Quote Originally Posted by Mattie View Post
We can see how 'relationships' as a tag-line for arises because this shows how two people (or objects) affect each other, but isn't contained to just relationships between people, but also from a person to an idea; an idea would have to be within a certain 'distance' to be well received by someone who values , and that 'distance' can change when qualities are revealed or adjusted.
Or you could skip the musical instrument analogy and talk about this. (Though I admit to liking the analogy, myself.)

But the basics is why we get analogies to magnetic force, orientation (as in orientation to/away from certain qualities), and such. As well as morals and ethics...which are ideals/rules based on how something affects a person/peoples.

If this friend of yours needs to experience what it might feel like to focus on Fi element, then use
* the musical instrument experience,
* two strong magnets with pole ends (--, ++, -+) and having her feel the force that pulls them together or pushes them apart (that cushion of force where the ends just won't meet without greater force pushing on them),
* and/or questions about how she feels towards different qualities of an item/person...or how do those qualities affect her and her own life/actions/beliefs/etc.

And if she says something like "well everyone is attracted/repelled by different things/qualities", you can respond with "yes, but not everyone focuses on those, nor use those to primarily make decisions with, nor use that to build up their understanding of the world, environment, situations, relationships, etc." In other words, not everyone uses that information as primary information to consider.