I've had this idea for a thread for a while so here it is.

There will be questions and discussion brought up about delta NFs that they can respond to. And I may share some of my experiences as well. In my mind this thread is geared towards delta STs understanding NFs better, but it could just become a general relationship question thread.

I know for myself I'm simply much more drawn to delta NF women than any other women, so, I have an interest in this topic. Also, as an optional suggestion, I'd like to see things addressed in more common terminology when possible. I say that because, in the context of a relationship or dealing with someone who doesn't know socionics, you're going to need to understand and convey and formulate thoughts without retreating into socionics speak.

I'll have more questions and stuff later, but, for now, one thing that comes to mind is how odd it is to realize what it means for someone to "value" and be "strong" at Fi. Or in non socionics terms, how much someone could really value or care about certain kinds of relationships. It's one of those things that I find fascinatingly odd and different from myself, but very appealing.