I'm not trying to force the magnet example, but I did want to clarify that when holding the two magnets, one can feel the affect of distance between them. When holding the attraction at the right distance, with eyes closed, you can feel the draw between them, or if reversed then you can also feel the 'natural distance' effect.

Much like how you're using the instrument and how close the hand is to the instrument to alter the output of the instrument.

But also, when you add in other items that would be affected by the magnet, and you try to say, find a path for the magnet to travel, you could see how the different items affect or are affected by the magnetic force...which can also give a sense of in/out of syncness.

Some people may respond better to one kind of example or a couple of examples, but not to others. Which is why I like having a range of options when talking one-on-one with someone, as then I could pick and choose those that might make sense to the other person, to at least give them an idea of what's being referred to. So, as I said, I wasn't trying to push for any one example, and I think that instrument one is a good one to add to the repertoire.