of motley consumerism comes a decay of cultural archetypes, because the attitude is: diversity is better (losing touch of the archetypes results in cursory, scattered attempts to retrieve them – and enough pebbles tossed into a pond will cause a greate ruckus on the surface!). this is horribly flawed. art is where the archetypes have to come through in the most distilled form. also, the idea of: free speech, becomes tainted with weasel-shitting degenerates who take it literally (one does not understand that archetypes speak through them, thus assumes complete domain over 'personal expression'), which only amplifies the problem with art, hence how a picture of a fucking soda can (or something trivial like that) made it into an art museum some years back. post-modernism is the youthful embodiment of this resignation; it represents the disconnect from the essential roots, hence positing that everything is a relative effect of an amorphous environment with no meaning. the youth is looking for a guiding force (child archetype mocking its roots, leading to a megalomaniacal state of existence; kids who shoot up schools illustrate this). consumerism breeds liberalism which breeds government leech-feeding (kids: "daddy, give me this!" -- dad: "watch your mouth, just maybe I'll give you a prize" -- kids: "thank you, now I want more." -- dad (frustrated): "ok, here" -- the former becomes a spoiled juvenile, the latter a sado-masochistic despot) which breeds a complete deflation of art that becomes nothing more than a reflection of a reflection -- the latter being humanity's lens after the disconnect, the former being the lens used to 'refine' it. the result of this, is a morass of corporate whores, useless bums, spoiled brats with too much education and too little spine, blights of poverty -- most of which are derived from slaves, and maintain the same puerile defiance -- and select pockets of power (the devolved right trying to maintain some semblance of fundamentals/stability). the archetypes are puddles on a street, and people are spitting into them at every chance they get, hoping it will vaporize and traverse to a plateau where greater forces can turn it into something powerful; and this only perpetuates the cycle.
    insightful but a bit depressing

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    Quote Originally Posted by MatthewZ View Post
    I think you've all too easily accepted the premise that Americans are "unhappy."
    Yeah last time I checked, America had food. That's more than a lot of you other countries can say. America is usually happy, but never satisfied.

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    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe View Post
    It doesn't have to be just Americans, but anyone living in an "America-esque" society, if that makes sense. You could possibly even include Japan, definitely the UK.

    Anyway, it occurred to me that most people in America seem unhappy and slightly mad, like they're balanced precariously on the edge of sanity and are trying hard not to notice. It's sort of like a cartoon character that walks off a ledge but does not begin to fall until he notices his predicament.

    Also, I'm looking for thoughtful answers, not clichéd anti-American platitudes from dunces in pretend Eastern European countries. I would also prefer somewhat artsy answers from Beta NFs such as strrrng, George, and silverchris.

    Please give me your Nietzschean/Freudian insights.
    I haven't noticed most people seeming unhappy. If they are, it could be from a sense of powerlessness. They feel unable to enact change in their own lives or make anything better and that depresses them. They feel like they can't do anything, and nobody is listening, and nothing they do gets them anywhere. People in 3rd world countries get depressed for the same reason - they can't change anything, no matter how hard they work or how fast they run, they're still on the same treadmill.

    The cure for that kind of unhappiness is to find something that you can change. Something that you can take in your hands and make better through your own effort. Getting that foothold, where they have control can lead to great confidence in themselves to make another and greater change.

    Consider the kinds of risks people will take to have any small gain in independence and self-direction. It's human nature to want to run things. At least for yourself and your own life. Having that responsibility, and wanting it, and enjoying being responsible for your own life and decisions is the only way to be happy. Blaming other people, or the culture, the system, whatever your favorite object of blame is, takes away the very responsibility you need to climb out of whatever hole or trap you see yourself in.

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    I don't know about America, but in the UK people seemed happy. Minus their rants about emigrants moving from everywhere else.

    And this could be adapted to any nation: greed is the major factor of unhappiness.

    And by the way. addressing this thread to Betas and then kind of letting people know that you only want to hear opinions of people like George, thePirate or those who think the same as them is quite silly.
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    Because they're poor and don't have any money.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    I am not a beta but my guess would be, most people have certain ideals, dreams, aspirations, whatever you wish to call them, and after a certain point these aspirations become confused or lost... tangled up like an unorganized computer network.

    Eventually this yeilds to the demands of their current reality or circumstances, they need to work a job, be connected to people, and so forth so eventually they find themselves putting energy into this instead of untangled the metaphorical cords in order to pursue their happiness.

    This becomes like something they leave in their closet while they deal with the norms of life, going to work, interacting with people, etc.....

    Eventually the mess grows and grows and gets more tangled, and people are left with a general feeling of confusion about their life and their sanity in life. They build resentment to the system, to authority, to whatever.... but in my honest opinion half the people are confused.... they just want to rebel, but they don't have a cause, a goal, an ideal for themselves..... it just gets bad for people and they are confused and feel like they have to rebel for sanities sake first.
    Right on the money.

    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    I haven't noticed most people seeming unhappy. If they are, it could be from a sense of powerlessness. They feel unable to enact change in their own lives or make anything better and that depresses them. They feel like they can't do anything, and nobody is listening, and nothing they do gets them anywhere. People in 3rd world countries get depressed for the same reason - they can't change anything, no matter how hard they work or how fast they run, they're still on the same treadmill.

    The cure for that kind of unhappiness is to find something that you can change. Something that you can take in your hands and make better through your own effort. Getting that foothold, where they have control can lead to great confidence in themselves to make another and greater change.

    Consider the kinds of risks people will take to have any small gain in independence and self-direction. It's human nature to want to run things. At least for yourself and your own life. Having that responsibility, and wanting it, and enjoying being responsible for your own life and decisions is the only way to be happy. Blaming other people, or the culture, the system, whatever your favorite object of blame is, takes away the very responsibility you need to climb out of whatever hole or trap you see yourself in.
    I like this, too. And I relate to the powerlessness-stemming unhappiness.
    Last edited by Park; 08-29-2010 at 07:30 PM.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    BTW, why is this question addressed only to Betas?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  14. #14
    take a second of me sarinana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Parkster View Post
    BTW, why is this question addressed only to Betas?
    Because discojoe is so beta that opinions from other quadras doesn't interest him.
    Sincerely Yours,

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    The Rebel without a cause.

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    I dont think Americans are particularily unhappy, they just complain alot. Thats because they live in a country where people have been taught to complain, hell, a country whos opening statements of the constitution are based on protection against the government. People complain about taxes, high oil prices, their congressmen and politicians etc. Contrast that to European countries like Belgium where noone complains against the government despite much higher taxes etc.

    Americans are for the most part not unhappy, put them in some middle eastern shithole and theyll see what unhappiness is.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarinana View Post
    Because discojoe is so beta that opinions from other quadras doesn't interest him.

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    Because what we strive for has no real value. It's either an imitation of value or a leeching of value. People feign value to justify leeching it. When this goes to the extreme you have something like an emotional banking crisis. No one has anything to offer worthwhile and everyone is trying to suck it from everyone else.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat360 View Post
    Because what we strive for has no real value. It's an imitation of value. Easier to achieve and control but less fulfilling, to the max. Also it requires you feign value to justify sucking things dry.
    I agree with this. Except I will also add that many people do not clearly define what they want and then stand for it.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
    --Theodore Roosevelt

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    -- Mark Twain

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    Fe valuer
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbean View Post
    I agree with this. Except I will also add that many people do not clearly define what they want and then stand for it.
    No, the instant fulfillment of sucking something dry is more appealing than the long term struggle which ultimately leads to what's valuable. People know this, they just choose to be leeches. Or phonies. Not much of a difference, really. A phony may try to pretend they're above all this, but they just spend alot of time securing a jugular to suck on. They want to make sure no one can step in and rid them of it. Leeches though.. they taste the blood, but it doesn't satiate them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat360 View Post
    No, the instant fulfillment of sucking something dry is more appealing than the long term struggle which ultimately leads to what's valuable. People know this, they just choose to be leeches. Or phonies. Not much of a difference, really. A phony may try to pretend they're above all this, but they just spend alot of time securing a jugular to suck on. They want to make sure no one can step in and rid them of it. Leeches though.. they taste the blood, but it doesn't satiate them.
    This is true for one segment of the population. Many people are also unhappy because they wonder aimlessly through life without plans.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
    --Theodore Roosevelt

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    -- Mark Twain

    "Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."
    -- Confucius

  22. #22
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat360 View Post
    Because what we strive for has no real value. It's either an imitation of value or a leeching of value. People feign value to justify leeching it. When this goes to the extreme you have something like an emotional banking crisis. No one has anything to offer worthwhile and everyone is trying to suck it from everyone else.
    I like it.

    I prefer to say that there's a lot of It in life, if It is what everyone is looking for. But most things are compounded of It and Not-It, and people tend to focus on the Not-It. So the key to being happy is finding some things that have lots of It and very little Not-It, and then focusing on the It-y parts of substances that are compounded of shadow and flame (I added the shadow and flame part so I could satisfy your artsy requirement). We look for It in celebrities and actors and musicians and artists because most celebrities actually have quite a lot of It, even if they're not any happier for having It. People are more happy from appreciating It than from having It, I think. But then again, actors and musicians are very happy for the brief and wonderful moments when they're in It. Poets are people (whether they write or not) who find It everywhere. Have faith in It. It is Life. It will set you free. lol.

    Strrrng's answer is also very good.
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

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    Advertising is completely integrated into the American lifestyle and how we understand the things around us. You can’t go anywhere without being sold something, even if it’s some vague idea of a better life. We’re certainly not the only country with a very powerful advertising industry, but it’s so well integrated with the landscape that it’d be difficult to mentally fight it off. It seems like when you’re a part of something unique and meaningful, the context of that group/movement/discovery/creation changes when the media latches on to it. I recently visited my sister in San Francisco and we went to the famous Haight-Ashbury District. Oh maaaaaan! The area is so expensive and the only way you can really experience it’s history is by buying a bunch of pseudo hippie bullshit in the shops. When I visit relatives in Wyoming or Utah , I see a lot of stores that sell the idea of freedom or the “Wild‘’ West. I don’t know how depressed Americans truly are but we definitely live in a “fakish” society that can sometimes make us feel detached from things. I guess this goes along with what crazedrat was saying.

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    we sold out man, we fucked up

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    Quote Originally Posted by jughead View Post
    we sold out man, we fucked up
    good answer.

    discojoe: I think you could have just as easily asked, "Betas, what makes YOU unhappy" and gotten almost the same answers. I'm happy, but I know what makes me unhappy, and it is the same no matter where I live, or what conditions I'm living in. And I know how to change it, because I have.

    But, if you want something that is just for America, jughead really says it best.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    I'm happy, but I know what makes me unhappy, and it is the same no matter where I live, or what conditions I'm living in. And I know how to change it, because I have.
    I'm curious, how do you solve a problem when you can't envision a solution? Or do you always know what (you need) to do in order to resolve the issues that upset/make you unhappy?
    Last edited by Park; 08-31-2010 at 11:31 PM.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Many people are also unhappy because they wonder aimlessly through life without plans.
    I hate plans. I try not to make them.

  28. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Heavy View Post
    I try to do as little of it as possible.
    sounds like a..... "plan"........ to me

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    it wouldn't work for me.
    Last edited by tire iron; 04-28-2012 at 08:22 AM.

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    lol I knew what you meant.... you live in the here and now, you're like a Keirsey Artisan!

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    You're an insightful and demonic force of nature, my friend. :redface: Just scratch out the tender-minded and provincial aspects of the SP style in the original Jung typology, along with the stereotype that SPs seek to exploit/dominate others or lack an interest in ideas.

    These days, my main focus is on the contrast between ESTj and ESFj because the descriptions downplay the extent these types can look alike on the surface, especially among males.

  32. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Heavy View Post
    You're an insightful and demonic force of nature, my friend. :redface: Just scratch out the tender-minded and provincial aspects of the SP style in the original Jung typology, along with the stereotype that SPs seek to exploit/dominate others or lack an interest in ideas.

    These days, my main focus is on the contrast between ESTj and ESFj because the descriptions downplay the extent these types can look alike on the surface, especially among males.
    What do you type yourself as anyways, I don't think I've seen you on here before.

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    Yes, yes. Although I also flush out my memory every five minutes, the archives tell me I did a type thread some time ago.

    It turned out to be a letdown, but I still think it can float like a greyhound and sting like a bee...I'd encourage you to stop by and make a guess...

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    Americans are attempting to harness Fe into Te, via sublimation of pop culture artistic extremism into supressedly-hysterical dopamine-induced anesthesia that allows maximum productivity.

    Conclusion: America needs to get its fucking Quadra values straight.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  35. #35
    take a second of me sarinana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Americans are attempting to harness Fe into Te, via sublimation of pop culture artistic extremism into supressedly-hysterical dopamine-induced anesthesia that allows maximum productivity.

    Conclusion: America needs to get its fucking Quadra values straight.
    Hey, do you have squatters in America?
    Sincerely Yours,

    Beyond the clouds. Beyond the sun.

    The Rebel without a cause.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Americans are attempting to harness Fe into Te, via sublimation of pop culture artistic extremism into supressedly-hysterical dopamine-induced anesthesia that allows maximum productivity.

    Conclusion: America needs to get its fucking Quadra values straight.
    I think America is mainly gamma quadra.
    Join my Enneagram Discord:

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    did someone already say post-industrial revolution opulence? once a person has their basic needs provided, they develop a deeper psychology, and develop new problems besides food and shelter.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sarinana View Post
    Hey, do you have squatters in America?
    Not typically, no. Homeless people are just homeless. Although I know one SLE who squatted in an abandoned house while the police were searching for him

    PS You have 777 posts.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Typhon View Post
    I think America is mainly gamma quadra.
    I am inclined to agree.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    take a second of me sarinana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Not typically, no. Homeless people are just homeless. Although I know one SLE who squatted in an abandoned house while the police were searching for him

    PS You have 777 posts.
    I think legalizing squatting would be a first move for America which shows support for young amateur artists. I bet there are thousands of houses in America where nobody lives and not even visits...

    This is a video of the Netherlands, but squatting is also quite popular in England, Spain, Germany(however it is dying).

    Long live squatting and fuck capitalism!
    Sincerely Yours,

    Beyond the clouds. Beyond the sun.

    The Rebel without a cause.

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