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Thread: DCNH Forum Member Typings

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  1. #1
    not gonna be around as much anymore
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    Default DCNH subtype for me-- wdyt?

    I think I'm a D. It was Slacker, I think, who first suggested it a while back, and I've been considering it ever since and it seems more right than anything else.

    A few tip-offs:

    I'm not naturally inclined to be a leader in most things. But, when I do assume a leadership position in something important to me, I have little problem taking and asserting control-- at least until things seem to be going smoothly enough without my direct guidance. But if I'm at all worried about where something is headed, or what people might do with my ideas or methods when I'm not around, I really struggle to hold myself back and not micromanage every step of the process.

    I admit, I can be pretty anal about some things. When it comes to my kitchen, especially, I have a hard time letting anyone else-- including my husband-- take responsibility for what goes on in there. The dishes have to be washed a certain way. Food has to be stored a certain way... My kitchen counter is often covered in dirty dishes waiting to be washed, because I perfer that over having a full sink (no dishwasher, and only one sink for washing; the other sink has the dish drainer over it). And heaven help the person who sets a glass in my sink; I've had far too many glasses get broken that way.

    Jsut about the only housekeeping chores I really feel comfortable letting my husband do are the vacuuming, tidying up, and maybe the bathroom. And it's not that he's incompetent to do other things (he lived as a capable bachelor for several years before he married me). The issue lies with me, not with him. It just so happens that I've taken the housekeeping upon myself-- it's my job. And when I own a job, I own it. Even when I slack in my duties, I'd rather they not get done at all, than have someone else come in and do my job for me.

    When I'm stressed out, I get really overly emotional. Just about the only time I am emotional is when I'm stressed. I watch videos of myself as a young child, and I notice it even then. When things aren't going my way, or at least in a way that I am comfortable with, I'm going to make everyone else aware of it. And I know that makes me sound like a spoiled brat or something, but really the majority of the time I am calm and rational and selfless enough. And in public, I work a lot harder at keeping my emotions in check. I even kept my emotions hidden from my parents growing up; I feel much more comfortable letting loose around my husband, though.

    I enjoy performing.
    Last edited by pianosinger; 04-30-2011 at 11:39 AM.
    My life's work (haha):
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  2. #2
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    What's your E-type ?

  3. #3
    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    I think it's very important to also check it relatively. Comparing yourself with other IEEs. Isn't Rick N-IEE? He has posted videos of himself.

  4. #4
    not gonna be around as much anymore
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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    What's your E-type ?
    For a while I was going with 6w7, but I'm really not very positive.
    My life's work (haha):
    Input, PLEASEAnd thank you

  5. #5
    not gonna be around as much anymore
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    Well, I hate to say it, but... I guess you can't be the subtype you're claiming to be right now. You wrote that: "Sociotype: D-Ne-IEE" below your avatar and I think "Ne" means you're the Ne subtype in the 2-subtype system, right? If so, it doesn't work since "D" is a rational subtype (strengthening either Fe or Te) and Ne is irrational. All subtype systems are connected and you can't be an irrational sub in one instance and a rational one in another.
    Well, the "Ne" is from the 2-subtype system. I guess I haven't read anywhere talking about rational subtypes vs. rational ones...I just thought the 2-subtype system meant you were either Base function subtype or Creative function subtype...

    Where is it stated that subtypes are all based on rationality vs. irrationality? Couldn't they just as easily be based on some other dichotomy? Like Bold vs. Cautious?

    Not trying to be difficult; but I would appreciate some sources if it's not too much trouble.
    This is the hierarchy of the subtype systems. I've seen it posted in another thread and I've already reposted it several times here and there because it's quite useful. It can be applied to every type in this form: (order: Base type - 2 subs - 4 subs DCNH - 8 subs IE - 16 subs dual type) I don't claim that 8+ subtypes are reasonable, this is just how they are organized.

    .................................................. ENFp -ENTj
    .................................................. ENFp -ESTj
    ................... D-ENFp
    .................................................. ENFp -ENFj
    .................................................. ENFp-ESFj
    ........ Fi-ENFp
    .................................................. ENFp-INTj
    .................................................. ENFp-ISTj
    ................... N-ENFp
    .................................................. ENFp-INFj
    .................................................. ENFp-ISFj
    ENFp -
    .................................................. ENFp-ENTp
    .................................................. ENFp-ENFp
    ................... C-ENFp
    .................................................. ENFp-ESTp
    .................................................. ENFp-ESFp
    ........ Ne-ENFp
    .................................................. ENFp-INTp
    .................................................. ENFp-INFp
    ................... H-ENFp
    .................................................. ENFp-ISTp
    .................................................. ENFp-ISFp

    As you can see, there is a rational/irrational divide within the accepting/producing subtype system. Basically, you have to choose one possibility in each step from left to right. For example: ENFp -> Ne-ENFp -> H-ENFp -> Ni-ENFp -> ENFp-INTp ect.
    Okay. But my question is still not satisfiably answered: WHY is it all divided along the rationality/irrationality line? Rather than, say, extroversion/introversion, or accepting/producing, or something else? Who decided to order the subtypes this way? And why?

    Anyway, if what you say is true, then maybe I'm more certain of being a D than I am of being Ne-subtype...
    My life's work (haha):
    Input, PLEASEAnd thank you

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