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Thread: ESTps, cuts, bruises, stories and scars

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    Default ESTps, cuts, bruises, stories and scars

    Does is seems like ESTps all have the coolest scar storie?. Of course, it's their active tendencies that put them in precarious situations.

    My brother has dozens of scars and usually one fresh cut it seems almost all the time. The most painful one was from about five years ago while on a skateboard. He somehow (I haven't quite managed to figure out how) ended up between a car, the pavement, and his own arm. The scar is on his shoulder and is shaped like a crossbow. It's actually pretty cool.

    My friend has a scar on his lip from a similar situation, but on a snowboard. My girlfriend doesn't have a visible scar, but a metal plate in her leg from falling off a motorcycle.

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    I know and Entj who abuses his body pretty badly. As a result he has had many broken bones, scars, a bad knee, a shoulder that gets dislocated semi-randomly, messed up knuckles (from fights/punching stuff), and he will most likely need back surgery when he is older. He has a lot of pretty cool stories as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraus
    The weird thing was that when it happened, you could see all of the blood slowly oozing out of each one.
    Eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww. But cool.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    I know and Entj who abuses his body pretty badly. As a result he has had many broken bones, scars, a bad knee, a shoulder that gets dislocated semi-randomly, messed up knuckles (from fights/punching stuff), and he will most likely need back surgery when he is older. He has a lot of pretty cool stories as well.
    Yeah, I've always wondered how many high school/college athletes will have complications when they get older. They put their bodies through some crazy stuff.

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    IEI subtype

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    edited was a gay post

  6. #6
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    I got a back problem. Does that count? I have problems with moving around and breathing!
    is like a wet kiss on the cheek and a warm hug by a cute smiling girl.
    is the confetti shots on your birthday party with all your friends.
    is a way to completely rip apart the face of god and stare directly at the naked universe.
    is like over here and then over there and they are all connected and I am on amphetamine.

  7. #7



    ENTp's have cool scar stories too!

    But ESTp's normally involve some epic battle in which they slew a giraffe or something more ferocious or something.

  8. #8
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    I was fighting an ENFp..

    Is like getting wounded by a child, or a woman.
    is like a wet kiss on the cheek and a warm hug by a cute smiling girl.
    is the confetti shots on your birthday party with all your friends.
    is a way to completely rip apart the face of god and stare directly at the naked universe.
    is like over here and then over there and they are all connected and I am on amphetamine.

  9. #9
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    I've got a lot of 'em aswell, from fighting with ESTps. I mistreat my skin/muscles, but not my bones tho.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by Superman
    I was fighting an ENFp..

    Is like getting wounded by a child, or a woman.

  11. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zem

    ENTp's have cool scar stories too!

    But ESTp's normally involve some epic battle in which they slew a giraffe or something more ferocious or something.

    Lets see, I'm an EXTp, but I can be ENTp for a moment

    The scars I get are from not paying attention to what I am doing. One time I was digging up some grass out of my parent's back yard. I did this until I looked up and then back down and found a shovel inside my foot.

    Another example: I worked with a bucher (and still do twice a week) cutting meat. Normally, you would get blood on your hands, I had blood all over my left hand, so I go to wash it, and five minutes later, there was still blood on one of my fingers. I say to myself "I stopped cutting meat, and I washed my hands, how could I still have blood on one of my hands?"....."Wait, that's my blood!"

    with other experiences, I just lucked out. I am really underscared

  12. #12
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    oh man!! Okay so here's the list!
    -cracked skull (slipped on stairs with metal trim when i was 8)
    -broken wrists (both left and right, right was dancing and smashed my arm on my dads amplifer at age 6, left: i was running to the bathroom and tripped over a stool...this happen two days after i got my other cast off)
    -7/10 fingers broken
    -the side of my right hand, the bone between the wrist and the pinky, was knocked out and sticking out for about a week, i was boxing with my dad bare handed and hit him wrong, i just passed out and got up, my hand swelled, i told my mom it was broken she didnt believe me cuz i wasnt crying....a week later after the swelling went down you could see the bone sticking out of the side of my arm...pretty cool looking actually AHA)
    - the back of right leg, just below the calf muscle, i scraped a good chunk of meat off riding a bike really fast, and my leg slipped cuz i was wearing slippers and not proper foot attire for riding bikes...
    -face when i was 12 I use to take my old cat Simba for walks (yes u read it right) behind a building on a leash i made out of day he got lo lose and i went after him...the cat started running on his hind legs towards me with his front paws up and he jumped for my face...latched on and i tried to swing him off but it just made it worse...i literally had to rip him off my face...(no i didnt take him out anymore after that) so, below the lip and along the jawline on both sides i have visible scars..the most visible one was under my lip on the left side
    -right elbow (just below it on the inside...I got tangled up in concertina wire (coiled razor wire) when we were setting up a perimiter fence during an excersize (im in the military) ...for anyone who's never been tangled in concertina wire or doesnt know how it works..its designed to penetrate deeper into the flesh the more you move... and there were several people working on this 20 meter long section we were setting up...
    -left drunk buddy thought it'd be funny if he stabbed someone with a fork...guess who he was closest to?? it kind of looks like i was probed by aliens...but my story is just not that cool!
    -above left eyebrow - i was smashed in the head with the barrel of a cool story just an accident

    ive also had countless hairline fractures, broken ribs (that really blows) pinched nerves and whatnot..... i never really realized much your body is your history book
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I've got a lot of 'em aswell, from fighting with ESTps. I mistreat my skin/muscles, but not my bones tho.
    Milk, milk, it's good for your bones and teeth.

    No, it is not Si, it is a glass of milk from an aerial view.

    <--- After a year

    <--- After three hundred years

    <--- After a millenium

    I've got a scar on my foot from an injury I incurred when I was 8. A tree trunk ripped through it so I could see the white bone underneath.

  14. #14
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    Daniel has scars on the thumb where he cut it off when he was about 12.
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    My four front teeth are fake, from a faceplant whilst avoiding a car/skateboarding.

    Have a scar on my chin that makes it look somewhat off to one side.. I was going pretty highspeed on a bmx jumping down stairs.. until I made it to a parking lot. There was a curb I had to jump over to get back on a sidewalk, and I tried to bunny hop it while maintaining that speed. Instead, I was late and just ran into the curb, flew off the handlebars and smacked chin first. I was knocked out. The funny thing was, I woke up a split second later and I could hear a gust of wind.... it was my bike... landed right on my head and I was knocked out again. I woke up again, took the bike off, got on my knees and saw blood dripping slowly... then it just pumped out of my chin. It was at an apartment complex, and there was some little baby in diapers standing pretty close. I got up with all of this blood everywhere and the kid started crying. I remember reaching out to him all zombie like "No, its ok! I'm ok!" With this bloody hand extended towards him. He just cried even louder. Thought that was funny.

    I took a meat cleaver to my wrist (top of wrist) because I was tripppin and hated some unfinished tattoo I had there. Since it was the wrist area, everyone thought I tried to commit suicide. I was then hospitalized/put in rehab for it. :frown: All for the better though. I mean, taking a meat cleaver to your wrist is pretty insane regardless. I usually make up stories on where the scars came from though. Sharkbite is a common excuse. Kinda looks like a sharkbite scar... and that's a helluva lot less pathetic than a self inflicted wound.

    [edit] Umm, yeah.. that last story is embarassing really. I guess I'm just doing my part to prove that ESTps can, in fact, be psychotic retards.
    Last edited by Kaze; 04-13-2010 at 02:23 AM.

  16. #16
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    I have some from playing recklessly as a kid.

    I have one from sex (not knives and shit, but I had a friction burn and then a scab formed, then that got rubbed off, and then a scar formed).

    I have one on my leg when a guy in high school threw me into a table because I told him to fuck off.

    And I have one from a shell casing flying out of the chamber of a machine gun into my finger.

    So they're all pretty shit really.

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