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Thread: Beta descriptions and information

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    take a second of me sarinana's Avatar
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    nice post.
    Sincerely Yours,

    Beyond the clouds. Beyond the sun.

    The Rebel without a cause.

  3. #3
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    i thinks sles needs pains in their asses and some little manipulation, so they get scared, so they get redirected; otherwise they're gonna disrespect and bore and annoy you to death. timings and whinings; otherwise it's all gonna be just one big nein-ings.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    came across this...
    This looks as if it was taken from Socionics Demystified, the layout, rest it expanded (?)

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    Thanks for translating them. I really enjoying reading these.

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    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Thanks for bumping this, I've been moving articles to the CMS and doing this helps me find it easier.

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    Descriptions I got from (forgive me if someones already posted these...)

    The Romantic (Intuitive ethical introvert)

    1. Leading function. Temporal intuition
    Their behavior is guided by intuitive presentiment. Due to this quality, they are able to survive in very difficult circumstances, as they can quickly distinguish artificiality, insincerity, and hypocrisy. They freely disposes of both their own and other people’s time. Always acts as if they have time to spare. They put off a lot until tomorrow. They are great dreamers and have a truly romantic nature. Their fantasies are much more attractive than the real life. They believe in positive outcome and a bright future. They can calm people, instill hope in them with words about imminent changes for the better. They don’t focus on past mistakes. They have a very good feeling for new trends, new tendencies.

    2. Creative function. Emotive ethics
    They are well versed in the laws of people’s emotional life. Individuals of this type are able to ask at the right moment, when a person is in a good mood, so that it is difficult to refuse. Able to create a pleasant mood, make people have fun. Enjoy jokes and funny things in life. They like humor. Joking, fooling around, teasing their loved ones, they cheer them up. They are benevolent and gentle. They cannot tolerate quarrels between relatives. They easily agree to reconciliation, willing to be a sacrifice for the resolution of conflict. They feel anxious inside and have a lot of worries, but conceal this worries and bad mood with a soft smile.

    3. Role function. Experiential sensing
    They put a lot of effort into their appearance. They are graceful and elegant and are able to dress tastefully. They are very polite and unobtrusive. Make efforts to ensure that they fit in perfectly with the habits and tastes of other people. Sometimes they complain about their health, or if nobody takes care of them, complain about indifference of others. However, in extreme situations they can suppress the pain. They gain more confidence and strength in a comfortable environment with familiar acquaintances. In that case they allow themselves to be bossy.

    4. Valnerable function. Algorithmic logic
    Individuals of this type are not good at saving money, or keeping a strict account of their finances. They spend money on beautiful, in their opinion, but not always useful things. If they fall into financial difficulties, they know whom to ask for help. In such cases, they find what to sell last. Long-term relationships are often combined with pragmatic calculation. In some cases marriage of convenience for them is even stronger than the union of love.
    They have a poor, awkward relationship with those who try to make them work, especially to work at the pace that doesn’t suit them. They hope for leniency, indulgence, smoking breaks during heavy periods at work. They don’t like to waste time at work, unless they are having fun.

    5. Suggestive function. Volitional sensing
    They get on well with strong, determined, and self-confident people. However, they will not tolerate despotism and will be against primitive, brute force.
    They have a good understanding of how much effort each task would take.
    They use force only when they feel a physical threat to themselves or their loved ones. If they find themselves in constant stress and psychological discomfort, they start to behave rudely and in a defiant manner. They do this in order to hide their soft, compliant nature. Without strong leadership they become relaxed, even careless. It is easy to knock them off the right path, to seduce them with the promise of a pleasant experience. They are easily influenced by bad habits, can only get rid of them by forcing themselves.

    6. Mobilizing function. Structural logic
    They are in a bad mood and become confused when there is no clarity or straightforwardness in understanding a situation. Chaos, disorganization, lack of support plunge them into despair. They act with enthusiasm when it is based on a thought-out, logical, and precisely defined plan with a clear goal. They need clear explanations, diagrams and technologies. In extreme situations, they are cold-minded. Their mind works clearly, they easily make informed decisions.
    Too many rules and meticulous controls spoil their mood. Constant, firm discipline is not good for them.

    7. Observant function. Potentiality intuition
    They become anxious if time goes by, and compromises and concessions are tightened, without finding a resolution. They don’t tolerate harassment, when someone’s abilities or talents are underestimated. They live by the principle of noninterference in the internal world of the individual. Although if somebody ask them they can give valuable advice how to uncover someone’s abilities, strengths and talents. They are highly critical of their own abilities, often underestimate their own talents. They are afraid to end up superfluous. Need compliments and encouragement. They are able to select the most promising ideas from existing ones. Always looking for such an occupation which would be in line with their ideal of serving people.

    8. Demonstrative function. Relational ethics
    Their friendly attitude is reinforced by their active support and help. They can do a lot for their loved ones. They become more business-minded if they feel they are gaining the support of others. They carry out their current responsibilities stably and well, only in a team with an established system of interpersonal relationships, in a team where there are no conflicts. They believe that personal animosity and disagreements lead to the collapse of business. They do everything to make sure that business relationships are accompanied by favorable, informal contacts. They create a harmonious atmosphere in their work team. Persuading people, they manage relationships in the way, so that it turns into a profitable business opportunity for them. They successfully use acquaintances and personal charm.

    The Conqueror (Sensing logical extravert)

    1. Leading function. Volitional sensing
    Determined and persistent people, who are able to put pressure on others if the situation requires it. Individuals of this type want to succeed at any price. The more obstacles along the way, the more focused they become and proceed more actively. They are sure they are right, without doubts and hesitation. Categorical in assessments. Always have the last word. They tend to give an ultimatum: you have chosen me, now you have to obey. They respect power, hierarchy. And demand respect. They don’t like to be dependent, prefer others to depend on them. They are able to find their competitor’s weakest point. If a direct attack does not bring success, they start to attack from the rear. Prefer to act through third parties.

    2. Creative function. Structural logic
    They calculate different plans of action very well, stopping at the most logical plan for the current situation. They know how to logically substantiate and prove their point of view in an argument. They are good at solving brain teasers.
    Know how to bring people together for a specific purpose. Each has a clear place and role in their team. Confidently coordinate activities. They prefer to control only the key points, without going into detail. They are interested in the result, rather than the process. They try to explain everything simply and in a way that is clear to everyone, citing obvious examples. They capture the logic of other people’s actions well so it is only someone who is constantly changing that can beat them. In unusual, illogical situations they find themselves lost. To feel secure, they continuously collect vital information, increasing their knowledge.

    3. Role function. Potentiality intuition
    They want to have a vision, to be foresighted, and prudent. From time to time they withdraw into themselves, reflecting on the prospects of business and newly emerging opportunities. They force themselves to develop different skills till they achieve perfection that others think of as almost impossible. Always ready to prove their skills and abilities if somebody doubts their strengths and talents. Try to get a general understanding of the situation. Flexible to changes, if an idea has lost perspective. Can quickly adapt and adopt a dominant ideology. Alternatively, if necessary, they can find ways of influencing the right people to achieve their goal. They are always ready to demonstrate their erudition, fundamental knowledge to people. Not averse to act as a mentor.

    4. Valnerable function. Relational ethics
    They are cautious about making new contacts, try to get to know the person better first. It is important to them how others react to their opinion, their authority. They don’t like to praise their virtues, for them it is important that their partner sees them exactly as they are, properly understand their character and behavior, appreciate their good attitude, and truly admire their talents. Criticism of their behavior and a bad attitude from their partner really disappoints and upsets them.
    They can be impatient and stubborn. Don’t believe that platonic relationships exist. They often say that they want justice and equal rights for all. Nevertheless, they have a small circle of trusted friends. And they have good relationships with those who respect their friends and act against their enemies.
    They don’t like it when people demand personal obligations of them. However, they are always ready to help their friends with their business. When they are attached to someone, they will not let him or her go. They tend to make this person dependent on them, to “tame” him or her.

    5. Suggestive function. Temporal intuition
    They don’t feel comfortable in the situations when they are forced to wait, they don’t like uncertainty. They are happy to hear calming words and positive predictions from people who have confidence in the future. Pessimism and superstition anger them. While easy, hassle-free communication and an optimistic outlook calm and relax them.
    They tend to assign a period of time for each project to check if it is worth to continue or it’s better to discontinue this project. They don’t give a second chance.
    Over time, their character can change, they can become softer. Having suffered a number of lessons and losses that were difficult to explain, they begin to wonder about fate, may turn to religion, and to doing charity work.

    6. Mobilizing function. Emotive ethics
    They try to control their emotions. But, if they are hurt, they can show a relentless fury. At such moments, they cannot stop being angry.
    They are very venturesome. They like competition, merry company and parties, where they can relax and splash out emotions. They like to be inspired, need to be cheered up. Their emotional state depends on the emotions of people around them. They like to listen to music. Music creates a peaceful of mind. All their feelings and worries are deeply personal issues.

    7. Observant function. Experiential sensing
    They are focused on comfort and good quality of life. They aim to provide this for themselves and their loved ones. Without it, they feel unfulfilled, and unsuccessful. They are either proud of their good physical shape, or suffer if it’s not that good. Due to the life’s extremes, their health can deteriorate quickly. They get offended if someone calls them uncaring. Their appearance is usually either under- or overstated. They have strong natural instincts, especially sexual.

    8. Demonstrative function. Algorithmic logic
    Individual of this type is a good boss who knows how to do business. Practical, hard-working. They can find some benefit in every business. Usually they are not inclined to save. Thrifty only in big business. They try to reach the highest qualification in every job, to carry out work to a high quality and professionally. However, when they have a heavy workload, they will hire people to do it for them. They like to manage complex machinery in extreme situations. Like to demonstrate their skills and ability to act according to circumstances, “as is necessary”. They don’t like it when subordinates defy their explanations and instructions.

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    The Inspector (Logical sensing introvert)

    1. Leading function. Structural logic
    Individuals of this type thoroughly delve into whatever they are doing. They stubbornly and patiently collect all information they need so that they can fully control the situation. They try to present any situation, phenomenon, or event as a logical structure that reflects its essence, work principle, or existence. Anything that does not fit into their strong system, they reject as illogical. People who cannot express their thoughts logically, or people who can not focus on the main topic of conversation, going into too much details, annoy them. They prefer to regularly review and monitor the progress of the task or a project. They are even-tempered and reliable and expect the same from others. They respect hierarchy. They don’t take into account personal feelings when it comes to business. They always keep their belongings in order, everything in its place. Don’t like when someone takes without asking, or moves their belongings.

    2. Creative function. Volitional sensing
    They are hard-nosed realists: they set only achievable goals and that’s why, most of the time, they really achieve them, even if not immediately.
    If explanations and warnings do not help, they prefer to use force and pressure. They can apply further pressure on the enemy, forcing him into a corner.
    Stoics, they know how to control themselves. They endure all hardships. Force themselves to do uninteresting, but necessary things. Help those who are weak and defenseless. Look after the old and sick. Sometimes unnoticed as a lone fighter for justice.

    3. Role function. Relational ethics
    They are polite and have good manners. They can force themselves to be cheerful and sociable. They easily deal with different people, especially if it’s a short-term episodic contact. Their behavior inspires confidence in other people. They patiently listen to people who have come to them for help. They sympathize with them and demonstrate understanding. Although they do let people to get closer to them, they reject cronyism in relationships. At home with their family, they are stern. They like to moralize. They are reliable in their affections, although sometimes it happens that they have to make excruciating choice between 2 people.

    4. Valnerable function. Potentiality intuition
    They are very attached to their own worldview. They don’t make concessions or compromises. They make friends with people whose opinions coincide with their own.
    They judge people’s abilities according to their own. “If I can do it, then why can’t others?” Personal relationships replace intuition. They can rely on a well-wisher or pseudo-ally. Often underestimate or overestimate people around them, they find it difficult to understand what they can expect from another person. Have an appreciation for intellectual, creatively gifted people. They can even forgive them their selfishness and unethicalness.
    They tend to worry a lot about unclear situations and uncertainty, when they don’t have the whole picture; in these situations they try to explain things to themselves logically and are often mistaken in their conclusions.

    5. Suggestive function. Emotive ethics
    They are usually in a gloomy mood. They tend to feed off negative emotions. Passing them on to someone else make them feel relieved. For good physical condition they need frequent changes of emotion. Cannot stand the pressure of negative emotions – crying, whims, accusations. It is easier to give in than to ignore them. Internally, they are rather touchy and vulnerable, although they don’t show it, as they think that it’s their weakness.

    They like a sense of celebration around them, a manifestation of bright, full, and true feelings. They like emotional, open people that fill them with a lot of positive emotions and energy and sooth them at the same time.

    6. Mobilizing function. Temporal intuition
    It is hard for them to tolerate non-punctual people who do everything late. They live at a measured pace. They don’t like unnecessary delays and disruptions in their schedule. Try to plan things, but the more distant the perspectives, the more their plans seem illusory. Plunging into thoughts or working hard they constantly lose control over time. An unexpected, but important task that needs to be done in a short amount of time mobilize and whips them up.

    7. Observant function. Algorithmic logic
    They are very thrifty in business and purchases. Aim to save even small amounts of money. They tend to keep the old things that are not in use just in case they’ll need them. Try to get rid of extra labor needs. They are supporters of mechanization and automation. Monitor revenues rather than costs. They like to control others. If their actions seem illogical or inappropriate, they suspect that something is wrong.

    8. Demonstrative function. Experiential sensing
    They take care of their appearance. Their clothes are always smart. Tidy in the home and workplace. They are good at handwork, repairing, tinkering around with something for the home. Carry out delicate, manual operations well, especially if they are related to design. They like simple, healthy food. They are very stable and predictable in tastes and habits.

    The Mentor (Ethical intuitive extravert)

    1. Leading function. Emotive ethics
    Individuals of this type have a wide range of emotional states. Dramatic emotions quickly turn into comical ones, or compliment them. With people they don’t know, they can behave with restraint and dignity. They have the gift of emotional empathy. And experience the emotions of another person as if they were their own. An overflow of negative emotions leads to frustrations and scandals. Expressive in facial movements, gestures, gaze, intonations, easily mimicked in some way, they pump emotional stress. A good actor or orator.

    2. Creative function. Temporal intuition
    They can estimate how the situation may change over time. When they foresee an alarming situation, they prepare for it in advance, think about a fallback. They warn people about the risks they face.
    They often hesitate and have doubts. It is difficult for them to make an important decision. However, once the decision is made, they will not change their mind and will not turn back.
    They like to pick out hypocrisy and inconsistency between words and the actual behavior of people. They are usually interested in topics related to the fate and other mysterious phenomena. Sometimes they want to isolate themselves from others and to contemplate the meaning of life, past and future. They look at all problems from a global, philosophical point of view.

    3. Role function. Algorithmic logic
    They force themselves to do work that brings concrete benefits. If this is the case, they carry out quality work, they don’t like to do it again. They like to exceed expectations, developing new skills or using difficult technology. They can find it difficult to unwind. Very often they have good organizational skills. However, long-term business activity exhaust them. They like to give orders to people, but when they don’t have time to keep track of everyone, they get nervous. It’s difficult for them to work with spectators, as they don’t like being watched.

    4. Valnerable function. Experiential sensing
    They are afraid of disease and physical suffering. They find it difficult to get rid of bad habits. Pay a lot of attention to their appearance. And dresses either with emphasis on their pretentious and aristocratic side, or quite simply. Aesthetics appearance gives them much joy or grief, as they cannot always understand how to dress. They can be choosy in food and tend to combine products with vibrant flavors. However, quite on the contrary they can be quite unassuming. They assess attitudes of other individuals toward themselves according to their desire to care about them, put up with their tastes and habits. They don’t like to be touched, especially when by strangers in a crowd.

    5. Suggestive function. Structural logic
    They require well organized life and order. It affects their physical well-being. Slow, rigorous activities that require concentration make them more relaxed. They finds it beneficial to live according to a strict regime. Uncertainty, a constant change of rules and regulations damage their health, and solid footing in life. They notice the slightest deviation from the usual schedule of events. However, in their logical conclusions they are rather subjective making one sided judgments. They like to understand the logic of a system. They aim to streamline everything, to put a reasonable (in their opinion) limit, frameworks and rules.

    6. Mobilizing function. Volitional sensing
    They actively protest against violence and impoliteness. Require very courteous and attentive approach. Nothing can stop them in the heat of passion. Their own strength increases dramatically in extreme situations (panic, confusion). They behave confidently and decisively. At the same time, they are helpless against violence if they are emotionally and spiritually broken. They are resigned to their fate in such situations as being inevitable. They can be rescued from a hysterical state only by physical force or activity (sports, strong embrace). To suppress their uncontrollable emotions, they need outside help.

    7. Observant function. Relational ethics
    They are not sure about their relationships with other people and how strong they are. Individuals of this type look for permanent verbal confirmation and other evidence of feelings. Very jealous of their rivals. Good at predicting the development of a relationship over time. Can criticize other people’s morals, bad manners and behaviors. Individual of this type is either loyal and dedicated partner, or uncommitted Don Juan. Their weakness is finding trust in a relationship as they are afraid to get hurt by the one they love. They get very upset if people break their trust. They prefer to keep people at a distance. They tend to greatly underestimate other people’s opinions of them. Another possible extreme in a relationship is obsession and narcissism.

    8. Demonstrative function. Potentiality intuition
    They can demonstrate the most unexpected talents and abilities. Sometimes, they like to shock others with eccentric behavior. They like to tell others about what they have learned and share their knowledge. They really want to ensure that their efforts and achievements are praised. They know how to use other people’s abilities and talents in business, identifying to whom and what tasks to delegate. They are often good teachers and group tutors. Their personality is shaped by hard work. They want to benefit all mankind, they are not satisfied with a partial solution to the problems. Sometimes they take an uncompromising stance, even on a small or secondary issue. They look for the most complex and exciting tasks or ideas. However, they worry a lot if they are criticized because they see it as a collapse of their ideals.

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    High Priestess glam's Avatar
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    i'm going to post the full Meged & Ovcharov subtype descriptions for the Beta types. for some reason, it seems like most of the subtype descriptions currently posted out there in English don't include the full text of these particular descriptions. anyway, i think these are really good, machine translations notwithstanding

    SLE / ESTp
    Sensory subtype: COORDINATOR.

    subtype, or Inert subtype


    Ka out to be a witty man, impulsive, tayaschim a veiled threat and by no means agreeable. In fact, he is sharp, very aggressive and persistent. Can be vindictive and quite resourceful to make life their fundamentals detractors simply unbearable. Has the character of a contrasting and unpredictable. With those he loves, is very affectionate and occasionally even sentimental. It has such a sense of humor, which can easily be transformed into caustic sarcasm or irony. Talkative, charming, witty, critical and harsh, like epithets, and slang expressions. His movements are quick and springy, slightly waddling gait, knees slightly bent when walking, which gives it a cat ingratiating. Characterized by evaluating the look with a slight squint. Typically, monitors their health from time to time engaged in sports or gymnastics. He dresses expensively and tastefully. Usually produces a vivid impression of a confident, prosperous man.


    The persistent, energetic and determined man. Seeking his acts both directly and through intermediaries. He usually manages to become a winner. Knows how to manage people, they can impose their will and desire, draws useful and interesting things. Knows how to please: charming, humorous, a good conversationalist. It's a natural leader: it requires a struggle, the excitement, winning, without its vitality declines. Boredom - his mortal enemy. The lack of decent employment of forces makes it very difficult partner.

    Configured for large real purpose, but often have difficulty in choosing them. Long swings, doubts, considering. But if the choice is made, acts quickly, picking up the pace and not calming down until it succeeds. This is a very resourceful and flexible tactics. Active and energetic, in periods of expansion develops uncommon performance. He does not like unsolicited advice, preferring to make their own decisions. Maybe listen to the interlocutor, but the last word is usually reserves. Clerk does not make a tone when it pressured - strongly fighting back. In the interest of the case shows diplomatic skills, courtesy and kindness.

    It does not like it when others take the initiative, it may seem out of place: for example, something imposed or rushed - in this case can do the opposite. Very proud and touchy, but tries to hide it, considering his weakness. Do not forgive tactlessness and injustice to himself. This may cause him outbreak of aggression.

    Insightful, witty, has a critical mind. In anger, showing intolerance to others' shortcomings. Knows how to give a brief description of the man, and capacious, with ridicule in the case of the presence of strangers, "put in a puddle." Actively promotes the interests of their own, and loved ones. Undesirable people could create an unfavorable environment, but to those whom he loves, he tries to provide the necessary comfort, showing attention and care.

    Proud of their success and achieves a high estimate of his personality. Has a tendency to overestimate their own merits, which leads to arrogance and the desire to teach others. Self-confidence and lack of self-criticism did not facilitate his relationship with others. Respects people influential and respected. Forgiving of flexible, soft and defenseless, in need of assistance, especially to children. Often they provide protection and support. However, strict, even harsh at home and at work.

    Very stubborn and demanding. In personal relationships difficult to adapt to the partner, as a fairly uncompromising. Effort of will can make sense of a subordinate to reason, proud and independent. It is often unpredictable in their actions, depends on the variability of mood. Pretty unstable in hobbies, but his affection tries to keep a long time. Values ​​of the old friendship, although sentiment in the relationship usually does not show.

    Strives for a high material standard of living. He has a good aesthetic taste, gourmet, can not deny myself that gives him pleasure. Durst in sex, but suspicious of love, afraid to be deceived in their hopes, wishful thinking. Quickly get tired of the monotony: he impresses psychological game with a partner, when hope is replaced by doubt - this is an element of excitement.
    Logical subtype: ORGANIZER.

    subtype, or Contact subtype


    It leaves the impression of quiet strength and confidence. Rational and consistent in his affairs. Industrious and hardy. Typically, cool, imperturbable, and sustained, but in moments of irritation does not hide his anger, which manifests itself in his eyes and sharp, categorical gestures. At rest, polite, courteous, but keeps a person on a certain distance. His humor is sharp and rude. He is quick, suspicious glance from under his eyebrows. Type is usually severe, alert. Gait and gestures of a harmonious, smooth and clear. He dresses more uniformly and strongly, though at times surprisingly catchy or extravagant. Appreciates quality clothing, sometimes creating ensembles of a few things. In most cases, tends to stand out too. This applies to the behavior and clothing. It seems cold and inaccessible, but tries to be correct, smooth and friendly. Lives with dignity.


    Steady and sustained: trying not to lose his equanimity under all circumstances. Reserved and polite in his statements, but can sometimes flare up. Very sorry when it comes out of himself in front of strangers.

    Authoritative, serious, has a well developed sense of self-esteem. He prefers to talk about what feels competent. Uses formal or well-tested sources of information. New theories, untested practices, hypotheses and assumptions do not trust. Skeptical okkultizmu and esoteric.

    Interested in laws and regulations, is able to maintain good documentation. If you turn to him for advice, delves into the details of the case and gives specific advice.

    Reasonable, says a confident tone, convincing evidence. Very practical, does not like theories and inappropriate actions. In contact with strangers through indirect questions clarifies their position in society, communication, and the possibility of looking for land on which it can come together to solve common business interests.

    This is a man of action rather than reflection, and when the time comes to respond, he immediately focused under the changed circumstances, boldly goes to the risk, well-weighed all the chances and not losing sight of their interests.

    Enthusiastically received for a new job. He likes to act boldly, risking "on a major," prepared for this carefully and in detail.

    Rational, pragmatic, and hardworking. Very logical and practical in business. Punctual and obligatory, demanding to themselves and waiting for the same from others. Monitors the quality of everything. Do not forgive schlock and negligence. Effectiveness assesses not worth the effort, but on the final result.

    He lives by reason, it puts the above personal feelings, because of what might inadvertently offend his interlocutor, not giving any importance to this.

    Do not demonstrative, but he likes to emphasize the case for his services. Proud, if everything in life is seeking its own.

    Mobilized in advance in order to overcome future obstacles, having considered all the risks ahead of the current situation. Always a good feel for the real situation and is able to benefit from it. Knows how to properly arrange the people to do things, well-evaluate their business skills. Difficult to understand and less confidently assess the prospects of affairs and relations.

    The authoritarian and strong-willed person, but if needed, can be flexible in communication, even to go on temporary assignment for the final goal. Understands the importance of material incentives and knows how to use them, without losing their benefits. Showing kindness to others and friendliness, but in matters strictly requires unity and unanimity.

    Bored, if no use to his abilities, and if he is forced to follow through on something that he had lost interest or does not constitute for him a practical interest. Only a new experience, and frequent change of the lift of his vitality.

    Has to attract people attention and specific services. In his heart a little bit suspicious, distrustful and suspicious. Afraid of dirty tricks and treachery of those trusts. Occasionally prone to fall into pessimism and melancholy.

    Thinking about their problems, especially personal agenda, trying not to spend them in others.

    In moments of despair, in need of understanding, sympathy and consolation, but because of the distrust is often not decided to be frank. Often resorting to alcohol to relieve stress.

    Quite secretive, does not like him "climb into the soul" can avoid a direct conversation, skilfully put a person on location. Open heart can only be a very close and tested friend.

    Restraint in the expression of feelings finds a guarantee of seriousness and reliability. Proud and unobtrusive, does not know how to entertain guests, even the rare compliments to women. Experiencing difficulty in expressing their feelings. Afraid of becoming dependent, even to close friends.
    Original article:

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    IEI / INFp

    Intuitive subtype: IDEALIST.

    subtype, or Inert subtype


    Looks calm, considerate, slow, insecure man. It seems detached from reality, inert, and little adapted to life. But this impression is erroneous, as it has excellent intuition, which helps him to establish useful contacts and find support from influential people. Acts on the surrounding calming and relaxing. Outwardly serene, but at heart sentimental and tend to experience their troubles for a long time. Mimicry is more monotonous, often expresses mild surprise or full interest in the speaker. Looking dreamy, slightly tense, brilliantly. It is often sad, attentive or a little ironic. It measured, smooth, intimate and intimate. On the face of almost constant presence polite, with its half-smile of confidence. Gestures are modest, timid, nedemonstrativnye. The gait is slow, smooth.


    Gentle, considerate man. In my heart - a dreamer and a romantic. It has a shaped memory, can play experience from the past to the smallest detail. Looking back, it says all the mistakes and errors, extracts from them a lesson for the future. Thanks to a strong intuition sees near-term prospects of affairs and relations, but because of the tendency to idealize everything, they may be overestimated. At any difficulties do not lose hope in the future everything will be better than this.

    Several unsure of himself, is inclined to doubt and hesitation in the decision-making situation. He does not like to rush, could delay the solution for an indefinite period. Does not aspire to leadership, it is difficult given the organizational functions, tends more to the intellectual sphere of activity than to the production.

    We can be distracted by irrelevant stuff and do not have time to do in life more important things. He does not like stereotypes, strict orders, the need to obey the rules and regulations. In an apartment or in the workplace may allow an artistic mess. He could hardly given economy and good judgment in business, because of what might miss some big chances.

    He does not like routine and monotony tends to new experiences, interesting and unusual people. He likes to talk about the various mysterious phenomena. Willingly accepts and promotes imaginative ideas and innovative approaches, but is wary of new ventures, preferring to give the initiative a strong-willed and punching people. However, if necessary, exhibits outstanding diplomatic skills, achieving success where others retreat, straight and eager partners, not giving a value of flexibility in the relationship.

    Sensitive and attentive to people, trying to maintain smooth relations with all. Due to the absentmindedness sometimes forgets to fulfill the promises, but then did their best to make amends. At the same time, tolerant to other people's flaws and weaknesses. Do not know which of the two disputants prefer, therefore, tries to reconcile them.

    Needs to be moral, physical and material support. Respects the strong influential people. Relationships have been exhausted tears immediately, because it is very accustomed to people. Knows how to wait patiently, adapting to any environment. For the sake of good relations with family, trying to meet the demands placed on them, trying to develop the business skills, to perform work and family responsibilities.
    Ethical subtype: DIPLOMAT.

    subtype, or Contact subtype


    The impression of a soft, charming and emotional person. Usually looks enthusiastic and optimistic. It has a good sense of humor. About their problems and failures can tell with a smile. Ironic, cunning, unpredictable and inconsistent in his behavior and conversation. By creating original contrasts, may suddenly stab and just as quickly hug and kiss. Artistic, charming, neprinuzhden to communicate, sometimes with a tinge of familiarity, and familiarity. Able to bring together the distance. Courteous, polite and considerate. Sometimes it is simply fascinating, is so great like his art, and dispose of his people. Able to persuade. Communicates a request in such a way that it is difficult to deny. Movements are graceful, even theatrical. Gait graceful, fast. This emotionally rich shades, sometimes melodious.


    Emotional, charming, easily and naturally comes into contact with strangers, having to trust warmth and sincerity. Able to cheer up others, laugh unusual antics and utterances. Figuratively, with a good sense of humor tells of his experiences and what they saw. Well versed in the feelings and sentiments of the people, knows how to establish useful contacts in order to achieve their goals and find the most suitable artists conceived. His request is enveloped in a form that he can not refuse.

    He loves being the center of attention. Elegant, skillful in his ability to please, willing to make compliments to others. Each is able to find an individual approach. He loves and knows how to reconcile the dispute. It is often ironic and sarcastic, but even the bad things said in jest, as it were, with a smile. Unobtrusive to the feelings, if you do not see reciprocity - moving away.

    It is easy to light up a new idea, but can quickly lose interest in it, if it requires for its realization a lot of patience and effort. It is in need of praise and encouragement, sensitive about criticism of his work, and unnoticed by other efforts. From this it works is reduced. At the same time issued an advance praise encourages him to overcome difficulties, helps to gain confidence in themselves.

    Several suspicious and suggests, tends to show others their physical and mental suffering. Sensing the danger, their mood of anxiety passes to others. In my heart is very vulnerable and very upset by their failures. Internally contradictory, prone to abrupt mood swings from laughter to tears, and vice versa. Proves his case passionately, tips, treats only calmed down and then up to the next emotional outburst. Needs the support of strong-willed, strong, energetic man.

    Willing to share their problems with others, looking for sympathy, understanding, support. Consults with others before making important decisions, though not always this advice should be. Independent by nature, impulsive, unpredictable in their actions. Prone to impromptu and improvisation.

    In some situations, admiration and surprise surrounding his fearlessness in danger. Valyazhen and imperturbable, but this is only his tactics, allowing to make an impression on others. His serenity is valid in many infectious, can escape from everyday worries and problems.

    Graceful in his movements, shows refinement, good manners, tastefully dressed. Is clean, neat at home, has an aesthetic taste, like ornaments. Seeks to comfort. Cares about their appearance as well as close friends. Can buy extra stuff, wasteful and neekonomen not like those who skimp in the details. Does not value things like his and others'. Giving or taking them into debt, may be a long time to forget about them.
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    LSI / ISTj

    Logical subtype: INSTRUCTOR.

    subtype, or Inert subtype


    I am confident in yourself, calm, reserved, dryish, correct and impenetrable. Sometimes it seems arrogant. To the best kind, and the imperturbable bezemotsionalen. Very polite and attentive to detail, talk, loves everything to refine and clarify. Stops are not very significant for other details. Unhurried, sometimes slow. He likes to get to their questions, detailed and comprehensive information. He does not like uncertainty. Internally, very composed.

    Never loses his presence of mind and tries to cheer up those who need its support. It has a straight, motionless, gazing as though through a companion, a look, but not experiencing, but rather indifference. Movement measured, but is somewhat constrained. When walking, a little shoe shuffles. When rotated, it makes his whole body. It seems that the neck is fixed to the shoulders, does not like to turn my head.


    Careful performer. Intolerant of slackness and irresponsibility partners. Consistent in their affairs and decisions, always brings the follow through. He loves all the precision and concreteness, trusts only official sources of information. A good researcher narrow issues, delves into all the details without losing sight of the little things. Accurately maintains records, like to clarify the facts, readily inform those who turn to him for advice about any regulations and laws, which he usually knows.

    Being an administrator is able to establish a clear work, discipline and order. Uncompromising in the fact that he considers important. The case raises important than personal relationships and feelings. Management experience adheres to chain of command. Very functional, with a strong sense of duty, demanding to himself and his subordinates. Insufficiently flexible in dealing with people, bad takes into account their individual abilities. Its hard to convince him to change his point of view.

    Always tries to be smooth, reasonable, do not go to extremes, and not to succumb to illusions. To all prepared in advance, because they do not like improvisations. Afraid of change and instability. Several controversial and prone to doubt, but does not undermine their internal vibrations of the installation. Able to focus on an important choice, consistently and persistently overcoming all obstacles. Prefers to implement their knowledge into practice.

    He does not like running too advance to rush things, is able to patiently wait for the outcome of the case. A sober realist who knows how to find a way out of difficult situations. Stoic: overcoming any difficulties without complaining. Low-key and unobtrusive. Quickly get tired of dealing with people, very tolerant of solitude.

    Hidden does not like to share your experiences with outsiders. Do not show my feelings: hunger, fear and pain. He tries not to burden others with him: recourse to the help of relatives only in extreme cases. Do not trust the people giddy, as not sure of the reliability of their feelings. Tolerant of defects close. Is their reliable support. Conservative in their views and habits. Tries to stabilize any situation bravely takes everyday adversity and never lose heart.

    Modest and unpretentious in life. The main purpose of life in the work. If enthusiasm for his work, can give her the preference, neglecting their personal interests. Attentive and friendly companion who knows how to listen patiently and give good advice.
    Sensory subtype: COMPTROLLER.

    subtype, or Contact subtype


    Looks more restless in their behavior and internal emotional person. He malorazgovorchiv, but very stubborn and can come into conflict when his opinion does not count. If you misbehaved, it is too harsh and categorical in their statements.

    Reserved, cold, does not like long explanations and objections. Constantly quietly watching the actions of others, trying to help them or point out errors. Sometimes something indignant and makes observations, sometimes without words takes on the case himself or trying to help make it better. Periods of trying to fix things and then exaggerated smiles kindly. When walking, "churning out" step. The gait is very fast. Looks fit and active man. He dresses conservatively, but sometimes tends to look aesthetically pleasing, even fashionable. In a conversation trying to get closer to the other party, but without direct contact. Not inclined to affectionate treatment, even with home.


    Persistent in achieving goals. Quite quickly focused in extreme situations, showing the full force of the will, practical resourcefulness and endurance. Able to protect the interests of business in different situations, showing the energy and perseverance. Being a leader can exert pressure on subordinates, forcing them to work on the conscience, and has a tendency to "screw the nut" to give instructions in the imperative tonatsiyah Institute. Always supervise the implementation of its orders.

    As a rule, I am sure he is right, based on facts and experience. Sometimes it takes an excessive obstinacy and intractability. Do not like it when he objected to impose their will and ways of working. In my heart condemns the violation of the rules. If his arguments are not considered, can flare up and try to make everything as it should.

    Advances to all uniform requirements without taking into account individual circumstances, wary of new points of view on the subject of the dispute, as the hard changes his principles and guidelines. Prone to ill-founded suspicions. He could hardly give an inner balance. Despite this, very tough, both mentally and physically. Evaluates the work done by the difficulties that were overcome for the sake of its implementation.

    Inquisitive, collects useful information, an interest in art law and morality, but deep into the personal lives of the people does not go, except out of politeness. About their feelings and personal affairs says little.

    From time to time needs to be emotional discharge, removing the tension. Does not hide his emotions and is waiting for a response from the partner's sincerity. Poorly versed on other to itself, because it is inclined to doubt their sincerity, or, conversely, his desire to be loved can be mistaken for love.

    Tends to aesthetics in everyday life and in clothes, watches over the purity and order. Hardworking, and many assume, considering that this is what he gets better than others. Dedication to taking care of loved ones, feeling for all the response. Provides everything you need for your home, is inclined to comfort, but does not like frills. Irritable when touching his things, or doing something without his permission.

    Considers it his duty to help others in difficult moments for them, showing attention and sympathy, provides the necessary services. He was not always possible to maintain a stable good relations with others because of the intransigence and straightness in the views and opinions. His incontinence sometimes destroys the balance has been achieved previously in a relationship with partners.
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    EIE / ENFj

    Ethical subtype: TEACHER.

    subtype, or Inert subtype


    This is - internally emotional, but usually shy and reserved in expressing their feelings of people. Unobtrusive in dialogue, trying to behave according to the rules of etiquette. Touchy and vulnerable, in the soul is often experienced dramatic emotion, but constrained by outsiders and not give them the will. He finds it difficult to relax, he inwardly tense, vulnerable and very proud. He has a lot of complexes, from which he often suffers, but he tries not to show it. Externally, it is proud and inaccessible. Normally reserved, cautious, thinks everything in advance. Several unsure of himself, but patient and persevering, able to achieve their goals. It is very picky about the fact that others comply with ethical behavior, and often can not refrain from comments and advice, if he sees that people are coming in, from his point of view, is wrong. He is characterized by mood swings. Sometimes it is cold, arrogant, stubborn and demanding, the gentle, sincere, courteous, and even helpless. Lives with dignity movement clear, but smooth, sometimes stressed demonstrative. He dresses modestly and tastefully, but if he wants to, can look very impressive.


    Tends to constantly analyze people and events. A lot of reflecting on moral and ethical issues. He tries to impart to others their understanding of various phenomena or the world, to help avoid mistakes in life or in specific occupations.

    Prudent and cautious. Sensing the impending danger, is able to take the necessary steps to avoid it. Inclined to over-dramatize the events and warn others of potential trouble. Trying to warn relatives of people from wrong actions, may be unnecessary initiative, even seem a bit obsessive. With charming and helpful strangers, usually tries to make a good impression. Welcome, has a wide circle of friends, honest with them, but to a certain limit.

    Anticipating future developments, they do not like to rush, slow in decision making varies by weighing all the "pros" and "against." Do not like being rushed. Ignore the other attempts to impose a different pace. In a conversation a lot of attention to details.

    Often takes the initiative in dating and contacts. Configured correctly, friendly attitude. Needs to be sensitive, caring for, does not tolerate familiarity in communication. Self-esteem, vulnerable, long remembered injury. Respect for people, not only for their personal qualities, but also in society. He tries to understand the motives of others and to predict their future actions, to give timely advice.

    In his heart a romantic, put feelings above reason. Emotional, hard to hide his feelings, but actions usually being cautious. Only careful consideration, is able to take a radical solution. After this is no longer inclined to compromise. Would rather be defeated than to renounce their beliefs, as is prone to auto-suggestion. Suspicious by nature, skeptical, critical to the actions of others. Appreciates the words but prefers concrete evidence of feelings and practical services.

    Value their reputation a business person. Distrustful of unverified information. He is afraid to make mistakes and therefore responsible for the implementation of a job share with someone else prefers. The Contractor and is committed to the assigned work. He does not like to do several things at once, but when he feels that you can no longer pull, can show more energy and do a considerable amount of work for a short time.

    Usually focused on the important issues on which it is difficult to draw. In the interests of business are often drawn to people with small requests and orders, fearing to lose sight of something important. Accurate in the details of all bring to the end. Tends to order and aesthetics in everyday life. Picky about his appearance, following the appearance and manners of behavior.

    He could hardly give an inner balance. Because of this, it is often suppressed. Suspicious and proud. Does not like being watched, is inclined to do household chores without witnesses. Enough to self-critical, distrustful of compliments in his address, as well as painful takes criticism of his appearance and behavior.
    Intuitive subtype: ARTIST.

    subtype, or Contact subtype


    The impression of the business, active and social person. Original and unpredictable creative person. Dresses are sometimes unusual and extravagant, and sometimes simply and modestly. Movement jerky, impulsive, but not relaxed, and a few squeezed. Sociable, curious and talkative. Quite emotional, vulnerable and impressionable. Internally, tense, experiencing frequent doubts and hesitations, because of what it is unpredictable in his actions. Sometimes it is quick-tempered and sharp. Very artistic, emotionally liberated, easy and free to express their feelings. Good sense the mood of others, and they skillfully managed. Can speak with feeling and enthusiasm, sometimes with pathos. It is ironic, critical, sometimes sarcastic and arrogant. In a good mood can become the focus of any company. Quite practical, even though he lacks self-confidence.


    A good strategist, really feeling his chances, and who knows how to choose the right time for certain actions. Knows how to properly allocate the event in time. He likes to start a useful business contacts, have organizational abilities. She is not afraid to take on big business, with which it is sometimes difficult to handle because of the revaluation of its features. Assessing the general laws, is trying to highlight the main thing, but being distracted by new problems may delay the time performance of the main case.

    Eloquent, a good speaker who can speak with enthusiasm, expressing various shades of feelings - of admiration and enthusiasm to the subtle irony and sarcasm. You may unconsciously fantasizing, giving his story a shade sensationalism or drama. It has a developed sense of humor, able to copy voice or mannerisms of other people. Being fairly demonstrative behavior, often located in the center of attention, knows how to win the audience. Produces a vivid impression on others. It has a strong gift of persuasion. Is able to captivate people with his idea and the story behind him.

    Constant interest in people enhances social circle. In this regard, may spend a lot of time talking with people who disappoint him later. In a good mood amiable, lively, compliments, admires the ability of others, is the soul of the company. Willing to help people solve their problems. In a bad mood - thoughtful, gloomy, pessimistic, tends to seclusion. Suspicious by nature, skeptical, critical to the actions of others. Appreciates the words but prefers concrete evidence of feelings and practical services.

    Under constant internal emotional stress, and therefore needs to be periodically discharge accumulated emotion. In the routine of its vitality declines. To get out of this state may make reckless actions, which are later regretted. Is inconsistent and unpredictable in their actions. Bold and decisive in emergency situations.

    Often idealize a loved one and can order him to different victims. Knows how to beautifully express their feelings, stung by failure and disappointment. Independent in their judgments, and often justifies those who condemn others. Pretty categorical in his statements: believe that liberalism is not going to help bring order to society. Intolerant of evil, or defending the offended their ideas, is not considered to authorities.

    Impatient, do not like to wait, it weighs uncertainty. But discipline and tight control of his oppressed, he prefers the creative freedom. She believes in unlimited human abilities and likes to show his own. Superstitious, is interested in occult sciences mysterious and unusual phenomena. A little suspicious, afraid of disease, but systematically take care of health is not able. Reluctant to say on the topics of their health and appearance. He tries to dress tastefully, the strict and elegant, the spectacular and extravagant, and sometimes even carelessly. Dislikes unnecessary things.
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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    God I know some people still type me differently but that Ni subtype EIE description emphasizes pretty much all of my most distinctive personality traits, good and bad.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    @Gilly, well not me I had already pegged you as Ni-subtype before you said anything.

    Assuming we all have subtypes.. It's pretty clear that I'm Fe subtype, I can see how the traits manifest in me now. When I first read the descriptions I leaned more toward accepting because the fe-sub sounded too, too jokey and extroverted. but I know more IEI-Nis irl I can clearly tell us apart. I also prefer and am attracted to Ti-SLEs and Ti-LSIs alot more.. the interaction is better.

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    Default Overview of the Beta types (names, small groups, dichotomies, intertype relations)

    Logical Sensory Introvert (LSI, ISTj)
    Model A

    Names LSI, ISTj, , TiSe, LF, Inspector, Pragmatist, Structurist, Maxim Gorky
    Subtypes LSI-Ti (Instructor), LSI-Se (Controller)
    Mood Tough, serious, decisive, tough-minded, disciplined, controlling, firm, resolute; mistrustful; stand their ground
    Quadra Beta
    Club Pragmatists (ST)
    Temperament Balanced-stable (IJ)
    Communication Style Cold-blooded
    Erotic Attitude Aggressor
    Cognitive Form Causal-Deterministic
    Dichotomies Introverted, Sensing, Logical, Rational, Static, Obstinate, Aristocratic, Tactical, Emotivist, Carefree, Merry, Decisive, Positivist, Process, Declaring
    Intertype Relations Dual (EIE), Identical (LSI), Mirror (SLE), Activator (IEI), Kindred (LII), Semi-dual (ESE), Illusionary (LIE), Business (ESI), Contrary (LSE), Superego (EII), Quasi-identical (SLI), Conflictor (IEE), Supervisor (ILE), Supervisee (SEE), Benefactor (SEI), Beneficiary (ILI)

    Ethical Intuitive Extravert (EIE, ENFj)

    Model A

    Names EIE, ENFj, , FeNi, ET, Mentor, Actor, Performer, Hamlet
    Subtypes EIE-Fe (Educator), EIE-Ni (Artist)
    Mood Dramatism, restraint, alarm; purposeful emotions and purposeful involvement
    Quadra Beta
    Club Humanitarians (NF)
    Temperament Linear-assertive (EJ)
    Communication Style Passionate
    Erotic Attitude Victim
    Cognitive Form Dialectical-Algorithmic
    Dichotomies Extroverted, Intuitive, Ethical, Rational, Dynamic, Obstinate, Aristocratic, Strategic, Constructivist, Carefree, Merry, Decisive, Negativist, Process, Asking
    Intertype Relations Dual (LSI), Identical (EIE), Mirror (IEI), Activator (SLE), Kindred (ESE), Semi-dual (LII), Illusionary (ESI), Business (LIE), Contrary (EII), Superego (LSE), Quasi-identical (IEE), Conflictor (SLI), Supervisor (SEI), Supervisee (ILI), Benefactor (ILE), Beneficiary (SEE)

    Intuitive Ethical Introvert (IEI, INFp)

    Model A

    Names IEI, INFp, , NiFe, TE, Lyricist, Romantic, Tutankhamun,Yesenin
    Subtypes IEI-Ni (Idealist), IEI-Fe (Diplomat)
    Mood Wacky, goofy, dreamy, zany; interested in people's inner experiences and where people are going with their emotional life; mix of joy and melancholy
    Quadra Beta
    Club Humanitarians (NF)
    Temperament Receptive-adaptive (IP)
    Communication Style Sincere
    Erotic Attitude Victim
    Cognitive Form Vortical-Synergetic
    Dichotomies Introverted, Intuitive, Ethical, Irrational, Dynamic, Yielding, Aristocratic, Tactical, Emotivist, Farsighted, Merry, Decisive, Positivist, Result, Asking
    Intertype Relations Dual (SLE), Identical (IEI), Mirror (EIE), Activator (LSI), Kindred (ILI), Semi-dual (SEE), Illusionary (ILE), Business (SEI), Contrary (IEE), Superego (SLI), Quasi-identical (EII), Conflictor (LSE), Supervisor (LIE), Supervisee (ESE), Benefactor (ESI), Beneficiary (LII)

    Sensory Logical Extravert (SLE, ESTp)

    Model A

    Names SLE, ESTp, , SeTi, FL, Conqueror, Commander, Marshal, Legionnaire, Zhukov
    Subtypes SLE-Se (Coordinator), SLE-Ti (Organizer)
    Mood Forceful; demanding of others; go-getters; not easily intimidated; ready for confrontation
    Quadra Beta
    Club Pragmatists (ST)
    Temperament Flexible-maneuvering (EP)
    Communication Style Businesslike
    Erotic Attitude Aggressor
    Cognitive Form Holographical-Panoramic
    Dichotomies Extroverted, Sensing, Logical, Irrational, Static, Yielding, Aristocratic, Strategic, Constructivist, Farsighted, Merry, Decisive, Negativist, Result, Declaring
    Intertype Relations Dual (IEI), Identical (SLE), Mirror (LSI), Activator (EIE), Kindred (SEE), Semi-dual (ILI), Illusionary (SEI), Business (ILE), Contrary (SLI), Superego (IEE), Quasi-identical (LSE), Conflictor (EII), Supervisor (ESI), Supervisee (LII), Benefactor (LIE), Beneficiary (ESE)

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    Default Beta quadra romantic & sexual behavior

    reposted from

    Beta quadra sexual compatibility (Boukalov)
    In the 2nd Quadra (Beta) the nature of sexual caresses is of different kind. They do not like feeble strokes, but tend to intense effect on the partner’s skin, which manifests in strong embraces, in squeezing each other. The SLE and LSI, both being sensory types, are very jealous: just the thought of the partner’s infidelity may poison their life. It is not mere accident that William Shakespeare, an EIE, colorfully described how Othello (LSI) squeezed Desdemona trying to kill her. Let us consider a real example: a married couple, students, an LSI (husband) and an EIE (wife), live in a dormitory. Since the wife is a sociable extravert, her husband is often jealous of her contacts with the neighbors. The scenes much resemble those described by Shakespeare: “Whom have you been with?” the husband asks and puts his hands onto the wife’s neck. She shrieks, and he gets scared and releases her. As for the SLE, he/she can in the moments of intercourse give accurate and decisive commands to their dual the IEI. The ‘mirror’ between SLE and LSI is burdened by complications: in order to adapt to each other, the SLE needs to control himself permanently, to stay reserved. This makes him very tired; but unless he does it, he would exhaust the LSI by his sensory function, which is absent for the EIE. An LSI expects from an EIE colorful dramatic feelings and support for his/her sensory initiatives. In the meantime, the partners may put themselves in the most unbelievable positions.

    Beta quadra's erotic program (Meged)
    Motto: "To endure and conquer" (also translated as "To suffer and conquer")

    Types in this quadra are characterized by a desire to test the strength of their feelings. Feelings of mistrust give rise to their tendency for strong relationships with jealous and possessive sentiments. When there is a lack of trust - deep, strong, and often dramatic experiences contribute to frequent quarrels followed by successive reconciliations. Such volatile emotional states are full of contradictions. A balance is achieved through suppression and submission of partners. Their sexuality is characterized by a mood of seriousness and passion. Often, one partner will behave in the opposite way of what the other expects, resulting in contrasting behaviors and sudden, unexpected emotional effects. For types in this quadra, coercive and defensive behavioral tendencies are sexually stimulating.

    Sexual behavior of the Beta subtypes (Gulenko)
    LSI-Ti (Instructor)
    Restrained in their expression of feelings with an aim towards clarity and definition; disposed to flatness in relations and reacts negatively to quarrels. Inclined to doubts and distrustfulness. Often show concern about their partner and provide them with pleasant gifts and trifles. Require a sensitive, delicate partner, since they are straight-line/simple in sexual contacts and sufficiently restrained in the positive and negative expression of emotions. Need an attentive, thoughtful partner, whom will not tie them to their will. Their partner should yield to their persuasions and strive to satisfy all of their requirements.

    LSI-Se (Controller)
    Thoughtful and initiative-taking in care, but uniform in the erotic. Know how to make compliments and establish close contact. Often emotional, quick tempered, decisive and sharp. Persistent and obstinate, know how to attain their goals by any price. Need a sexual, emotional, and romantic partner, whom does not find them boring; a flexible diplomat who knows how to discharge their emotions and is an easily appeased and forgiving person.

    EIE-Fe (Educator)
    Are not confident in themselves; subjected to doubts and fluctuations. Erotically do not enjoy displaying initiative. Inclined to analyze the behaviour of their partner. With those, whom they love, are sensitive and thoughtful. Tires quite quickly from routine. Internally are particularly sentimental and romantic. Aim for stable relations and display constancy in their attachments. Not likely to pardon roughness and/or incorrect behaviour. Need a serious, imperturbable, proper and self-possessed partner. This subtype commands the will to learn how to scatter human doubts.

    EIE-Ni (Artist)
    Inclined to idealize their object of love. Are very touchy and emotional, especially when wounded. Strongly express enthusiasm and frequently dramatize events. For them sexual reciprocity occurs in a contradictory fashion not predictable by their behaviour. While they, at one time, appear original, passionate and sexual, at another time they will express haughtiness, coldness and a tendency towards inconstancy. Their different nuances inspire strong expressions of opposing emotions. Their tendency towards jealousy and distrust leads them to accumulate emotions, which must be periodically discharged through quarrels, reconciliations, etc. Have need of a moderately emotional, thoughtful, persistent and initiative-taking partner who knows how to quiet them, encourage them, and inspire them with confidence in their feelings.

    IEI-Ni (Idealist)
    Act slowly, are patient and shy. Romantic, elevate themselves in feelings and dream about a great and prolonged love. Yielding in everyday demands (will try to be economically practical if their partner desires). Appear sexually timid, but their aim is for sexual harmony and the reaching of spiritual and physical perfection. Often act somewhat unsure of themselves. Require a volitional, decisive, active and energetic partner, whom possesses feelings of humor and inspiring confidence.

    IEI-Fe (Diplomat)
    Strongly emotional and they express their emotions easily. Are coquettish, enticing, and dress with taste. The aesthetes in relations, they value good manners. Know how to provoke their partner’s initiative. Usually remain diplomatic but sometimes become capricious, exacting and easily agitated, however they are easily appeased. Love sexual games and prolonged preparations. Need a strong, loyal, practical, sensitive and initiative-taking partner; and sufficient support in their lives.

    SLE-Se (Coordinator)
    Demonstrative and behave unpredictably. Are sexually daring and energetic; animated in interaction and possessing feelings of humor. Are sexual and diverse in both moods and erotic reactions. Strongly emotional, are inclined to ignore the feelings and attitudes of other people and to consider their interests. An imperious and demanding partner, but can be thoughtful and affectionate. Find it difficult to restrain jealousy. Require an attentive, loyal, and reliable partner, whom will remain utterly submissive to their initiative.

    SLE-Ti (Organizer)
    Tend to occupy a “wait and see attitude” as they are prone to doubt others feelings towards them. Their emotional expression may appear somewhat forced as they prefer to await the initiative of others; afterwards are tender and attentive with an aim of improving sexual techniques. Internally are sentimental; love uncommon adventures. Not quick to forget past offences. Have need of someone reasonable, flexible and diplomatic. Their partner should be affectionate, attractive, merry and optimistic.

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    i like the idea of this thread (having a bunch of Beta information in one place for reference), so i wanted to revive it a bit. added some info pulled from articles on the CMS, as well as a list of the thread contents to the OP.

  18. #18
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    I relate most tho this, especially the bolded:

    Creative Subtype
    Inspector — Rescuer

    Prototypes: Firefighters and emergency services staff, lone inventors
    who create complex mechanisms from improvised materials, competent
    instructors of complex activities

    This subtype is inclined to humor people, knowing how to improvise,
    give compliments
    and entertain publicly. She is able to captivate listeners
    by providing exciting information with humor and an emotive manner
    however, when she falls into disputes, she can become violent and
    . Her playful threats can escalate into real action.
    She is able to exert pressure on others in the interests of business,
    forcing them to work on a task
    while at the same time resorting to
    authoritarian methods. Greatly mobilized in dire situations, she shows a
    natural wit and ingenuity
    . She possesses the qualities of a rescuer in an
    She is curious and loves books and other sources of information, which
    she accumulates if deemed useful. She shows interest in a wide range of
    topics and is fascinated by technical novelties, as well as humanitarian
    ones, such as psychological methods for personal growth.

    She is a master of practical training. She dislikes long explanations for
    what she views as simple facts
    . Often an inventor, she may collect parts in
    her yard for original constructions and creations
    This LSI ardently resists any attempt to subjugate her to any rules. She
    is pretty clever and cunning, resorting to little tricks as well as complex
    . She may overlook others. Not all she does is what has been

    She makes a fierce defense against encroachments on her territory. She
    cannot tolerate people touching her things. If her arguments are ignored,
    she can easily lose her cool
    . She estimates work output based on the
    difficulties she has previously experienced in the course of

    She reflects on psychological problems a lot and is eagerly interested in
    the relations between people, even though her personal life says little
    . She
    needs a periodic emotional discharge to release internal stress. She is
    inclined to provoke others in various ways in order to determine their true
    This subtype takes good care of the ladies (men) or gladly accepts
    courtship (women). Despite her sociability and curiosity, breaks must be
    taken from communication, and she avoids useless amusement. When
    alone, her high spirits are nonexistent.

    @Northstar maybe I'm just an unhealthy LSI-C. It seemed weird that I dislike being subject to rules and regulation, but for LSI-C that certainly is normal.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    maybe I'm just an unhealthy LSI-C. It seemed weird that I dislike being subject to rules and regulation, but for LSI-C that certainly is normal.
    Yeah, that would be the "initiating" dichotomy that is shared between C and H subtypes. The more irrational ones, that aren't very interested in regulating the behavior or others and especially don't tolerate their behavior being regulated by others.
    This was the only subtype of LSI I could relate to when I considered that type for myself. The first and last paragraphs imply the "contacting" dichotomy, which is the part that distinguishes between H and C. Being more contacting and proactive would make the transition from H to C.

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    Almost everything about the IEI-Ni type fits for me.

    Communication Style: Sincere. Yup.
    Tactical: Yes. Definitely Tactical > Strategic.
    Erotic Attitude: Victim. (Yes)
    Thinking Style: Vortical What the fuck. I don't know what that means. It's too T type for me but I'm sure I fit it.

    "Wacky, goofy, dreamy, zany; interested in people's inner experiences and where people are going with their emotional life; mix of joy and melancholy"

    The bolded part was only thing that stood out to me as possibly being kind of wrong (for me) because I honestly think that I don't do this. I don't care about your inner experiences. I'll have enough inner experience for the both of us. I just want your dick to be big.

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    I work with an LSI-C and his focus on rules is really weird. sometimes he will pedantically demand that you do things in a certain way, other times he doesn't care at all what you do. he's also not as demanding towards women he likes. he hates it when younger people treat him in a casual way, when he doesn't feel respected, but I guess that's a beta trait in general. I remember that we both nearly ended up in a physical fight a while ago because I couldn't stand his arrogant way of talking to me (he's older than me) but he actually apologized for it the next day surprisingly. you can see the C-subtype when we are in a stressful situation because he will just abandon his rules and become more flexible to get things done while N subs will just follow the protocol.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    C sub for LSI is unstable since it elevates Se and Fe and obscures the Ne PoLR which makes them more prone to unexpected explosions. They wouldn’t think of themselves as rigid and rule following but in actuality, they’re the ones more likely to blow up when things don’t go accordingly to protocol. They’re just not adamant or patient enough to teach the protocol unlike LSI-N. It’s an odd case of an IJ with EP temperament.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolita View Post
    C sub for LSI is unstable since it elevates Se and Fe and obscures the Ne PoLR which makes them more prone to unexpected explosions. They wouldn’t think of themselves as rigid and rule following but in actuality, they’re the ones more likely to blow up when things don’t go accordingly to protocol. They’re just not adamant or patient enough to teach the protocol unlike LSI-N. It’s an odd case of an IJ with EP temperament.
    in every possible way I'm a sterotypical MBTI ISTP minus that of being an adrenaline junkie. Even my Holland code is realistic, which again reflects the same sterotype of the auto mechanic or tinkerer.. which is basically what I like to do: use tools, knowledge and skill to do things.

    I score extremely low on conventional in the Holland code and it's description is that of a organized and precise person who likes rules and administration. I absolutely loathe bureaucracy or dealing with protocol and prefer it someone else deals with that for me.
    In contrast to dealing with people, which is stressful, dealing with rules and administration is just super boring and annoying.. I just don't care for it lol. It makes me fall asleep.
    Last edited by SGF; 02-25-2021 at 08:27 AM.

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    Beta ST like creating the rules but don’t implement nor want to follow it. It’s due to the preference for Ti (structural order) over Te (implementation of order). So while LSI defines their order (Ti), they often object to following the external codes of order (ignoring/control Te). They supervise SEE who actually wants and supports external order (mob/launcher Te), but don’t clearly define their own order (PoLR/brake Ti). To show that you’re weak or vulnerable with Ti is to show an internal inconsistency, someone who doesn’t live their life in an orderly or methodical way, whose principles are inconsistent. At its default, Ti compounds into routine, hence, consistency and order. Ti isn't “figuring things out.” It’s about the constraints of what one already accepts, the rigidity of logical concepts that cannot be changed.

    It just so happens that I do have developed Ti so my PoLR is obscured, much like C sub for LSI. Development of Ne PoLR for LSI is less rigidity than default LSI and a little more unpredictable. Development of Ti PoLR for SEE is more restraint and less impulsiveness than default SEE. This doesn’t mean that LSI-C is unpredictable and wild like SEE, but just for LSI. And it doesn’t mean since I’m SEE-N that I’m predictable as LSI, just more predictable for an SEE.

    BTW Bureaucracy itself is a theoretical Ti structure, Beta hierarchical to be exact. But the implementation and real life execution of bureaucracy is actually Te.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolita View Post
    Beta ST like creating the rules but don’t implement nor want to follow it. It’s due to the preference for Ti (structural order) over Te (implementation of order). So while LSI defines their order (Ti), they often object to following the external codes of order (ignoring/control Te). They supervise SEE who actually wants and supports external order (mob/launcher Te), but don’t clearly define their own order (PoLR/brake Ti). To show that you’re weak or vulnerable with Ti is to show an internal inconsistency, someone who doesn’t live their life in an orderly or methodical way, whose principles are inconsistent. At its default, Ti compounds into routine, hence, consistency and order. Ti isn't “figuring things out.” It’s about the constraints of what one already accepts, the rigidity of logical concepts that cannot be changed.

    It just so happens that I do have developed Ti so my PoLR is obscured, much like C sub for LSI. Development of Ne PoLR for LSI is less rigidity than default LSI and a little more unpredictable. Development of Ti PoLR for SEE is more restraint and less impulsiveness than default SEE. This doesn’t mean that LSI-C is unpredictable and wild like SEE, but just for LSI. And it doesn’t mean since I’m SEE-N that I’m predictable as LSI, just more predictable for an SEE.

    BTW Bureaucracy itself is a theoretical Ti structure, Beta hierarchical to be exact. But the implementation and real life execution of bureaucracy is actually Te.
    For me its how things work, how they are connected into a working system, or the logic and patterns behind reality: logos / reason. I don't make rules and regulation, don't enforce rules or regulation and generally am like Northstar in this regard: I don't care for that aspect and find it annoying. Its more like I come up with or find and create or just use classifications & systems to explain reality.. sometimes thats science, sometimes its Plato's republic or Kant's transcendental idealism lol, sometimes its how a car works or a information network, the mind.

    ..what makes sense kind of enforces itself tbh..

    Arbitrary rules about what is allowed or not, especially if nonsensical or if I simply disagree.. get on my nerves tbh. Bureaucracy is cancer.

    Definition of Ti: Introverted logic is an introverted, rational, and static information element. It is also called Ti, L, structural logic, or white logic. Ti is generally associated with the ability to recognize logical consistency and correctness, generate and apply classifications and systems, organize systematic and conceptual understanding, see logical connections between things (including logical similarities, differences, and correlations) by means of instinctive feelings of validity, symmetry, and even beauty. It is like common sense, in that it builds on one's expectations of reality, through a somewhat personal, though explicable, understanding of general truths and how they are manifested.

    Last edited by SGF; 02-26-2021 at 05:38 AM.

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    Yes, on the intellectual level of Ti it’s logical patterns. But I was mainly talking about how Ti manifests on the physical level as order and routine. Beta STs have a disregard for applied logic due to rejection of Te.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolita View Post
    Yes, on the intellectual level of Ti it’s logical patterns. But I was mainly talking about how Ti manifests on the physical level as order and routine. Beta STs have a disregard for applied logic due to rejection of Te.
    I'm disorganized however. Routine is in place tho.

    It can be simple common sense stuff tho like at work the heating system is almost always on because the boss had the thermostat moved to the small hallway with no radiators where people constantly come and go, opening the door to the outside. She then complains that its too hot... e_e and I explain to her why the thermostat is supposed to be in the office if she wants to regulate the temperature.. but she just casually discards the logic and does nothing with it. She so fucking retarded.

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    You may call it as “common sense” but your Ti vs another person’s Ti will play out differently. She may have different reasons for not wanting the thermostat in the office. Ti on intellectual level is also multi-angle thinking. What you’ve determined to be logical order isn’t the same as her logical order.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolita View Post
    You may call it as “common sense” but your Ti vs another person’s Ti will play out differently. She may have different reasons for not wanting the thermostat in the office. Ti on intellectual level is also multi-angle thinking. What you’ve determined to be logical order isn’t the same as her logical order.
    Whatever reasons she has they are stupid and make no sense. How the heating system works is not up for debate lol. She is the kind of SJ tho who likes to make and enforce arbitrary normative rules and regulation aka what one should and ought to do. She usually gets outraged and is a stereotypical moralizing type 1 who fails to pick up on the group emotional atmosphere and gets blind-sided by other people's attitudes towards her. ^^' she once sent someone to take the bones they bought for the dogs back, because they were a few cents too expensive and in principle they should learn to follow her instructions to the letter and buy the bones exactly from where she told them to.

    This was yet another thing I thought was kind of weird, who cares about dog food being slightly more expensive or about her authority.
    Last edited by SGF; 02-26-2021 at 06:32 AM.

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    you’re still annoyed by the dog food costs. Sounds like Control Te- getting stingy to maintain order.

    She actually sounds like LSI because it’s her Ti that’s higher on the employment hierarchy therefore, it’s her normative rules that must be obeyed. You may think it’s stupid because you don’t agree, but oh well. That’s hierarchy. She treats people according to their role as it makes sense to her structural logic.

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    not LSI specific.. but I highly relate to almost anything MBTI ISTP related.. bizzare levels of this type being a near perfect describer of how I am.. so weird..

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    Ni - The Force
    : We shall see all.

    Fe: We shall be all to all.
    Si: We shall not brush our hair or wash the dishes. Only when we feel like it.
    Te: We shall challenge your dowdy conventional ways--taxes don't really need to be filed!
    Se: We shall go forth and conquer. Maybe.
    Ti: We shall know all. Or atleast, we try.
    Ne: We think opportunities are "okay" but the all-knowing Ni rules supreme.
    Fi: We think saying please and thankyou is "okay" but your manipulative backstabbing is "bullshit."

    The perfect balance between concise, accurate, and informative

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    LSI IMs using Joseph Stalin Quotes:


    “We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?”

    “This creature softened my heart of stone. She died and with her died my last warm feelings for humanity.”

    “When there's a person, there's a problem. When there's no person, there's no problem.

    “Take some exercise, try to recover the look of a human being.”
    Bound upon me, rush upon me, I will overcome you by enduring your onset: whatever strikes against that which is firm and unconquerable merely injures itself by its own violence. Wherefore, seek some soft and yielding object to pierce with your darts.


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