/offtopic rant Btw why do I have to deal with ENTps trying to say some insightful shit, when their intention is TO CHANGE ME, to make me a "normal person"? How long until they fucking realize what they are trying to do and that IT WON'T HAPPEN! STOP the BULL I WON'T CHANGE NO THANK YOU SIR? No one will change according to your understanding and tastes, GO AWAY GENIUS


Dave³ ™'s Blurbs
About me:
My mission in life is to constantly improve myself, and to build bridges so others can follow a path of improvement. With each step forward I take, those behind me shall take an equal amount of steps forward. One footnote in my mission, which is related to the reasons I came to MySpace, is to meet people to share in my exciting experiences.

I enjoy reading and writing, and telling funny odd ball stories. I have a sense of humor that some consider mean and cruel and obscure. Some people consider things I say offensive, or inappropriate. However, I see it as just my way of letting people know not to take themselves or situations so seriously.

// I don't want to see any posts about emotions, mkay? /offtopic rant
Lmao. Looks like I hit a nerve. What I find significant is your little spiel here because I've heard it before from an INFp I know and so happen to piss off, as they claim. Half the shit yall say or do makes no sense to me, unless I sit down and concentrate harder than trying to release a shit after a long day of eating peanut butter, coffee, and a door knob.

And the name is Dave. What I said might be pointless, however maybe I just like hearing myself talk.