Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87
You're all dumb.

Squall, like Cloud, is an ISTp. Seifer is an ESTp, sensory subtype out the ASS. Sephiroth is probably an INTp. Rinoa is an ISFp.
I could see Rinoa being an ESFp...
I don't think Squall is ISTp.
# Persuasiveness. They are silver-tongued, gifted in the gentle art of winning friends and influencing people.
# Wanderlust. They love to keep moving. They settle down only to have the urge to pick up and go, explore, move out, move on. They do not worry about finding work, and live well by their talents, skills, ingenuity, and wits.
# Wild oats. In their childhood and adolescence, people with the Adventurous personality style were usually high-spirited hell-raisers and mischief makers.
Those are oldhams types from the pages here, but, I don't see those necessarily as Squall.

Sephiroth an INTp - what makes you say that?