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    Default Mosque on Ground Zero; [Requested] Split Topic

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton
    "No, we need to be sober realists about this. Posh airy-fairy idealist fantasies like this will never work, and indeed have never worked in all the history of man vs. man. They only get a lot of good people killed. We'd do well with more chest-beating and sabre-rattling. Give them a show of force; it's the only language these barbarians actually understand, and the only way they'll ever be effectively dealt with. They must be taught restraint by any means necessary, just as you'd condition rational fear into a wild animal that doesn't know its place in the food chain. Blast their cities and all their holy sites asunder one by one, turn Mecca into a glass parking lot if thats what it takes. Tear a scar so deep into their collective memory that they don't dare raise a finger in anger against us for 1000 years."

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Yeah, great idea, precipitate more kamikaze violence.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Yeah, great idea, precipitate more kamikaze violence.
    how about, instead of blindly posturing liberal "ideals," feigning to take the high road -- you defeat the enemy with the most efficient means. there is no convincing a kamikaze of anything other than what "allah" tells him; if muslim sanctity can only be maintained by killing americans, then it is so, for him. this attitude you express is petty playground nonsense, as if someone shouldn't punch a bully in his nose because it might promote more violence, but instead should turn the other cheek, or tell the teacher. if it concerns life and death, you must resist with all possible force for the survival of yourself and people as a whole, period.
    Last edited by strrrng; 08-21-2010 at 05:31 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    how about, instead of blindly posturing liberal "ideals," feigning to take the high road -- you defeat the enemy with the most efficient means. there is no convincing a kamikaze of anything other than what "allah" tells him; if muslim sanctity can only be maintained by killing americans, then it is so, for him. this attitude you express is petty playground nonsense, as if someone shouldn't punch a bully in his nose because it might promote more violence, but instead should turn the other cheek, or tell the teacher. if it concerns life and death, you must resist with all possible force for the survival of yourself and people as a whole, period.
    This isn't a playground fight. If you can't eliminate your enemy totally, which, with this one, we can't, then it's better to not provoke him to violence.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    This isn't a playground fight. If you can't eliminate your enemy totally, which, with this one, we can't, then it's better to not provoke him to violence.
    yeah, I realize there may be broader social and political repercussions. I just think it's right in principle, when you're dealing with war. in these circumstances, it wouldn't be necessary to turn the middle east into rubble, but christ, still pursuing the "high road" with such liberal arrogance is just detrimental to everyone. at least when you strike back, the enemy has something to fear; memorializing a cultural icon of theirs merely gives them a sense of superiority and causes more animosity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    yeah, I realize there may be broader social and political repercussions. I just think it's right in principle, when you're dealing with war. in these circumstances, it wouldn't be necessary to turn the middle east into rubble, but christ, still pursuing the "high road" with such liberal arrogance is just detrimental to everyone. at least when you strike back, the enemy has something to fear; memorializing a cultural icon of theirs merely gives them a sense of superiority and causes more animosity.
    In principle, sure. Doesn't make it an effective tactic.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    That's why you kill them all before they have a chance to get upset about it and kill you. Duh.
    Alright, Mr. Ape, so let's put a giant hole in the middle east and hope the rest of the world has nothing to say about it, even while we risk that there are thousands of sympathizers, still willing to attempt something along the lines of 9/11, still able to get their hands on a virus or enough bombs or, fuck, MAKE enough bombs; I made bombs when I was 14; you think anyone with enough anger, and little enough to lose, and, oh let's say, the fuel of religious dogmatism, persecution, and revenge, couldn't do it themselves and cause way more mayhem than 9/11? You want to risk all of that? You underestimate what one person is capable of, let alone a group.

    I'm sorry, but you're a fool. If you want to hear stories about making martyrs and vengeance and all that good stuff, go read Greek mythology.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Thread split as per request.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Kick your enemy's teeth in until you break their will to resist. It's ruthlessly simple and direct, but it does work. What else is it do you think wins (and prevents) wars? Idealistic overtures of peace and tolerance don't. These surely didn't stop ******'s panzers from tear-assing across Poland, France, and onwards into the Russian steppes. Not until Berlin was a smoldering inferno of horrors and the German will was shattered, did they finally grind to a permanent halt. So you see, it does work.
    To be perfectly honest, I think what we're doing right now is actually a pretty damn good plan: take the war to them, so it doesn't come to us. As long as there are "Western," ie American, Canadian, and British troops in Iraq, they will probably direct all of their efforts at stopping us there, and as long as we grind them away with our superior firepower and resources, they will throw their kamikaze asses into the line of fire and keep getting slaughtered until there's none of them left. The only thing we can't rule out is an attack of desperation when it becomes obvious that they are bunk, but they are probably more concerned with protecting and attempting to re-secure their "Holy Land" than with making any strikes against us, so the best we can do is hope that we run them into the ground before they wise up and realize that we've run them out of guns, money, and troops. Any attempt at annihilating them totally would only trigger a faster, more desperate, and very likely more destructive, response.

    Fortunately, I do think there are better ways to handle this. My honest belief is that globalization and free trade will inevitably wipe out radical Islam as a viable threat to the world. They'll lose the war of culture for failing to offer a better way of life. Why blow yourself up for Allah on orders of some fat smelly power-hungry mullah, when you can instead lead a productive life, own property, raise a family, etc.? Granted, there will still be outliers… but for most people, this is a powerful deterrent against giving yourself to an ideology of annihilation. People who have their own lives to lead and worry about are far less likely to get sucked up into ideological BS, especially of a violent nature, and tend to see it as a nuisance more than anything else. The overwhelming majority of Muslims who just want to get on peaceably and productively with their lives, will put an end to the radicals.
    Quite frankly I think that as long as there is religion, there will be radicals. Shit, as long as there are people with IQs below 140, there will be psychos willing to blow themselves up and do all kinds of crazy shit for Allah. All I can honestly say is this: hopefully the retards don't screw it up before we turn this planet into a paradise.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
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    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Under cerulean skies...

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    Kick your enemy's teeth in until you break their will to resist. It's ruthlessly simple and direct, but it does work.
    I'm genuinely curious about something, not arguing against you, because this is a pretty common argument.

    With all your talk of breaking the enemy's will, how would you react to someone trying to break yours? Do you surrender or do you try even harder? It seems from your hard-line posts that, if the situation were reversed and you were the terrorist, you would never give up and, even in defeat, make life as miserable for your enemy as humanly possible.

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    Kick your enemy's teeth in until you break their will to resist. It's ruthlessly simple and direct, but it does work.
    It's an incredibly common argument, but an incredibly mediocre one as well. Islam is not Nazi Germany, radicalized or not. They will never give up. The German people had no special connection to ****** or Nazism. You know as well as I that this is not the case for Muslims.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    You are absolutely right I would. If it's kill or be killed, what else do you do?
    So why do you expect the terrorists to ever surrender? I mean when some of them have even been doing this for 30 years.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    In principle, sure. Doesn't make it an effective tactic.
    it's not like we're talking philosophy. the "principle" has been described countless times, and directly relates to a method of war with a psychological basis. sheer destruction carried out efficiently is the strategy, not pointless attrition. did you not indicate this here:

    To be perfectly honest, I think what we're doing right now is actually a pretty damn good plan: take the war to them, so it doesn't come to us.
    only, an offensive taken to prevent one from your enemy is often less effective, and really serves as a defense. a consistent front isn't enough to extinguish an enemy who despises everything you embody. and there are other means than a napalm shower; unconventional warfare carried out by specialized groups off the radar is much more efficient.
    Last edited by strrrng; 08-24-2010 at 03:09 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    it's not like we're talking philosophy. the "principle" has been described countless times, and directly relates to a method of war with a psychological basis. sheer destruction carried out efficiently is the strategy, not pointless attrition. did you not indicate this here:

    only, an offensive taken to prevent one from your enemy is often less effective, and really serves as a defense. a consistent front isn't enough to extinguish an enemy who despises everything you embody. and there are other means than a napalm shower; unconventional warfare carried out by specialized groups off the radar is much more efficient.
    The thing is, our enemy isn't in the open, we don't know where they're hiding, etc. If they were all holed up in one building, I'd say sure, bomb it, but when they're hiding in thousands of caves and countries all across the globe, making a huge display is only going to provoke, that's right, an equal and opposite reaction.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    That's why you kill them all before they have a chance to get upset about it and kill you. Duh.
    Then another country criticizes you for lack of humanitarian policies and invades you and your country and turns you into a smoldering crater, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth.

    The ultimate strategy (philosophically) of any war should be founded in an ideal, otherwise it's just mindless fighting, and you become exactly what your trying to defeat, which is animals who need to learn self-restraint.

    If it's all subordinated down to a certain achievable ideal that is manifested in a physical goal, then it's sensible.... because people will either agree or disagree with that ideal. And if the sum of your allies is great enough to overcome your enemies then you win, inherit the physical goal, and the ideal is achieved which is shared by all your allies. Then you are on stable ground, however it can get worse.... as people have a pesky habit of allying up with leaders under stress and duress, then after things settle down they complain and want more and more, and then everyone which was united as per the demands of the original threat becomes fractured into small subfactions, which then vye for power.

    So basically, if your talking about fairy land ideals..... what your talking about is fairly high on the list, it only works when the souls of every member of an alliance are commited to the goal, or else they just end up detangling into more conflict at the end.
    Last edited by male; 08-24-2010 at 02:46 AM.

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    i think that ashton is right and that we should bomb the shit out of mecca. not because it is a good idea internationally actually it is a disaster but it is a good idea because islam is a stupid religion. i mean seriously it says there's a god and people go to like this place in the sky when they die if they perform all these convoluted rules like the pilgrimage to this city in the desert where its like a thousand degrees.

    we should be nuking mecca not because muslims are terrorists but because the islamic religion is totally stupid and if we destroy mecca in a humanitarian effort maybe those stupid dipshits in uganda will stop wasting their lives.

    oh and no disrespect to kam of course, your religion is totally stupid though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ilikesex View Post
    i think that ashton is right and that we should bomb the shit out of mecca. not because it is a good idea internationally actually it is a disaster but it is a good idea because islam is a stupid religion. i mean seriously it says there's a god and people go to like this place in the sky when they die if they perform all these convoluted rules like the pilgrimage to this city in the desert where its like a thousand degrees.

    we should be nuking mecca not because muslims are terrorists but because the islamic religion is totally stupid and if we destroy mecca in a humanitarian effort maybe those stupid dipshits in uganda will stop wasting their lives.

    oh and no disrespect to kam of course, your religion is totally stupid though.
    Good idea, and let's nuke anything that holds any meaning to anyone.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamajama View Post
    Good idea, and let's nuke anything that holds any meaning to anyone.
    yes yes lets do it it sounds fun nuke my house i dare you

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by ilikesex View Post
    i think that ashton is right and that we should bomb the shit out of mecca. not because it is a good idea internationally actually it is a disaster but it is a good idea because islam is a stupid religion. i mean seriously it says there's a god and people go to like this place in the sky when they die if they perform all these convoluted rules like the pilgrimage to this city in the desert where its like a thousand degrees.

    we should be nuking mecca not because muslims are terrorists but because the islamic religion is totally stupid and if we destroy mecca in a humanitarian effort maybe those stupid dipshits in uganda will stop wasting their lives.

    oh and no disrespect to kam of course, your religion is totally stupid though.
    Imho religion isn't the problem, it's how its used. Everyone has "holy beliefs" and "core ideals"..... whether they acknowledge them or not, religion is people attempting to find harmony among these "core ideals".

    Now I can understand what you mean about all the rules.... but personally I think that is a retarded way to look at spirituality. Most people flock to strict rules in religion because they feel lacking in their moral confidence so they require a solid rulebook foundation to trust in. Usually this wouldn't be a problem, but it leads to moral fanaticism and indoctrination, which in my opinion are the real problems for organized religion.

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    I heared they wanted to build a gay bar next to the mosque.

    Since the mosque on ground zero stands for tolerance, a gay bar would fit that picture too. Let's see how the muslims react to that!

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    We should set up scheduled bombings, one every week, and give them the schedule and some pamphlets.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    I heared they wanted to build a gay bar next to the mosque.

    Since the mosque on ground zero stands for tolerance, a gay bar would fit that picture too. Let's see how the muslims react to that!
    haha yea

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    I heared they wanted to build a gay bar next to the mosque.

    Since the mosque on ground zero stands for tolerance, a gay bar would fit that picture too. Let's see how the muslims react to that!
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