
This type is first and foremost energized by new ideas and possibilities. Outgoing friendly and talkative, they love being around people and often have a large and varied assortment of friends and acquaintances. These types are usually quick and clever and commonly use language to capture people's attention and entertain them as well as to express their creative offbeat personalities. They like to tell stories jokes and use puns and plays on words. Naturally irreverent, they usually speak rapidly their language is peppered with humor and metaphors, and they may even swear more often than some other types. Insatiably curious, these types are quick to strike up conversations with strangers, ask lots of questions and tend to finish other peoples sentences. Their conversation can be very scattered as they move from one thought to the next without finishing the first as new inspriations strike them. With regard to appearance, these types often have an original artsy look and dress more for themselves than for others or to make a statement.