Ekaterina Filatova's socionics book "Understanding the People Around You: An Introduction to Socionics" has been published in English. it's been mentioned on the Workshop and Rick's blog recently, but i don't think anyone has mentioned it here yet. here's a brief summary for anyone who may be interesting in buying it:

it starts with:

- a Foreword by Betty Lou Leaver, Ph.D
- a Preface by A.V. Sokolov
- Acknowledgments from Ekaterina Filatova
- an Introduction

then it goes on to three main parts:

Part I: The Basis of Socionics - Jungian Functions — in this section she goes over the four Jungian dichotomies, the eight functions, the Jungian model (Model J). types are organized and discussed according to club (Socialists, Researchers, Humanists, Pragmatics).

Part II: Psychological Types
— this section goes over each of the sixteen types, with profiles and functional descriptions for each.

Part III: Intertype Relationships — this section provides descriptions and functional explanations for all fourteen intertype relationships. quadras are briefly mentioned.

it ends with: two Appendices, one is an analysis of the types and relationships of the characters in Gone With the Wind, and the other is a socionics test based on dichotomies by Filatova. then there is a Literature page listing various socionics, typology, and psychology resources. lastly there is a page linking to various resources on the web (specifically: Socioniko.net, Socionics.us, Socionics.ibc.com.ua, The16types.info, Socionics.com, and Similarminds.com)

skimming through i did see that there are minor differences in the terminology, for example functions are called "Channels", e.g. Suggestible Channel. information elements are known as (Jungian) Functions. Logic is replaced with "Thinking" and Ethics is replaced with "Feeling" including in the type names, e.g. instead of SLE, the type is called STE, etc. also as previously mentioned Model J (the four function model) is used in this book; though Model A is briefly mentioned as the "full" model of the human psyche.

anyway i haven't started reading it yet; if anyone else has and would like to discuss it please share.

you can order it at Amazon.com: Amazon.com: Understanding the People Around You: An Introduction…