I'm pretty moody and have a bad temper so I don't see dynamic = moody as a reference from my own personal experience.

I agree that I have my memories (particularly from a long time ago like childhood) stored in my head as snapshots rather than videos.

Also, while I flare up from time to time, I generally try to avoid conflict. Maybe dynamic people enjoy drama? I know my mom (ENTj) and my dad (ENFj) do. The constant drama they have going makes me anxious but they seem to like it in some weird way.

One other thing - do dynamic types like adreneline rush type activites more? My husband definitely does (he drag races after all) and he's ISTp, and my dad does as well. I'm not sure about my mom. I hate that kind of thing, as do my sister (INFj) and my brother (ISFj). So my own very limited experience points that way anyway. And are dynamic types more into athletics? My husband is athletic, and my dad was quite the baseball player in his day - he was even scouted by pro teams until he had an arm injury. Again, the static types I know aren't athletic. Is this just my family or is this part of it?