Upon doing a search of the archives, I see that the prevailing opinion here is that John Wayne is LSE. Up until now, I had been assuming he was an SLE -- having recently watched two of his movies with Maureen O'Hara (McLintock! and The Quiet Man), both movies seemed strongly focused on an Aggressor-Victim romance, where the Se type wins the affection of the Ni type by asserting his dominance (Maureen O'Hara strikes me as EIE).

Digression: Interestingly, I think I would type them as N-SLE and D-EIE in The Quiet Man, and D-SLE and N-EIE in McLintock. But that's just a speculative hypothesis so far.

Anyway, since so many people think the Duke is LSE, I figured I should find out if you're all right and I'm wrong. For those that think John Wayne is LSE, why do you think that, and for bonus points, what type do you think Maureen O'Hara is? And of course, is there anyone out there who has a dissenting opinion on their types?