Who are you?

I'm Gul.

What are you interests?

Interesting things

Maths, mechanics, World of Warcraft lore and theory, statistics, numbers,

What do you do for a living?

Mooch of mum while I'm studying

Are you in school? How do/did you like it?

University yeah. I enjoy it. Maths is great fun, and I enjoy reflecting about the overall big picture in this other unit I do where we're given readings and lectures and things.

Future goals? Past experiences?

Get work as a statistician. Getting a government job in the Australian Bureau of Statistics would be real swell, but I've gathered that's pretty far off.

Past experiences with what? My parents sucked, my school sucked, my entire life sucked; and then one day I woke up and stopped caring about it all. Then another day I woke up and it didn't suck any more. Today is a pretty good day in the grand scheme of things.

What are your friends like?

They're awesome. I tend to stay friends with interesting and fun people (typically people I can get positive reactions out of, or who don't mind me being silly). Boring people I tend to be diplomatically distant from. Anti-fun people are my mortal enemies, and so are people who generally like to stir up shit and unpleasantness (I appreciate that this is fun for that type of person, but it's not fun for me).

What would you say the focal point of your life is?

Being a blob and enjoying life. Avoiding being taxed or strained. Getting by calm and content. Genuine happiness is good too, but I don't bank on it, nor do I really trust it.

Beliefs? General thoughts about w/e?

The Universe is fundamentally complex. Models are good, but they're models. Simplify systems of thought, but always remember the world is never simple.

Everyone is right, just some people are more right or less right than others. There's a grain of truth in every opinion. Sometimes. Some people are just intellectually militant and overly dogmatic and don't really have anything of value to provide or contribute and should be avoided to preserve the peace. Other people have those grains of truth on a different beach on a different continent, so there's really no way of getting to it, but people who aren't you should be free to enjoy that understanding and knowledge, even if you yourself are unable to appreciate it.

Live and let live.

Fights happen, but conflict happens. Break the chain of hatred, walk away from people who like to start fights.

Life will challenge you, and it takes pride and courage to back down, as much as it does to stand firm in the onslaught of adversity. Know when it's time to put the cards down and walk away. Understand that this is not losing.

Pride is respect for your own dignity. Never forsake it, never compromise that of others.

Open-mindedness is good, and does not conflict with caution about new ideas. You can approach something hesitantly and more critically than usual and still give it a place for consideration.

Idealogical consistency, as much as possible. Don't feel bad when you're not 100% consistent; use that as an impetus to refine, expand, or distill your personal beliefs.

Nobody is perfect, nothing is perfect. Not in the real world.

There ought to be more confusion and chaos. Shatter people's expectations of stability, consistency, straightforwardness and predictability. This ties in with my belief in a complex Universe.

Paradoxes don't exist in three dimensions. Stop thinking like a square and start thinking like a human.

Women are important. Be proud of them, treat them well. They aren't men. What you can cope with she might not. What you can't cope with, she may well. This is invaluable.

More broadly, individuals are IN-DI-VISIBLE. Spell that out with me. What works for you may not work for someone else. Respect that, and respect that you yourself are an individual.

Maintain strict double standards. Treat yourself as well as you do other people.

Love is respect and protection. Be honest with yourself. If you're hurting her, you need to change. If you can't do that, grow some balls and walk away. I have little regard for people who can't do this.

Changing too much is also bad, because A) you can't maintain it, and B) it's a pretty poor relationship if you need to maintain that much distance and that many pretences.

Change is also different from growth and development. While growing as a person will cause you to change, it is a natural process of improvement on what is already there within you. Change is holding yourself in funny and uncomfortable shapes to try and fit in with someone.

Society is a bitch. Fit in enough to not have it mess with you and then quietly tell it to bugger off. If it pushes the envelope, assume defensive formation and beat it back.

How would you describe yourself compared to others?

I wouldn't

Actually I'd draw on how other people have described me, or how I've come to understand myself as matching with various categories I feel I belong to, such as Enneatype.

How would others describe you?

Silly, funny, charming, bright, witty, relaxing, comforting, stabilising, grounding, fun, "dualising" (lol), reflective, insightful, intelligent, quirky, weird, kind, loving.

Guarded, distant, reserved, defensive, disconnected, lazy, unmotivated, doesn't apply himself, coasting, weird (it's been used both ways), girly, emotional, too intense, manipulative.