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Beta quadra sexual compatibility (Boukalov)
In the 2nd Quadra (Beta) the nature of sexual caresses is of different kind. They do not like feeble strokes, but tend to intense effect on the partner’s skin, which manifests in strong embraces, in squeezing each other. The SLE and LSI, both being sensory types, are very jealous: just the thought of the partner’s infidelity may poison their life. It is not mere accident that William Shakespeare, an EIE, colorfully described how Othello (LSI) squeezed Desdemona trying to kill her. Let us consider a real example: a married couple, students, an LSI (husband) and an EIE (wife), live in a dormitory. Since the wife is a sociable extravert, her husband is often jealous of her contacts with the neighbors. The scenes much resemble those described by Shakespeare: “Whom have you been with?” the husband asks and puts his hands onto the wife’s neck. She shrieks, and he gets scared and releases her. As for the SLE, he/she can in the moments of intercourse give accurate and decisive commands to their dual the IEI. The ‘mirror’ between SLE and LSI is burdened by complications: in order to adapt to each other, the SLE needs to control himself permanently, to stay reserved. This makes him very tired; but unless he does it, he would exhaust the LSI by his sensory function, which is absent for the EIE. An LSI expects from an EIE colorful dramatic feelings and support for his/her sensory initiatives. In the meantime, the partners may put themselves in the most unbelievable positions.

Beta quadra's erotic program (Meged)
Motto: "To endure and conquer" (also translated as "To suffer and conquer")

Types in this quadra are characterized by a desire to test the strength of their feelings. Feelings of mistrust give rise to their tendency for strong relationships with jealous and possessive sentiments. When there is a lack of trust - deep, strong, and often dramatic experiences contribute to frequent quarrels followed by successive reconciliations. Such volatile emotional states are full of contradictions. A balance is achieved through suppression and submission of partners. Their sexuality is characterized by a mood of seriousness and passion. Often, one partner will behave in the opposite way of what the other expects, resulting in contrasting behaviors and sudden, unexpected emotional effects. For types in this quadra, coercive and defensive behavioral tendencies are sexually stimulating.

Sexual behavior of the Beta subtypes (Gulenko)
LSI-Ti (Instructor)
Restrained in their expression of feelings with an aim towards clarity and definition; disposed to flatness in relations and reacts negatively to quarrels. Inclined to doubts and distrustfulness. Often show concern about their partner and provide them with pleasant gifts and trifles. Require a sensitive, delicate partner, since they are straight-line/simple in sexual contacts and sufficiently restrained in the positive and negative expression of emotions. Need an attentive, thoughtful partner, whom will not tie them to their will. Their partner should yield to their persuasions and strive to satisfy all of their requirements.

LSI-Se (Controller)
Thoughtful and initiative-taking in care, but uniform in the erotic. Know how to make compliments and establish close contact. Often emotional, quick tempered, decisive and sharp. Persistent and obstinate, know how to attain their goals by any price. Need a sexual, emotional, and romantic partner, whom does not find them boring; a flexible diplomat who knows how to discharge their emotions and is an easily appeased and forgiving person.

EIE-Fe (Educator)
Are not confident in themselves; subjected to doubts and fluctuations. Erotically do not enjoy displaying initiative. Inclined to analyze the behaviour of their partner. With those, whom they love, are sensitive and thoughtful. Tires quite quickly from routine. Internally are particularly sentimental and romantic. Aim for stable relations and display constancy in their attachments. Not likely to pardon roughness and/or incorrect behaviour. Need a serious, imperturbable, proper and self-possessed partner. This subtype commands the will to learn how to scatter human doubts.

EIE-Ni (Artist)
Inclined to idealize their object of love. Are very touchy and emotional, especially when wounded. Strongly express enthusiasm and frequently dramatize events. For them sexual reciprocity occurs in a contradictory fashion not predictable by their behaviour. While they, at one time, appear original, passionate and sexual, at another time they will express haughtiness, coldness and a tendency towards inconstancy. Their different nuances inspire strong expressions of opposing emotions. Their tendency towards jealousy and distrust leads them to accumulate emotions, which must be periodically discharged through quarrels, reconciliations, etc. Have need of a moderately emotional, thoughtful, persistent and initiative-taking partner who knows how to quiet them, encourage them, and inspire them with confidence in their feelings.

IEI-Ni (Idealist)
Act slowly, are patient and shy. Romantic, elevate themselves in feelings and dream about a great and prolonged love. Yielding in everyday demands (will try to be economically practical if their partner desires). Appear sexually timid, but their aim is for sexual harmony and the reaching of spiritual and physical perfection. Often act somewhat unsure of themselves. Require a volitional, decisive, active and energetic partner, whom possesses feelings of humor and inspiring confidence.

IEI-Fe (Diplomat)
Strongly emotional and they express their emotions easily. Are coquettish, enticing, and dress with taste. The aesthetes in relations, they value good manners. Know how to provoke their partner’s initiative. Usually remain diplomatic but sometimes become capricious, exacting and easily agitated, however they are easily appeased. Love sexual games and prolonged preparations. Need a strong, loyal, practical, sensitive and initiative-taking partner; and sufficient support in their lives.

SLE-Se (Coordinator)
Demonstrative and behave unpredictably. Are sexually daring and energetic; animated in interaction and possessing feelings of humor. Are sexual and diverse in both moods and erotic reactions. Strongly emotional, are inclined to ignore the feelings and attitudes of other people and to consider their interests. An imperious and demanding partner, but can be thoughtful and affectionate. Find it difficult to restrain jealousy. Require an attentive, loyal, and reliable partner, whom will remain utterly submissive to their initiative.

SLE-Ti (Organizer)
Tend to occupy a “wait and see attitude” as they are prone to doubt others feelings towards them. Their emotional expression may appear somewhat forced as they prefer to await the initiative of others; afterwards are tender and attentive with an aim of improving sexual techniques. Internally are sentimental; love uncommon adventures. Not quick to forget past offences. Have need of someone reasonable, flexible and diplomatic. Their partner should be affectionate, attractive, merry and optimistic.