Ethical subtype: TEACHER.

subtype, or Inert subtype


This is - internally emotional, but usually shy and reserved in expressing their feelings of people. Unobtrusive in dialogue, trying to behave according to the rules of etiquette. Touchy and vulnerable, in the soul is often experienced dramatic emotion, but constrained by outsiders and not give them the will. He finds it difficult to relax, he inwardly tense, vulnerable and very proud. He has a lot of complexes, from which he often suffers, but he tries not to show it. Externally, it is proud and inaccessible. Normally reserved, cautious, thinks everything in advance. Several unsure of himself, but patient and persevering, able to achieve their goals. It is very picky about the fact that others comply with ethical behavior, and often can not refrain from comments and advice, if he sees that people are coming in, from his point of view, is wrong. He is characterized by mood swings. Sometimes it is cold, arrogant, stubborn and demanding, the gentle, sincere, courteous, and even helpless. Lives with dignity movement clear, but smooth, sometimes stressed demonstrative. He dresses modestly and tastefully, but if he wants to, can look very impressive.


Tends to constantly analyze people and events. A lot of reflecting on moral and ethical issues. He tries to impart to others their understanding of various phenomena or the world, to help avoid mistakes in life or in specific occupations.

Prudent and cautious. Sensing the impending danger, is able to take the necessary steps to avoid it. Inclined to over-dramatize the events and warn others of potential trouble. Trying to warn relatives of people from wrong actions, may be unnecessary initiative, even seem a bit obsessive. With charming and helpful strangers, usually tries to make a good impression. Welcome, has a wide circle of friends, honest with them, but to a certain limit.

Anticipating future developments, they do not like to rush, slow in decision making varies by weighing all the "pros" and "against." Do not like being rushed. Ignore the other attempts to impose a different pace. In a conversation a lot of attention to details.

Often takes the initiative in dating and contacts. Configured correctly, friendly attitude. Needs to be sensitive, caring for, does not tolerate familiarity in communication. Self-esteem, vulnerable, long remembered injury. Respect for people, not only for their personal qualities, but also in society. He tries to understand the motives of others and to predict their future actions, to give timely advice.

In his heart a romantic, put feelings above reason. Emotional, hard to hide his feelings, but actions usually being cautious. Only careful consideration, is able to take a radical solution. After this is no longer inclined to compromise. Would rather be defeated than to renounce their beliefs, as is prone to auto-suggestion. Suspicious by nature, skeptical, critical to the actions of others. Appreciates the words but prefers concrete evidence of feelings and practical services.

Value their reputation a business person. Distrustful of unverified information. He is afraid to make mistakes and therefore responsible for the implementation of a job share with someone else prefers. The Contractor and is committed to the assigned work. He does not like to do several things at once, but when he feels that you can no longer pull, can show more energy and do a considerable amount of work for a short time.

Usually focused on the important issues on which it is difficult to draw. In the interests of business are often drawn to people with small requests and orders, fearing to lose sight of something important. Accurate in the details of all bring to the end. Tends to order and aesthetics in everyday life. Picky about his appearance, following the appearance and manners of behavior.

He could hardly give an inner balance. Because of this, it is often suppressed. Suspicious and proud. Does not like being watched, is inclined to do household chores without witnesses. Enough to self-critical, distrustful of compliments in his address, as well as painful takes criticism of his appearance and behavior.
Intuitive subtype: ARTIST.

subtype, or Contact subtype


The impression of the business, active and social person. Original and unpredictable creative person. Dresses are sometimes unusual and extravagant, and sometimes simply and modestly. Movement jerky, impulsive, but not relaxed, and a few squeezed. Sociable, curious and talkative. Quite emotional, vulnerable and impressionable. Internally, tense, experiencing frequent doubts and hesitations, because of what it is unpredictable in his actions. Sometimes it is quick-tempered and sharp. Very artistic, emotionally liberated, easy and free to express their feelings. Good sense the mood of others, and they skillfully managed. Can speak with feeling and enthusiasm, sometimes with pathos. It is ironic, critical, sometimes sarcastic and arrogant. In a good mood can become the focus of any company. Quite practical, even though he lacks self-confidence.


A good strategist, really feeling his chances, and who knows how to choose the right time for certain actions. Knows how to properly allocate the event in time. He likes to start a useful business contacts, have organizational abilities. She is not afraid to take on big business, with which it is sometimes difficult to handle because of the revaluation of its features. Assessing the general laws, is trying to highlight the main thing, but being distracted by new problems may delay the time performance of the main case.

Eloquent, a good speaker who can speak with enthusiasm, expressing various shades of feelings - of admiration and enthusiasm to the subtle irony and sarcasm. You may unconsciously fantasizing, giving his story a shade sensationalism or drama. It has a developed sense of humor, able to copy voice or mannerisms of other people. Being fairly demonstrative behavior, often located in the center of attention, knows how to win the audience. Produces a vivid impression on others. It has a strong gift of persuasion. Is able to captivate people with his idea and the story behind him.

Constant interest in people enhances social circle. In this regard, may spend a lot of time talking with people who disappoint him later. In a good mood amiable, lively, compliments, admires the ability of others, is the soul of the company. Willing to help people solve their problems. In a bad mood - thoughtful, gloomy, pessimistic, tends to seclusion. Suspicious by nature, skeptical, critical to the actions of others. Appreciates the words but prefers concrete evidence of feelings and practical services.

Under constant internal emotional stress, and therefore needs to be periodically discharge accumulated emotion. In the routine of its vitality declines. To get out of this state may make reckless actions, which are later regretted. Is inconsistent and unpredictable in their actions. Bold and decisive in emergency situations.

Often idealize a loved one and can order him to different victims. Knows how to beautifully express their feelings, stung by failure and disappointment. Independent in their judgments, and often justifies those who condemn others. Pretty categorical in his statements: believe that liberalism is not going to help bring order to society. Intolerant of evil, or defending the offended their ideas, is not considered to authorities.

Impatient, do not like to wait, it weighs uncertainty. But discipline and tight control of his oppressed, he prefers the creative freedom. She believes in unlimited human abilities and likes to show his own. Superstitious, is interested in occult sciences mysterious and unusual phenomena. A little suspicious, afraid of disease, but systematically take care of health is not able. Reluctant to say on the topics of their health and appearance. He tries to dress tastefully, the strict and elegant, the spectacular and extravagant, and sometimes even carelessly. Dislikes unnecessary things.
Original article: http://socionic.ru/index.php/2010-10...charov_podtipy