Quote Originally Posted by Aleesha
Basically get worked up about peoples opinions and arguements and will unashamedly fight to the death about it (or at least until they get bored).
oy, i dislike fighting with dynamics...it feels as if they want it to go on and on and on....the process isn't over for them...where as for me, it's like..it happened, the instance is over, let's move on to something else

I also have noticed that dynamics fill up with adrenaline really quickly. To me, it seems as if the more they react to the adrenaline, the more gets produced. It actually looks (and sounds) like a spiral going out of control. Is that how it feels?

How DOES a Dynamic determine when to end the argument?
How can a Static help the Dynamic get to that point of not arguing anymore?

I wonder, are the Dynamic types the one's who tend to hold long term grudges?