I found this film from my childhood that does a really good job of illustrating the progression from Delta »» Alpha. Here it is if you want to watch it. About 1 1/4 hours long (the whole thing is available on Youtube).

The rest of the post has major spoilers:

It's a science fiction film from the 60s set in a future where human beings are enslaved by a highly advanced species of giants known as the Draags. The protagonist ("Terr") is a human being, originally kept as a pet, who escapes with the scientific knowledge of the Draags to lead the human uprising against them.

Terr is probably Ne dominant, since he acts as the gatekeeper of information and its transmitter. The first thing he thinks about while escaping, even above personal survival, is grabbing the learning device. He doesn't blink twice at bringing scientific knowledge to the humans, and naturally assumes this role from the start.

All other quadras are portrayed from a biased alpha-centric perspective:

Betas were portrayed as capable and unrelenting fighters, willing to go to extremes to aid in the mission, but primitive and feuding amongst themselves. The roving bands of humans fought resource wars against each other, and were initially too divided and backwards to mount much resistance against the Draags. That is, until the Alphas brought forth their knowledge and a new social ideology.

Gammas are portrayed the worst (really badly ). The Draag counsel-man (ILI) is narrow-minded (not willing to even concede the possibility that humans are intelligent), self-important and warlike. The human shaman (ESI) is a complete reactionary who opposes any kind of progress on the dubious grounds that knowledge of the Draags is evil.

Deltas were portrayed as open minded, magnanimous and trying to do the right thing, but too constrained by tradition and bureaucracy to really make a difference and see the full possibilities over the horizon. The Draag first minister was probably EII.

The human society was merry (but particularly Alpha) in many ways: complete sexual freedom; loose, barely formal leadership; organized, but only with the goals of advancing technologically, spreading their knowledge to everyone, and building rockets to allow them to explore / escape to the mysterious "Fantastic Planet".